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Homework and Test Policy

Mr. Schmidtberger

Homework policy
1. All homework must be turned in on the day it is due at the beginning of class. Any late
work will result in a 50% lost. To define late: any submission after your teacher calls
for it.
2. Readings must be done completed by the assigned date, as there will be a class
discussion on the each reading, which is will be graded.
3. Generally speaking, no homework will be due on Monday. Sunday is the Lord’s Day. A
day specially created for our well being through rest, relaxation, and ceasing from life’s
hectic storms. If an assignment is due on a Monday, it will be at the discretion of the
4. If a student misses a day of school, for whatever reason, he/she are responsible for
getting the homework assignment from me and must turn it on the day it is due.

Testing policy
1. Quizzes are a combination of true and false, matching, fill in the blank questions, testing
with respect to a the student’s vocabulary, and other types of questions as needed.
2. Tests are a combination of short answer, fill in the blank, and short essay questions.
3. Students are able to make up tests if they have an excused absence, and must do so
on the next day they come back to school.

Grading Policy

Grading Scale (refer to the student handbook)

1. Classroom participation grade 20%

2. Papers and Projects 30%
3. Quizzes 20%
4. Tests 30%

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