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ApSc 151 ApSc 151

Applied Science 151 - Definition of Projections

Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics
● A projection is a rendering of a 3-d object onto a flat
● A projection involves collapsing the 3-d object into
a 2-d shape in the direction normal to the projection
Orthographic Sketching

ApSc 151 ApSc 151

Relationship between Views Relationship (cont'd)

● A set of orthographic projections is a collection of ● Corresponding points between the front and
parallel projections onto mutually-perpendicular right-hand side views are aligned
planes. horizontally.
● The arrangement of projections on a page is
governed by convention. In North America, “third
● Horizontal distances measured in the right-
angle projection” is used. hand view correspond to vertical distances
measured in the top view.
● The view from the right-hand side of the object is
placed to the right of the front view and the view
from the top of the object is placed above the front
● Corresponding points in the top and front view are
aligned vertically
ApSc 151 ApSc 151

Sample Types of Lines

● Orthographic projections, but not isometric
projections, show
● Visible
● Hidden
● Centerline
● Hidden lines show edges, the same as visible lines
except that the line would not normally be seen
because of another part of the object.
● Centerlines show the centers of circles and the
axes of symmetry of cylinders

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