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Solution to a (possible) Fuel Consumption problem

- In case you use the "GP4-2009 Physics & Torques, Version 2.0" it is possible (
depending on the magic data of the track you use) that in full races - 100% leng
th, some AI cars run out of fuel.
- In original (2002) GP4 tracks, fuel consumptions in magic datas (two values) s
hould be MULTIPLIED BY 0.8986 to correct the fuel consumption to 1.0 per lap, wh
en using Version.2.0 of 2009 Physics and Torques.
> 17316 ; fuel consumption 1 - This is AI's consumption per lap.
> 16350 ; fuel consumption 2 - This is player's consumption per lap.
- In case you face the problem in a non-original track (which is most likely to
happen) use the "0.8986" factor as a basic correction to start from and if the p
roblem still exists, go on with further lowering and testing of fuel consumption
s until you fix the issue.
2009: AI's cars fuel correction factor: "0.8986"
2009: Player's car fuel correction factor: "0.9244"
2010: AI's cars fuel correction factor: "0.8544"
2010: Player's car fuel correction factor: "0.8790"

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