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We think that is fair for you to know more about us and our alliance before deci

ding to join this family.

We want a strict alliance with clear targets and goals in order to have a good c
hance on this server, therefore, what you should know is:
1. First rule and the most important of all.
Your account is not yours, your account belongs to this alliance. What I want to
say is that always you will put the good the alliance first.
One of our team member have an ancient artifact and he is attacked. If you are a
lso attacked in the same time, your defense troops will go and defend the artifa
ct because is more important for the team.
Of course that you will be helped in case of loss (town destroyed or other think
s), you will receive all the possible help from the team to rebuild in the faste
st time.
2. If you are a experienced player, you must be willing to teach others.
If you are beginner or semi beginner you must be eager to learn and be better
each day.
3. Auxiliary credentials will be required for external forum and troop tool.
4. Target's with troops each week or two weeks.
5. Fakes are mandatory when asked.
6. Much more on the way in order to assure our success.
Now, knowing this, do YOU want to join us ? :)
Best regards,
CoH Team

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