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Jefferson’s Notes on Virginia

Fifty Five thousand free blacks became free during the revolution.

1. They ran away

2. The British Freed them.

3. Contentious masters set them free.

They moved to Canada in order to keep the British culture. The north-
ern states slaves are freed from Maine to Pennsylvania. Thomas Jeffer-
son warns of slavery's evils, some people say Jefferson even predicted
the civil war.

Women of the Revolution

Divorces gave women more freedom. Widows or women with only chil-
dren could own land. Women could vote in New Jersey from 1776-1777.
Abigail Adams is the first women's liberation activist.

Decline of the State Churchs

The anglican exit begins because it associated with the crown. State
taxes would not fund churches. The last state to do this is Massatuches
in 1833. The new name of the Anglican church is the Episcopal

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