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Jay’s Treaty

Impressment was the British answer to American neutrality, they were for-
cing our sailors into their navy and they were seizing our ships. John Jay goes
to negotiate with Britain. He is given a laundry list of things to do. We wanted
Brits out of the north-west we wanted compensation for damage. We want
trade with the West Indies. They had to evacuate by 1776 a pay some dam-
age. We give them trade benefits and remain neutral by their standards. Jay
is burned. They treaty is barley ratified.

Battle of Failen

Anthony Wayne leads america into post British west. He defeats Miami Con-
federation. The first term of the Treaty of Grenville was that we get Ohio and
Indiana and we give $10,000 annually.

Whiskey Rebellion

Excise tax on Alcohol PA revolts in 1794. Henry Lee and Alexander Hamilton
ride to PA to stop the revolt. When they arrive no rebels can be found. This is
the 3rd early rebellion that the government puts down quickly

Pickney’s Treaty

Makes Spain negotiate with us. Thomas Pickney goes to discuss. We get Flor-
ida and the 31st parallel as our southern border. Spain is going to stop picking
on us, this treaty gives us all we need.

Federal Land Sales

What do we do with the land, do we sell it or give it away? In 1796 you can
get 640 acres for $2 an acre. In 1800 you can get 320 acres for $2 per acre
but you can pay over 4 years. In 1804 they give you 160 acres for $1.64 over
4 years.

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