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Your art


Dryden’s Permanent Tile Wall Exhibit of Artwork
needs to be
part of...
So don’t miss your
chance to be a part
of the Dryden Art
History Tile Wall. This
permanent tile wall
display of present
and past student art
assembled from tiles
purchased through
our online art gallery
on Artsonia will be a
beautiful testimony
to the importance of
art education at
Dryden. Over 1000
tiles will be sold.
Purchase your tile
with the form below.
You can choose an
image from your
child’s Artsonia
Gallery, or send in
the artwork to be
photographed by the
Online Digital Art
Gallery Volunteers.
Each image will be
formated to fit a 4X4
inch tile with first
name, last initial, and date created overlaid digitally. Past students are encouraged to bring in a piece of art created while they were art students at
Dryden to be turned into a tile for this exhibit. Once the limit of tiles is met, this opportunity to have your art permanently installed at Dryden will end.

P u rc ha se yo ur piece of Art His to ry

$15 per tile. Make checks payable to Dryden PTA (memo: tile wall)
*One form per tile * One tile per student*
Student Name_________________________________ Teacher/Section__________________
For Text Overlay: _________________ ______ ____________________
(First Name) (Last Initial) (Year Art Was Created)
Artwork: (please check one)
If you are choosing a piece from your student’s online art gallery:
Describe the artwork by exhibit name on Artsonia to help us find it___________________________
If you are a former student bringing in artwork that was created in Dryden’s Art
Program but is not currently on the digital art gallery please attach this form and
your check for $15 made payable to Dryden PTA (memo: Tile Wall) to the art and drop
off in the Dryden office. You will receive an email when your art is ready for pick up.
Parent email (please print clearly)_______________________________________________
Please provide an email so that the Online Digital Art Gallery Volunteers can email you a link to the
formated digital image for your inspection. All images will be in an online exhibit on Artsonia.
It is your responsibility to check the image for errors before the tiles are made this Spring 2011.

Questions and concerns? Contact Mrs. Fuglestad

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