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5\(0"" Easy

I . Monthly

Pavruerars on Monuments

s Most Beautiful MODmnents Can Now Be Bought on the

IasyPaymtmt Plan

YOU need not leave the grave of yom lov~d one unmarked just because you haven't the TJ.10ney to pay the full price of a memorial stone. Even though the last illness and funeral expenses may have left you in straitened finances for the time being, there is no need to wait for months or to deny yourself the comfort of knowing that the last resting place is suitably marked with a beautiful and enduring monument or marker. A small down payment will bring you any stone

listed in this catalogue (priced at $25.00 or over); and you can pay the balance in -payments suited to your means.

\'(lard's Easy Payment Plan is designed to help you to buy a finer and mote expensive stone, of greater dignity and beauty, than you could otherwis~. Combined with Ward's prices, it places the very finest monuments Within your reach, and without waiting. For easy payments use enclosed order blank.

<!&ur ((omplete jItlonument ~uarantee

We Guarantee the monuments listed in ihis catalogue to be equal, both In materials and workmanshtp, to 'any similar memorials you can buy, .regardless of price.

We Guarantee any monument 'you pictured and described, and to be as sirnilar memorial you can buy.

We Guarantee the inscription wording you order and the style of I"tlr"r'ilil<i

We Guarantee a saving on every from us.

We Guarantee safe delivery-in n""H".,~,t, condition.

If any stone is damaged in shipment, or way to be as above guaranteed, we will money, 'whichever

Cop)'riw:bC 1929

by Montgomery Wllrd Be cs., Inc.

buy ftom us to be exactly as ent and attractive as any

and marker you buy

not as ordered, or fails in any the stone or refund your prefer.


Chtcaeo Kansas City St. Paul Portland Oakland Fort \V".·,11

Baltimore Del'lver







'< Only a ¥<;lnument of Flawless Stone, Perfect in Design, Is' Worthy of Its Sacred Mission

SOMEHO\'!{!1 the placing of a Monument for those we hold dear brings us healing comfort. Perhaps because we love them, and their gyitlg llus left loneliness in our hearts, , we cannot bear the thought that this grave ~ shall ever be forgotten. ~

And so enduring stone-an expression of , our love+becomes the sentinel which guards ! their memory rhrough ubc years-a record f which neither time non .targettip-g\:an efface. I Surely we can pay more loving mb-; ute rhan this+-tc choosea-rnonument which, I in each detail of worbnanship and material, f

shall be worthy of such a rnission. !

, A Good Stone L~sts Porever !

Only a perfect stone,' absolutely free" from i blemish.or weak vein, can- 'resist the constant i waste of weather. To insure perfect monuments we safeguard you ill . four wavs+-we have them cut from the best stone available; we select each piece with utmost care as to color, quality and flawlessness: we inspect rigidly each I finished rncnumenna'nd, before shipping, we again test [he stone for the slightest sign of Imperfection. In addition, you are protected by

our Complete Guarantee, -

The Story of Granite and Marble Our Gray Granite comes from the granite region of Barre (pronounced Barry), Vermont -for fifty years the source at the gray granite from which the most beautiful and costlv monuments are made, There are no flaws or imperfections in Barre. Granite. Millions of ye~rs in the mysterious laboratories of the earth have created :1 stone so hard and uniformly flawless that it has set the standard.

Our lviajestic Red Granite-is just as uniform, as dependable ami enduring as. the gray grJTiite. It has a deep rich red color which becomes a light pink.ish hue when hammered atia when polished it becomesa deep glowing rea. Lettering or designs are unusually prominent

and effective on red granite. ,

'Marble is a much softer and less enduring stone thllp granite, However, it can he. worked much more Easily and with less expense, nnd will always be a favorite material for rombsroncs-+especiallv forchildren, because it can be sen Iptured to such deltcate., graceful designs. The stone and lettering will last for generations.

Designed and Wrought by Experts The men who select our stone, the artists who design our monuments, and the sculptors who engrave them, are all experts who have grown up in their work. They take pride in giving you only their best, A stone secured from Ward's is alwnvs a stone of tho "finest

workmanship that can be had. .

When you compare our-prices with others, you will be surprised at the big savings you can make. Our customers often save one-third, besides obtaining better stones and better wor.kmanship. You pay no' intermediate profits, you secure the benefit of our large quantity discounts, ami you pay no more for freight, for the freight from the quarry is always paid hy you no matter where you buy. Add freight charges shown on Page 27 to prices listed; and if you have priced- orlaer stories you will See at once how much you will save at Ward's.


All orders for Marble Monuments and MaIk~rs .are shipped from the quarries at Rutland" Vermont. O.d~,TS fOT Granite Memoriula placed wlth our stores in Chicago, K:aI1Sas Cky, Denver, Sain~ Paul. Q~ Fort ~~/urdl

'Fe s11ippeiJ from Elmwood, Illinois; those placed witl'l O\!T stores ill Portland, Ore., and Oakland, C"hf., me _ shipped feom Portland, Orc.: those placed wirh our Baltimore store are shipped from Rutluhd, Vermont. The prices listed in this cRt"l'ogu.,-ilo·n()t include freight charges. The monumencs lire finished in the work- _ - shop and shipped direct to vou, thus s~v'fng achlitiouel transpoctatlon cost and pco6 cs of middlemen. _

5111U1IIIIIIIIJrIIllll mlllll~11I111Il11 III 1!~IIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIILllllnllllllllllllllllllll[lllllIllllilllll]l1III!II!) IILlIIIIIII 1nIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIII.l!lIIIIII.1lI.1[I11111Il1L1IlIIIIUIUllllliLlIII!11.llllIllllllml[l~LllIll[1111 1IIIIIIUlltIIIUlIIJII!II!IIUIlLIIIIIUfr

~~m~ te~;~I~ ~~~~l.~~~1~Z~~d7i~·ii~rj1\~!:~t~~UtI21~,~l~~~~ ~:~~ i\~~ ~~~~!~~e~

aafc dclfveryr; it will IX made us deec r. ib~~~!ld.le~t.eocd:as ordered.



The New "Trinity"-Vermont Marble

A elmple. snr.tels monument +n rh[!c :popular dull tuoI.r.d ftnlah. Fo.- styles end prices S~P8:8eT!~;._.L~~\~?~~:5~~~~O;-I.~I.:~ :} .. if'l("!\ GQ~hil3, V~1l0~~[l Block: 1 Jcot, W :no(.h~* '['I,·l.;J."'=, j"l [Ilch~ :t,h.i.d;., :2 "~I':L4 il'_ch~~ hi,gh. B':;IIs.e. :2 feet .;1 Inches, 'Widc) Hl iTldl4"[~ I.hkl~. (\. in.c:h.f:8 hii::h, ShtIlP.i.T.~ wo;!,~ht about ,5.~O"Dm.;I.td8,

~c: !iLlmJ.:I!.:J1 M<lll.Jl~ IC.U.J.L Plk"'IEiLt!y p.J_.~·I)l£:j)l PJ'i~I~~·l,}"a.yL\lc:~tll'~r MOO1~h

~~~ ~ Ili~ g}j~1c:\d~:]'!d 'i~:~g $U:&g SH:Sg ~:::

Tot'ul Hei1tllt a !"-:I:t Z hu,:ll~

Majn DIQct~.:;.! feet ',y-.i,jt':, (~ind~~ thlck."'2 reet 81!lC:h.E:!:1 hir;h. &.5<,.: 2 feet 6 mcbee wtdc, 10 iTi(:!i¥ third::. ~~ tecaee h~h. bo'bip:piol: wctabcabour. u505 J)UUlllh:.

l\ltiL~~C: N u.mUt·r ~.,_; I..t~:;-- C;l.~,[:;p-;I~:_rild)" Pio-YJn;;;Dl '-'riw II)Q.,.;"~"7.'I""'p'-n-=-'''I'''"''''-· ·~M'-.~-'-'-h

~gl : :~:~ {~i;rt,,~~;~~~J(_'fi s:t;: n~~gg ~t~::: IS::::

q'otlll U:ci~bt '3 f~~t." jn\:,h~ ,

Majo .!JIQ~tl:: f fe-ei: 2<; ,dd ... ~<;h~:f. thick , 3 feet hi~. B'l!Of..~~ :2 r~l!"i.lO iU<:'DCS mdt~, 1 ft){lt, 2 incltAA 'thick. 6 Inches h:izh, Sh~t:1.liltg wt,.~igM aWlLl. l1UH PQUlLt,.h..

ArckJe f\-UJ"ll~rl ~ _jCil..I:h p!ieifl~;~-I'a.y~ent [ ~Q(;el r~ ... -rll·'t.:,;;[~.::.!: II '~r!.\.'lm.t.h

~g! ~ I~::: {~)I;~~\~~~t:n' $~l!Jl_ SH~:gg ·Si~:~: s~t~g

The New "Homela11d"-VermontMarble

A rucnumcat; or ~S1U tLfcl lS.imphdty of de~ign; Q :plAi:o Si!OII b of phlishc:d V ceeocmr marble-

:1~~t;h~n1~:t.~j~~~iti~~t.~t~h~r:~ri~:bi~~r~ ~~~d ~~~; ~ ~~ !~~:a ~=~

on Pe.~ ,.3. Lettering dllusteated ~hQv{: 18 Ruman, V.8tJ.lili. All 1etie:l:i.J.l.1I:: is extra.

Quard.ed from faie Vermont marble, blue veined or white clouded .. Either makes Ll ~[.lIJ,tjft~1 a.;I,d apPf'o])ri.a.te memorial stone.

Total HuJ1Utt ::. roe t. ~ incl.u!~

Malo DIOILk: 1 Foot [0 inr:h~!I. wide. f, inc:hr'«: tlllt."':k, 2 Ieee 2 tnchca bi~h. DI1,s-c.: 2 rl,'e.tS tu.o.;h~; wide, 1 root 2. inclJ~ l,.hj(:!.., (j illcl""l~~ Idl-:,lJ_ Shil)pillf{ wcight. about ()30 POUr:ld~._---,-~~----,,-" hln~bk 1~IBl1lj". PI.j.)·~.H',Ul l!J.k"'I_:!:?""W~ j· ... }~Z'1l.~1]t -I'c~ 1vl-Q%Llh

iIi ~ =~:i ~\4:Ft~V~~~~~.l1 ~t~g, s:~:= St~:g: I $::::

TDtal H~lllht. 3 rt.:'l:t 'J. j:nt,.:h~oll

Mltin Blo~k~ 2 tcce '1 ilJ:cbof'"~ wtde. 8 indH~~ 11:ii.c:k, :2 tccc 8 inches hi.::ib. n~~~: 3 r,.;e~"2 im:~ wide-.f ruol;. u. ij".lciu.~t' Lhkk, 6 ~uclt~~, IL~b. ShlL)a;.:iJ.Jg ..... ~ight eccue litiS PQilIlG~_

Al'ltclof:! Nt!.mhc:r I 'MElI"ok I Cueh Prk....., IF...utN P;'L.Ylll~L PJ"iNI uO'....-:::O'J;::'.:cyrn=-ec:':7L~-cljO:,,:::-C-;~.,-,,:c",-:<~",

253 K 8747 Blue veined 'SU4_IHJ $125.00 S1.5,OO $1r1~-DO

263 M, 8 748 W[~i't'=" 1"':10"001":(1 ltS-.GO 1l4.01l! 1~.OO 10.BO

Total HIl!IIIJ.h.t 3 (.L.).'l!t. (.. h:.n::bl!'~

t f!~ is"' i:~~: clJ~t~8t L~J~~~~~;]~l~~ d~Lrf) ~~~I~~j!LL~~~b':l~~Y.lo~tF~ti~d:~~ :; '~~t. a im;h~ wLti~.

A.rl kh". T<uIT"_hr:r !'ria-.-bl;:: j_~"iliJ1J f>d.._:~ I~~L PI.LCCI D-oW11. ['<l;yme!;llt 11'-;:-r MmLth

253 K 8749 BLue Veined $1:55_911 $149.00 -51G .. DB $t2.BO

253. K 8750 ....... 'l1ite Clo II d 1"11 H2~OEl 151.00 ·1:;;,00 ":12.00_

The "Rosehill"-Vermont Marble

Elth~ r foo n Fnmily M,t::uumt:'nt <)(1 au Individnet Marker, the Rcsehill Cash Price (shtn'i.'1l at. left) is. (':nQ.llring tC!l.ti:many of tilt: lovill~. care which v r omvted $62°0 its select.lea. Wht' you ChOQ~ jt: if'l blnc veined or white clouded

atone. it ia made from Vermont marble. -

'!:'he tall maul finely polished on ell eurfaces., It h~.:lI" ~ simp.t~

nut p£rft:dly executed traced desiau of IHie:!l-fue.s:ymbol of purity, Tbis des,fr.;n is inc1t,ced in COST', but, lettering is extra. Letterina is 4~jll¢h Reiman, V -sunk; the epproprlate size and style for the It}f"gest Ri2£: rnonurnent, Otlll~'njlyl-ej!; end v:rices shown on P~liiie 23.

Tl,tul Ht!!i~bt 3. fl::4;':t 8" Iocbce

Iitlain Incclc: :.! [-,t witt!!. Q Iachee thick .... 2 (pet 11l if1dI1·~' tIE~b. RiJ.!i;e, :2 f~f't. ti itllCJlt'i'i ;;"'M~.

1 1.0@t ttl It':.k. 10 Lnch-:8 hi~h. Ship D1.,,~ w'-~iJrhl. ,L w'.iL 9 .. W PU'ulll~l5. .

T~ t·l' t H~i ~b t 4 feet

Malu lllot:.k: 2 tcc;:,1 tn(;.be~ 'wi'I~., S; ~l!.t!hes thic~ .. ~ Fecr hi!::"ll. nl~f.;t'!:~ :): f.(jl~'=. .1fj jnc:h-p.p. "'''Ll[L~, 1 f OO~ i!. ; n.:,.-lh: •. 'l' Lf·.k:li:., "1 f('J6t: lJ.i~h. Shil1DiDt!: w'l'i:,j hr. ,Li)l.HL 1. ! ·U~1 ~JI)uJ)~I.,;.

ArlLdl! _'\,[1.111J .... C;r =="'==-';-;-:====--;-;===

253 K 8G08

263 .. B601lll:':::""'H3:~_~~_!_ __ ~~ __ j__~~ _ _[____:

I ~ Military or Imrc-nar ernhleme, ur o;.'(+r~~ inM..Til'liuJls. can be engraved on ehese stories at little COST. For prlr.~s. RP.(~ P.a~efi. 11. and 24.

I It req uires f{,,()m three to 'Sis. w~eks to prcpflt'<': MQrhlf'. SWllP.S fOT RhipnumL

Monumenrs Listed Above Shi~ped from Rutland. V","'''''I


The "Vermont" - Vermont Marble

The "Cross"-Vermont Marble

The croea ~~ a eymbcl of fa.i:tb and. bcpc. The front. of the erose srud block is highly J1'olish~,~ t:b~ base, sin(L"\ and h;q~k·i:5:·aa~ finilih·!:d. LettCT'tnF; ;f!I extra. Gothic, V~~lIl1i: style of letuering ShOWD. For other styl~ and .]Jn~ !;I~ Par.:;t:' 23.

"·otl.\l Hd-ibt: 3 fc.(!,t: 6 Iocbce

tlu~~~6~-"~U~h~O~t~hl_nS~~Di~t\:\.~t1~~I;'I~,.:::.j:~I(.~~-lC~il~(rL~!t.h, UI'1I!U~__;' 1 fout 10 itlc:lL~6I lI.iLJ~. lQ In!.:tre~

~~:'k'~l M.lrblf': I C;t~h l'rin·ll(<J~~aym;;:-t:)t l-.~kC:llk"""9.1 P-~:':".Lil~ilLl P,d MunLll

~I~ ~ I~II ~Jhit,;t~]~~~~d ~~t~~ s:tgg $tg:gg - ~tgg

'''ot"o1 Hcillht 3 feet 6 Inches

C :r4'1o!l.!l: 1 fCl()f. 8 inches ... "ide, (I. _b)(_'1IC3 thi~k • .3 Ieee higb. BIlHC; 3 feet 2 ~Il-ch~~ Vo'lrit'", I [not. ehkk.

() indi .... 'i hi,;;:'h. Shivp~ll~ wel~l, ... al)U'\lI; 5~O pounce. ~

A~!'l~~IM"~ I .Marblc I~~"!t Price I Ea!lY P~ym,~n:. "l D()wli f'ajo'~~"'Tlt·l Pt'"r MIJl1th

I-I! : 1~28 ~~~ft;:l~I~~~.~ $~~:~: S~}::: $~g:g: ~tg:

"'Q"t~] Hcllilht: ... fom- Ii- Inches

<3rO$8: 1 fooi. 8 il1dLio:::9 wlde, (.i LTLL..:1J{!"s tJ.kk, 4- rccc hlR;l., lla.tS:L'I: 2 feel 2 [Dehes wtue, I rooc t.}Llck, ~ Illl~h['l"l hi.t:::I'. Shi])])hL.l~ .... ' .... iJ.:.hl. "[;.l_)lJ~ IRQ I)Q1Jnd~ .

AnidC' ::-.I11rrf~·-1 - Y1Ll~uLI:: I Cash .pri~l E:a~y Puyom{;llc P'-i(')(:l D')WIlP:o'l"'U~~rit I

ill ~I~=A Wbrt~'adl~~~~ s~~:~g ~~:g: ~i~.:g~ __

Simple but attractive. '[his MOfrume.ut. carved fWIlI flawless eroce, is in either elnuded while 01' exquisite blue veined marble, aoth tilt: ruein bfock and the base SI"Ci oni:shr:d in the porHll~T' tool fini$h~ An letterina is extra. Letterfnsshown Ia Gothic, V -aunk style, For other :stvks of" lrttcring and. prices see PaKE!' 23.

TQtnl Hci8bt" 1- tcce lO.iTH::hea;

'ct;.14~~e~!~~i:fp.~ i~QL~~~l~)~lt:~.~.~iAdi~'~f.~:h~~.t~lh~Ppln7~1~11~~:~r;~I~~~(J ~~~~~:

i\!tic:k N~1Uh(:l'1 .l;::;.:r~)Ie- ICmb.l,>nc:('IEat';.p~:.~lentl:r)UWIJ f'a}':Jlc,nt!f\:r1>..fmdl

253 K8751 Blu~ ,,~J.lI~U $JJ •. sa $85.00 S12.DO $&.00

253 K 8762 \\.'hil~CluU'J~!i '2'9.$0 _ 87.5' 12.00 1.00

Total 3 f c (.'1" l: Iecbee

Mllin.lliock: 2 feet, ~Il~, fi i1'ldt!'!!!l rhi("l;r, 2. teet 8 Iuches h.lg h , BIl5o;~!.2 f!J~~ {j, lllChcG wld c , 10 inChc9 thfck. rio iJ.l(":lit'!!i high, ShlP])iDg wcigIu aboul 6S.~ pLJouluh_

. ~Tti!'k Numberl M"al·blt:$ 1~I'EmJ:Y:p~~~ltLl..!nr.IDownp~:~~ll\."l" ~~

~~j ~ Ill~ t~t~U:cj~oo 'n:~g sU:;g ~~tgg ~:~~

. Tot-a! Height 3 fe.tlt t.t 1n.clH'..!i:

Marn Bl6t"',k": 2 feet 2: inches wide, .8 mcl~~~ ~Id .... ::k. s ieee binh. Blls~ t :2 fl..:~t lU i L1dKS ,,'1.: II" ~ I (.;:tot::: in.l;oe-s t.h ic 1;:, I). iRcllc:s h.i:,gJ.:r,. &hipl..du;J; ,,,,dgh t cbouc 11005 counds.

~~·I M;:Hbl\~ ca;;;llP,.r~c~l· EaSY:pi{~~mo,!rltl Down p<l~'lue'Jjtlftr Mcn~

IiI ~ a~~~·Wb1.;~~~~d St~;::g sn~:~~ s~g:~~ $~g=n

The "Lindenwood"-Vermont Marble

Cash Price A beautiful aod C:-Judnn}~ chosen Monmne.nt sw:;h HS the Lindenwood is a. splendid

$ ~ pubEc tribute, It is not: ooJy beautiful in design, but it is. made of the hiaheS:l QUliLlity , 42-_:-70 merbte, clrbcr ljtm~ veieed or- white ctceded.

The, uacefuUy ahepoo. main hloc1e is :finely pQlish~ on fTDDt only. The front Ieee is deeply en'<l'bwtd with a simple design. which in blue ~rble espedaUy .stands out very effectt vely and empha~iz(:!I: the plc.uing outlines of the atone. Sides and gently sl.Qping top- of main

block have a smooth 8!WUeU fmiah, The entire bose is also :!I.!300 finLqhed. -

The engraved de!rlg"n is included in the ccet. bat an lettefing is extra, Lette.ring is.: Family name, ·,linch Uofhit;::, r~lsed in 9: penel: name end nates, ?'}1-.lnch Oc.t..h.k. v-$w·.k. 'I'hie iB a very suitable style and i!-u:e for the Iergest sise etcue. Otber styles and- prices are shown on Page 2:3..

Tore! Hd~hf.;~ f!;':~t ~ tnchee

[LI-lai:wt llluck: 1 f('Jot X iTlI"hll'".'i wid.c, 6 iuciie .. thick, '" r~r.T. -4 l!'L~;ht"~ ll:gr.. Ql'tse. 2.1~L:.! jm·IJ~~ widl', 1 coot ~J,j('.k. 10 inches hrgn., :-:'::;b:i.Dpfll."';;" ·~~;glJl 'L.J(JU~ 7l)Q l"lolllll1fiR.

253 K 86"1 8-lLhK: vcuieu. COL.o..;j~ Pdw, ,5(1..50 I'.,v:y 1'''~'Tllt''nt J'rll:-oe U:ug' ,,501) \.,.jLIl cr dcr

and .$5.{i(J +,-!Il(JJlLil. :$41.00

253 K 861 7-'~)h:kt!" Clc,u.q,;.:d. C:1..i'J.l PrEcc: S«.IHI L"::,i'SY P: .... \'Ul\"'"...u( Pn.;_;.e: Oldy 1·5.(1(1 wi:b oruer

~ ... .u.l S-5.(Jjj 8. 111uJ:lLlL . •• • • ..5"'8.50

Totnl Hei:iU1t· 3- rcer 6 itldH':~

Main Brock: ~ I ect. widc , 10 lllc:hto>.'! I.lI i ,:k, ? f ... ,.t. (] i!jdl(o:~ Juah. Ba. ... c. 2: fi'i':t () i ncl It".'<; wide. 1 t';'Qo[:I inches chick. 1,. rlJ'l..l-t.hi:io::h. 8hipfiiL1g"'i.~'t"j8ht 11Dm~t JJ.®po"1mda. 25;3 K S620-RIIII': V.t"iTII:d, ei'L~1i Pdc;:u •.. $75.1]0

i;fljY.'}J:~~,~c~~,~Jt~: (~r~l~'. ~il:~ .. f~11j ",~;it,l~ ':'.l"~"c:·S82.50

253 K. 8821-\,i,'IJlc!::"C1Gu·,:i"i.i:c. C5U'Ih Prlca . $71.50 F,;i~)· ]';-lYJ:TlC1H Pl ice: OlLly 11-:2.(.10 with order

aurt S8.U{) a month ,.. . ..• ,.,.'.,', •• SSG.50

TQt:ai H(!oi~bi: 3 fte~l!(t Inches

.f\ol:a..i.a. Btock : 1. II.!e:L, :R tcctice thick. 2 it;'N 6 i uehea high. llasc:: -2 feel ('-iud.le~ ·."Jd.t~, I Joet 2 tncnes -.:h.ick., 1 toot h~h. ~hi;(p.i,ng ... ~·e.isJJt. ;LiJbut. 1130 oouads. 253 K 861.8-BIlli::V·~L!,le:J. Cash Price ... $62.00 Ea!".y PaYl))tol1!" P!i ... ee: Ollly $lQ.()O w~tjJ orac.r

and $S,oo 3. month. _ . . . . .. , .. ,,', . $68.50 253 K8GI9-,"Vhit,.eC]QUdJ.:;d, CashP:-in>;.$6S.SG E3.-1!Y P.3,;tt:mtE1lt: Price: Only $lf)J..IO with omcr . ana i5.CI) a 11!(}w:h.,. ". ,$15.5'

T-nl:ai 1I!~iii!.ht 3 feet 6 illCiJe-'

Mllin Blo-ck: ? h·~t: wide. 1 foo ... !-Idd;;, 2 rt'ct. 6 inches h~h. Base: Z f~lC'"l6 tncbcs w~~!o:'!. 11(lQi.6 iI.u..:hlt~ Iltkk.l root hiah. S';'ipPlne:u'("l.;:;ht abcur 1(.vO.tJ1,H:u.u.!s. 253 K 862~-IHtlc VC".iJh~ll. Cas!! Prtcu. ,5*6.50

~~;d~t,:m;~~~~Jl!"llt~; ~}~I~ ~,1:::"?~:~.~ .~r.d.,t:.$95.QO

253 K 8$~3-\Vhite-CJ,,: u ded. Cash Pritt.'. 591.0U

~~d\;~rMJ..L~~~~::~I:~;. ?,~j~, ~~2:00 .'~Jth o.7~hoo.oo

The "Graceland" - Vermont Marble

The "Norwood"-Vermont },:farble

In i~ ~QrBr::l'- size. thE) ~ oI"WOCld IrniIy be m:~ .I::I.:i a fsIpiIy !'.tone; jn Cash Price

its emaller :siZes • aa an Individual marker, Mli. de of w. h. itc; C.loUdM 0< $' 3 5 50

'blue v-ein~d Vt:mlOf.Ll marble, Meln block 1)iIO::OW Poli:iliro and ~ec:.

oceted wj~h ("ifll[ leaf design, RO:Q~ fJ, at top ~ (01)l€H' iu' tool -

fi:ni~~ Entire base dull tooled [wif;h~ LetLe.i'iUi;:; On 'Iaraeat atcner

F~:n:l'ily name. 4·i!;\ch Gqlhic I"BI800 in PQnel; names in. 2-i.m:h Gothic, V~.t!I~, Lct'l;e!,~ -X::! t:.Xh-a; ])fic~s on Pali!:e 23.

_ T[}t~ HII!JL:!!h't:2 f'l:'~ HI· tnochEtj!i:.

U1~~~lr()~[;~~~~S~i~.c~~~~c&t~'~~~;1~1:.~r1":It;"h- Ba~i -1 [~wid~. 1 i~J~

,i\rri("l~ ~'ljrYib~I' 1_ I'rln.-lJl:.-: jC;.::;h PJ"l~IE;,j~.'r' P'....,~·ui~LLi.. p,;\:t:: IDIJo""''Tll'FJ.Y''ncIP~ IJ,.Jmull

~ ~ ~ ~ 13'~3 W~ft:-!d~~~c.d ~ii~. $'~~~~ Si~~~ s ~:~~

'l'\"I:I,;91 H~i~IiL 3. fee-t ~ jljche~

jw=~c~i~;;!';~lll:~\ icrril~~~~h~ iLr~iv,,~,~~~~l~:tj~~~;tL~~,,~1~h~ ~r~~i~l~lt1ii)D~~d:.: 2 le~i -i

~\rtiC'l,z N um l,fer I Marble ~lt:':ll;h-'.l'.-:iC; 11 :'i'L~y 1 ';1~·~~J1 t. ! '['Sr.\::: 11 )owl~PaYl!'Cl1L IfI.:..:!!" M ... -ruh

.2 5 3 K 8630 l;31l!.!'! sS:4.5C1 SIIiI_OO ~~[IQ ss .OIJl

263 .K' 863'1 .Vlb.i.W f':i(;'llrle[l :5-9..oa U.IO 5:.00 is..a.J

·'r..rl!!:;sll Hei~bl: ~ reee 11, jril;h~s

j~~~~!~i~~~~~;t: f2t!ic11!~~t~'k~lt[';(~{)h,f~h~I~~11~}tl;;;/j~\\~ ~~_':;~~;31~t~bp~~~~_: 2 r~Qt S

.AiLk~ N.;m~':....1 Ma~LJ~ lo(_~::ltli'ri"'I··II~~r"I~t~I]}'-'·]iT1._ P:;"~1D.!~llt 1'l1=:-.JIJ.onQI

~'~~ ~ = ~~ ~ t~~rtJtib~'~~u s:t~~ $~: :i: $~}_~~ $::~~

The. "Graceland~'-Vermont Marble

nJ:!I .small ;r..lnnumcrlt· ia cut Irceu. blue. v eined or wbire r=l,oud1!,j CaFih. Price:

marble .. is poli!l.hed OIl all four :g~~ t,.op dull tonkd fin. ".

~~·n~~:n~~~·~Bh~~~ ~!::~~~F=ciI ~=~j~{~~= $4600

V",-su.nE ~ gi vcn narue 2; H:~n-c:h; datee I N-l:t. Let. U:!:r:UE:; i~ ece tnt, '-

. rQI" othe.t'styles and prices 'see P3ge ~3_

"t!':>t:~] n ~ 3- fcct

_ M1IIin ,Jl:l()t)k ~ 1 !i""X)t 3 inches wide., (I inches thLd·:, 2: feet .2 l~ch~ hlgh , ~!>e-~:2 f~t ~_ inches ...... Jo:j~. 1 f0?l" HW'l:, ](lli:~~1iofi,fi h~~Pi_ ~hli.plrlg ~\'I!"h.)t ff)!?"'li~. 'h_')(~ [lOLrnd,:Ij.

~th:lt', NULll(jE:J" _ l\:T,1.5"l}lf"< , 1r.;:t':'J~ Pdt-.L, F.::."1~w Dr'lj.-rn(:lli. P'k~IT_')r;. ...... [1, 'E\"lymt"TIt IPe~ M.-ond1i

263 K. 8634 Btuc Vt:-ilW,j :$.Ui.OO $.Sl.01:1 ,5.5_[111' S§,'Iltl

253 K 8G:35'i. ..... hit.e~lJjlLr_lE!d 4!1.$1J ~4.S;1J !!i.0f:[ 5.00

. "I'ot-al flclJliht::3 lel;.':1; 2 +ocbce

M-aln .Il1[Jol:k: :2 Ieee ..... Idc , ~iJ;H"h,,"~l~h!d:;, ~ f~~,t.l~tH":ho(o-..~ b~h_ )1,;II";;oC!: ::::Jret 6 inchca wide

• fmlor. ~ Inches ~hi-l1k. 1 t(Jot .ELl~ll_ .sh.ij)o.inl<:; "\\·~i,",!ll8.bout- l{1-',2:b 1!\JlI!(nl;,;_ '

A rdc:ll:!: K~rn"b~T I M ," .," 'CoJilf p,,,-,,,' E.,y Pay",,,,,, Pik1;ID;::'-~1l Pa.:,.· Jll.t'~ LIl-'~r; M. "~. eli

-2.53 K S838 IHII!~ Vt:~ljed' ~o{i.2_1ii(]" SG!II_OII $.10.tO $5.00

z53 K 863"1 V~"hiLC: Cllludo;_'d~ 6:5.5Cl 72.5:I_ '16..(10 5.01>


The IIFarland"- Vermont Marble

Cash Pd ee A lov.eJ.y M-emorudl 'The :!j:jll':!.Ple.,. ill(;~ lint: decorution at tb!!: top

4 6 is Iighted by '" bet4utifw Hewer, We crree thi:i monument in either

$ 00 b~~ ~Oh~~yO~o~}~~ed~i~~:ih~~tdl:e~alba;kh~:~~ ~!rn~ hi~~

and entire base are sand finish.. Mttetin;g 'ia of Roman V ~nfl~ de~ign. 4.Illettcn:ng j.!j. extra. For other styles &ild p1'it;~21. see Page 23.

T01:I'l! F-h!:ll!;hr"l feet 10 inchOC-l!

Main lnfu::k': 1 fQQt 6 fuchee wil,h •• , Inl.;ht!"E; thiek. 2: Ieee 1,ll.{::11 RIo'ISI~~:2 'c-ct wide. 10 i~cl __ 1hLoa~~ 10 .IDe-hell: 1ll,i;I.L. :S!JJI~I.drLJit wci"lJt atltiUl4-:~.f, [.l~llntfs_

~tide Num.l;I'I!r'1 M;ubll.'l CaEh 'pdC~I~Yllll':ut Priec_IDO'WI.1 1';l)"t~(,lltl.!E.~

253 K 8763 Hlnr- vcrncd :5"16.'0 '551.00 :55.0. !5.IO

253 K 8764 WL.iteClm .• ded U.I' 53.01 5.00 5.~

TOLB.I Hcillht 1 Cc(.."t: l' Jncbes

l\fahl Block. 1 f[J!"L 6 In\iJrcl3 wldc. 6 im::ht!'61 .Mek, 1: recr bfu:b. Base: "l. I~\:t wtdc, L rocr tl~l;:. 10 inches llii"h. Shippm-!; u'('igt)t abo Itt 5.80 counae.

Al'ticlc Number I .,Mn.-~,I. I~ Etl:::l)i' Pa;Yll1~nl P:r-I{~I'l )rl\,"n pa}'lllenLI~ ,~~

253 K 87G5 Blue V~ln'~d SS4 •. S0 S10.00 ~5_1l0

263~ K~ Whit!":! Clofludeil 56.50 &2.50 1.13.GD 5.00

Tore! H!idllh"l 3. reee 4 inc.hlJS

Main Block s 1 tooc 8 itt-ell~ v..-idf'", (I lI)CbCB tlUck.2 re.::L (I iU1,;b~s hi~h. nllse: .2 l«_1:. 2 Hu·:hrJl.wlde. I foot 1hkk. l{)inch~~hh::h_ ~JJ1V1J'i:II& \Wlaht about, 10.5 llCmllrj;<l,

Arddc- N umber I ~~lca::~h pl'tt:r'll1:asYPa.vl1J-=-nt PJji.;::,·i.rD~,=.,.",,,::;,O:>"C::Y=m:::,":::,nIP'".::-, ·~"IG"'n"'lh

263 K 8787 BJue V~liJJ.t~'I.1 56ti.IO 512.50 5113·.00 'S5_~Q

253 K 8768 While Cloudcrl '!!I.OO 1S.1UIi 10.00 5 •. 00

The "Rockland~'- Vermont Marble ~.

Cash }".trice Few designs RO nllly egpl"-f:SS sim.plicity. strength ~ faith aa docs

$ 7 900 UW RockJwld. It ia qua~d, fro. m the. firu=:s:t.5;ton~. either blue veined or clouded whlte rnllrbte--and. in either the: delicately embossed de_ l!;Iigtl comes out as !ll'l effectlvc frame for the letleti:n@~ All four !!'~ and tup uf main bloclc arc h.i~nJy polished. En t"il'e D8,.!Ie is finilibed d ull, Lett!!r[ng shewn is 3 Y!j-ine.b Got,h;.:;::, V....$tJ.fik-EII .rnD!J.t a;pp.ropriatc= eee and :styl~, I!;!IJXri~ ally Icr e :!Ilio:rt name, Lettering IS ex.trft; for ether ".:rtyles and oric-t::I!I SHe Pag~ 2.3..

Toti:lt H-:i¢ht- 3 feet: llflc1u~~

t\>f •• n "Rlhl"k,~ ~ ft:"(}t 2 tnd!l:::a wide, 8 W;C.b~5 t.nick, 2 teec 2 tocbee hilrh. 8a~: 2 rccc 8 int;:be5 \\I~dc-. 1 foot :l inc~ tbi .... k. 1 fool. high, 51Iill)Jjr\"$ wC"~ilh"L about 1 WI) J1~1·J}da,

-A.rddf'! xnmlloPrl Mn~ll1!'" Ca3Jl PdceIE~;';Y J'i.}}"\l1.CIH Pl"~IDt.lWI.lJ~j. • .J.}'rU[!~I~

~I~ : I!~? {#~frY~!'~';~I'i'~ S~]::~ $~i:~g $g:Jg '~:~~

l\Ifuin Olock: 2 i~t ~ i'nc~O~~!:r~i&~~~~t~~~~hi~~t: 4 lni':fle'!l ~iHh. 'Baee : 2 Ieee 10 lJ.ldu;~ wi';~. I I~l 4- iuclt~'R. iliid;:. 1 foot bi~b. Sh:lrTI)ing \Il'l::.e:bl ;7tliuul I·L')O poun.f!g_

Artk:h: Nllill..lJol.:.rj I\.t!LTbl~ ICa8b PdC!lEa~vp"YJlJentll'JiCCiIDb\1..n P:l}'tn("Dl Pe:1 M'~lllth

~i~ : 3a~~ ~~'I~t;rt~:~~w $1:~::: stlt~g Sl~::: !j~g:~g

, TOt_3.L Hei~J;J.l :;.\ (!..'=cT·6 im::ho.!;;

Mul..n Btoc ... ! Z f~t 6 lr~t:h(!:9 wtdc. 1 lUo::l1. Lhkk, ~ t~t. I'j tneuee u(~h, DI;i-li-Q: 81'1.'1:( wide 1 I{jl)L 6 inch!';::: tllic:k, 1 (m"!o~ high. ~bl:pptllr:; W-EoLLU1! a.J>l'~9JO uounds. •

J\.rt.lcle Nl,ltllbl:rl Marble ICuah PIiCC/IEaBY P.i\YUIH::1j: 1'li~IDtj_W'll

~S~ ~ Halt ~J~r[eV~~~~, !t~~::: SUt:: $~.;::: 1Sff:Ir

The 'ILincoln"-Vermo"t Marble

You can choose no emblem n1;ofe \)e:.oI.utifi,ll Q1}u fitting than the Cash Price

~f:~~Jl~lu~n:rI~~~1:dy c~~ r~y~ ~~t~~ ~=i ~f \~:]~r~ $3 250

nn.ely "polished.. bj'"il~iflg out the lettering uicelv, while ha'*.k !O'nn _

bevelededges ~V(; sriJpotb dun fin[~b, ~3;!1(!1 hSiIii eaeded Jin.L~h. Letter- ',i

~~ shown ii!j 3·i.LLi.Jl Gothic. V -"'i-lillk.. While this is a most 3pp'rnpriMe si~ and style for this etcne, you rnay prefer qnath~1" of the :atylll!:!:L -$.hOWJl end priced an Page 23.

Total Hei~ht 3 reec .s illi,;-IIi:~

Muin Bluck: 1 foot 4 inches, J inches [hick, 2 jel!!l W 111~~h1'":!1 J}aie: 1 19ot

10 iltd~!"x wide. 9 il, .... hl"'l': Ih~k, lU ~,ic.f;r-::o;, fugh. • ..'5hlpp1r.!g ".'ci?ht aooui. J.bO 1,(JLlJlld~, ,_ .....

Ar.tJ",t", Nnmb(!TI~~IC::".!~1:J. PriC(!l~ypa~m~"llJ'dr: ~~11 f3YIllt'!hLIPl:)r SJqnLh

2·153 K 8680 B!ue VeLned 532.5G is!!~_' - Jt, lL. ,#,.0& ~:5,.o

253 KaSel \ .... h;in·Ch .. ud.::-d .1 .... la IT.,..:1 t ::::)J'S.:g.o 5.~

Tot~l.Hcl~ht 3~~j Ii incb~"'"t. '-rf-. -,

1\13.111 Bloclr:~ 1 ff:4-!!. 6- Inches wid::>,.t ltldwl! d'itl"!'k.,:\. teet 111gb. Base. 2: (~~l·.v[d~, 10 iDcll~1$" thk.l;:, 14) ir;:che:l. mgh, Shipp-ina: '9,'ciCht abo-m 4080 pound:!!_

.Ar~ir:li!: NLLmhll'l'"l \'ll'irhl~' . Ir.;,,.h l,.nni~·IF'8~Y Pa}'~nL "Prui: DlJ\11Jl l'a;v,"'iJ:rMClElt[h

i2S3 K 8662 UhH.! VlJlllt.'tl f:i9.0ID ------sT3.H "$$.00 $!),OtJ .

263 K 86G3 Whj~.p f::Jr.tuilcod .41.511 !l1lli.DeI !'.i.oa 5.D!...._



The "Beverly" The "Beverly"- V ermont Marble

An, attractive, lew priced d(:5Iign in white clouded 0.1' blue vemed VennOf'it fn,8,l"blc. TIl{: mnin bloclt find upper base or'th.H simple, d.iR.nifi~ monument are highly polished em all four sidea. Gl'acl:fully curved top of tbe main block haa send rubbed i'uis;h. aa ~ also the beveled «ige or toe upper lH,t,'lie and tbe entire lower base. The design <If oek lea ... es, symboli~ of strenll"th. i.1;.. CElt'V;OO ill) all four feces af the mtlln block. CIIIII'!'Vi,og is included in price of etone. Lrttlering shown ia 2-inch Gothic, V,slJnk and very appropf'iQ't~. Lt:lteri..ii.~ iii .extra: :orices on Page 23.

T ... r:al HC!.i!l;l1t 30 fClCt,g lache!51 Total Holilht3 ft;(!:t 8: :lncbei!l

Main B!oct:.; 6 lu, witk. (;. j[I_1bkk. '2 Jt.~ in. hEftll. M!1Iin nIM;k: f, 111. \.Vlrll;,p, In. th.kk.:2 n., 6 in. hlJm.

I r,J.l[i'l~ R (I.~e e ~ i n. ~"'.Ldc:, 9 in. l]~ [(:1;;:, 4: lei, ~dSh, Upper B8.!!i0; 1 [L, wi48. 1 V. thiel:;;, 6 iq. bigr,.,

Lower llu!o;(.o: 1 I~. wrdc, l rt, Om:!>:, S In, bl~h. l..o\\·t"l" n~~e: I Ft , 4 In. W";i(,io!"-, I it. .... m. thl.clr. 'c w4.;ht :lbLJout 17.5- IN"Ullds.- .s i u-. h~l:i.h. SidVl)iuJj: 'wd.Ji:h~ at;.O-IlI. SOU pounds.

253 K aG8B-Bh .. e Vel~. C;uh f'ric~ 253 K 8G90-~h1t! Ve~., ::-as~ i-"ri.;__'C. S.!§. .. 5111

2~3 ·K"eGa9-~-\'':hi~.~ ClQ;l::io:i.·Cli~hPljcc·,:U:;g ;:;~~~f.'6t"~'1~~,~~,J,~.: .. ~~l~~ .. ".:~~. \.\~~]~ .".I~~: $~8~n

.t.::aE}, .Pa:ymol!'11t Price: On.1y .$5.00 with jJTj'lI'r 253 K 868' • \\hitc:C'm,u.h:'d. Cu.:;h Pdcc .. $iLSI

and .')$.Of] ;l l~nnth. ., •.. , ",. . _ S17.00 ~\(.ilj~~I:G&Il~~~~!ll~(~~.:, ?~ll~ .~~.?~.~·~l~ ~,r~~~S"2.511

The "Lawndale"

Cash P ric e Blue vdncd O!" white clouded

$4350 ~t~1:c:n~:f~~ ;~~r~~t~1

_ - main I)lnck Jl1Iepr..lif:;h~rl: edge

bevels are sand finish. Upper base is: polished on roar sides, End sand Dn.1sh~d 0.1\ top bevel. For tllyle:s and i.)fj~(.'Ei of lettering see Pa",e .23.

M:Lln nT~~t:~ ~t~~~.:~,~,t:.t:41~~lhrC~, 2 fL..b[~il.

t;p",~r uasc: 1fi.~'n.".r:id:e. 7 In, lbkk,4jn, fUA:h. 1.owe.r nn.~ol'!,~ 2 ft. ~ in. wid"", l fL thlj"_k.. Win. fll!!]l.

:sh.ll;!or,l~g \Ye.I~JI ~ au .... ut ..505 ~oUi1rJ.IJ. 253 K 8T69-Blu·~VO;:!inet.! v , C;)'!l1l Price .. '$41.5ii)

~~'JYJt,6~~:~J~~~;.".~. ~~'~~ .$.~.~)~.~Y~f.l~ ~j.r~~'~ $AIU~.

~5q: K 8770 \\."itt Clouded. (~~~h'_'ri:rl'.$-45.i)I .t:.:~:Sl- l"'a~.'l1l:~i'-L l>r[~: OJ.Ll~ ~S.IJiJ wHh m!)~l

illl:d$5,lJ(IamGn~h. . ..•... ".,~ .. , ... $49.n

FI'ot .. 1 ll' J f~t a tncbcs

:\Ialn 'Block": 111i. (I ill. Ivid'l"t (i In. I,hi!~k.·l_ t't. Illgl). tropcr D:I\sc; J H, 9 iu. \lkJ\', 9 in. Utid.. • ."i tJI. b~h, t.ower 1i-llS~: 2 ft, Z in. '.· .. if.,., 1ft, 2 il1, tliit·].:,

10 Irr, lugh. Sh.iI)IJiw.; .... 't;lt;J.lL ",l,iI..lI.L~ 7.jSi J~_]ltUd~.

~~ ~~nU~ ~R.~~S:l~~S'5~(~~~!il~~~J~~'~ ~55.[jO

",ill.! $$,W:3 mule.UJ._ _ .. S61.0C

253 Ii 0 17 2 V'/t"iit<:> Ck,ydcd ~ Cash Pncc $.5:8 .50 H;i~\' PiJ.!o'H~~ll, !~rko,::: Ollb: 85.4j() Wil,l~ u;ci.o,,:.r

t~l1d -$5 00 a !lJo.nLh.. . $&4.5.0

From rhrcc (0 sL", weeks arc ro finish a I\,'{,.rble Stone: :;Igd pre.pare

itlQr.shl.pmcnt. I

Per F.CllJ:ht Ratee.aee 1:7. I


The "Lawndale"-Verlnonl Marble

The "Arlington"

Shaft and upper ba.a.e bilihJy :Pcl:i~hed. Top -0( s.h8ft. ecrctl end curved hun b are send firdahed. Bc'I,i'"C t of IJOf.Ji'!r hose and entire lower beee dull finished. Lettefin'~'Qn Jargest .etone is 02 }~-jllch a_nd. I H··irteh Roman, V -eunk, Lettermg i'!l; <=X1.:~; prices Oil Paw,e :l.::i. In buie vetoed t;lr ~"'hite clouded II1K1'ble..

'J'Otfil, l'h~i iliht 3- feet. 0 tcebes

rt'l:dn nlock~ 1 It., "N!tij', (~in, I.!'id <, 2 .ft. 61rl.lii@t. 1.ippec n.~u.c: 1 fl. 4 ill. wtde, 1u Ill, tblt;~. I> In, hl£h .

• ..ower U"SI"!: 1 ft. Sj_,. wide. 1 ft. 2 in. lbk.k, UHn.nigh.

ShhJll1!.l~ w~i!>h~ '_~b'.Jut (,~m uoupds,

~~~ ~4~!;~ -k'~~ 'O~~r::;d55~(mh ~;~ o;JP.i . anr1 $4'~01 ~5~~8"6~6:...__ -, viiiru dQ·tid~d.· cru:hPdDP-::.~: :n~:~:

~s~ Pavrncnt :&ice: Only $5.00 with order and

35.00 OJ. J.~\l)ll~h" ,',., ,."., f,57.1II.

Tuta fH~l:ih t 4. feet" ~ tnchee

Main nlock: 1 ~~_ 2 in, wide , 8 in. tll:ck • .3 it.:2 [fl. h1~.l.

}!C~; ~!:~ ~ t /(~·rO t: ;~~:', 11 /L~ ~ ~~~r~~hi8l;l~'1.~j~~·h i!£ll.

Sldll~lirlS 'I.'f"I!'Q;bt abuut ~50 nouorte.

~%.~ ~.t~I~~'!P~~~~ b~~S1:iOt:' ~r~lit;oi-('c:r 'an,1SIS.OD

$5 OO-a l' ...........•..•...•.••• ,',., •••• S17.0'

253 K 8698-Whltc Clouded. Cash Prrce $&9.51

Easy Paym~nt Pri-ee: Only SHJ.OU wi!;-h 'Order and

$5.00 I:l. mcarb.. .... ... .... . ... ,·$7t1:i.51

The "Adington"-Vermont Marble

.Mcnuments Lisred Above ShIpped from Rutland, Vermont


The "Brantford"- V ermont Marble

Slue veined or white clouded marble. Main bloelt and upper baee poli!lhed on all four sldes, Bevel of upper beee ~ld entare tower base hrji" .. e;:;ll.dl sanded rUli$h. Scroll hae pl)l13hed race joe lI!i1n~. Gates Aj&u' desian on front. Lette .. i~e: 1:9: ext r- 'a: prices on Page 23. Metel dcwela and 9p~LfI,l cement for :!letting inelnded, A very popular destgn.

TntBI Hej~ht 3- reert it'lchc!O.:

llar:~~il ~:~~(tLJ1~h~~~o\tvl!~':~~~'G6lL!~t~~~~~I~l~ltk(~ f.,:.j,~; l~l!]~~ r~~~ ~Ci~~j:j)1~f.::;;;t;:~j~~:eJI~~'~?Q~~~~~;_3 jJ1clt~~ ljlkk, HI inches h!~h. ~'~~ ~t~~'1?n~T~~;~ b~i~s.6(t~~l~~~rl.C'r· aud' 's·S' .• ·Jl), ~ S31.!;I

rucnth __ .. _._._. __ ._,_. _, .. __ .. _. __ .. _, ." , •• ,_ !5.0I

~~~ ~~J~~llf p~~~li5~~l~d~~u5~~~~!'an~L~(;J.~tl;. . , ,- , ., it.~g

Tot IAI I· 4 foot

Mala BJQoCk: l toor :2 inches ~ ... id~" 8- inc.h~~ t.hick, :]: r~~~ (I inchce ~ljif~1. IJpPIi!'J" BMt.'l: 1 toot. (;. tnchee wid." 1 r.lot thick , 8- ind~t::!> b~il . .r _QW(.'-f .lIa5lol!: l J[KI L 10 incbe!; wide, 1 h.l[)~ 1 inches flrick. 10 inches hiqh . Sltinpiill~ wclll!"nt about as.o I)() U nda,

~:~ ~:~lt~Ip~;~~ $~(:~raa'~~.~~5~ri(\cl~:.tlLt;J~th"· - ~ ~ I ~ ~ SU:~~ ~ .. ~: ~:~~~Pri~~~~!jc:d8'£~fi.l~~At,~;l~r;n(h· - ~ .::': ~~::

The "Oakwood"-Verm(mt Marble

MonumentFi Lil'il:ed Ahove Sbippt.o>:d (ron) ·Rutland, Verlllont.

The "Mission"-Vermout Marble

Vermont Marble

The "Springdale" (At Right)

It. would be diffil:u1t to find a Monument ..... hi,eh could moee lit~ly expreaa your f~ing_ Mnin bloek is pQ!is.hed 01"J fl'l4..1r ~lrll!J$an.-l

d~:r:;.~;~~ :~~i!'~lr;fl~h~S!~~~;;~.~h:d~r:~~t=~~~

base is all send finiahcd. Let.t~1nit"sbow.n is 3-int::h Gothic, traced i u a i)unel. A.I.i:lI..lle IVUlD for dn-tl:5 on front; of main block, ~ngrB viltg is included in c..o~ but all lctt~ring i~ extra; f1f'i~..{t on ~gc 2_,_ Metal dowels and '!I(J<:c~1 cement for iiC'ttinf( ~:t\(;luded.

Total Heil:':ht 3 t(~et.6 iut;lu;s

~l~ill Diock; 1 ftJut. ...... irle , (j IW;;.J~ell Lbh;k. 2: fed 1 Inchee hi!j:h. Upve{" RI)iO:e~ J ii"fQi 4. inc+tea wide. J() in.~be: thiic;!.:., 6 Jccnes hl1;:h. L;:>werDa~e.; 1 ft)ul, S. iac:h",,-.; wkie, J tyvl2 iilclJe::;lhick. ~ Inuhea hjgh., SbiJ}1:lmg.... 'I:'ic.:ht about 15.80 nounee.

.o\.n.jcl~ _'\I. umber I uie C',1''j!1l1'riw 11C,w,;y J 'i:l.Y·" I Pay Down IITI M.D,

263 K 871 $; atuc V"'~1Jed I $3.8.10 ~42 .. 0D $1;._0' S:J..OI

253 K 871 6' "Vl~i~eCloud"cd 4\1.50 U·S. 5.01 !U'JI

·l"'QtaLHcl~ht 4; feet ll,lic:.h.,,~

't'<lhll l-IoI,' '" f-cet 8 Inches

_'\o:fllliil B1QC-k: l fQQt..4lnrni::1;I ~vklc.10 inches thick, J feel h:lotll. Up~u~.c B3i>~: .1 E o or, P. !l~che~w~d~, 1 fl\{lt? !"C.llt·" th!d(! 8 inl?'~"'~. hiEh.~. 1,.r)~'[".lI'" BIl~e: J. feet 2 mcbee v vid c, 1 fOOL t:l u~L~ du:c1., 1 f1Ic,(. t.t~!!. ~IJlt~t~LI~:';' w'-eiL;hc ~Otll. 13.V) p:lt.ttld~1

Artlel,," Ni~1TlI_)l.rl~~k _1~1E.s."')· P"~Y·lIP~).Dy,'i\'"n ~J·.i\.lo_ 25a K 87"" 1\, .. " '\i"cd $16... $03.'. SU." I "".0.

2.63 K 8720 \\·hl.h:~'4I{ludl;'d 10.10 8&.0' U,.o, ~_OIJ

Tbe "Oakwood" (Below at Left) Priced Unusualiy Low

Poli:li;bed 6.n all aurfacea except carved top o~ m.a;Q block, ix::vd.c:Q. edge of upper bEII~ and entire lower haee whir-.h htl,ve ~ . ended nn!s:h. Design iF: tr."~rt 011 four sides. Furnisbed jn blue ',;J100 or whlte clouded marble. Letterina is exrre; prices ca Pap 23_ Met;;ill dowels and cern .. mtfor~eUj,I:I;r:; included Pictured below ut ~eft.

T otllli Helg:iht 3 tee r l j ncf ~~

UJ'!~~dD~ti~\ ~l~'~trl~~~11'~~[~~~~~·62i~{:·1~tgl;:

r~(}wW' BaRe: J ft. 4-j.n,wld~, 1 fl. 4in, t,bkt:,.':; ill

~~3 it1f~~lL~~ ;{J~;~~7~~~l~J·p~cc . ~21 ,()~

E:.Jti),. P~~·LU~ut Prll"e:: Only $S_OIl .. vhh order

2~J5K~ 7 36L1ft'VtJec clou(i~'- C~Sil-1;riCc ~g: ~g ~J~~r.~I~l~!~~'~~:j.?~L_I~_~~.?~_~'.~~~ .~_r~~~~ 31.SIJ

Total H@l#ht' "'" teee {, incnM

:MlIoill HJ.~k: 1 It. wide, 1 ft. thick, 3 It. hilrh, Upper BasG; 1 n, .. Ill. \\.'tde, 1 it. 4 In. lihirk, (. in. hixb, Lower Base: 1 Ic. 10 in. wi~I.p.. 1 ft, 10 in. uucs, 1 Ir . high, &'hij)j)ing W~1gbt 'about l.J.OOP'OUlid.!i,

253 K 0737-nlne Veined, Cash hire. '56.8_S0 E3E:iy P;:I)illh-JJ'~ Price: Onb. $1 2 _t)!) \yil.ll urder

2?~ik~738~{Vl{itC t·l~ude;j'_ -ctl~h·l:';;;_~~ J~:~g ~~SYsl.~;~c)~~~t1C,~,: .~~~~ ~,1~,~~ ,\~,t~, ~~(~~t Sl.01)

The "Mission" (At Right)

Fumiahcd in blue 'V~incd or white cl.ct¥Poo marbk_ Polished on ;;Itll surfaces except eracer ully :!ilt;;l;ved. Lull' of main block, beveled ~~e or LIpper base and entire tower ueee. M~in block ia topped qy a crcea wt th cruefttx traced on the Irene. Plower destan aM border are traced on three ! idee. :D"cE;ign.. Included in price, Lettering i& extra: :l)f'k:es 'On. ~Q,~e 2;3.,

Total HeI~ht 4 toot 10 tecbcs

BI~~ 8 i~, ~\il~·.~ in ~ 41e~~~~~}~: J i~~' .a~~~·1~:~~

Usa$e: 1 ft. wid'Q. L It_ (.11I(:k1 6 in, 11igh. Lower Ba;6.e: 1 fL -:i: in. wkte, t It. -I In. tJ:.[.::.~. 10 ta, high,

tg:riK~"871~~rtli',~ ~?,ril}!1~I~~~h Prtl'!:. ~&.SO

EaS9' Pa cmeut Price: O;;J_)., S5,O·j with UL\!eJ

.;:mr. g_;:.4t() n mnnlh .. , _, ." ., !iiiLIUI 253 K 8726:-Wllb~Clt.iUdl~'_ C""lJ 1. .... , i~ 49.50 Easy Pavmcuc Price: Onlv S5.t1fJ wirn order

,IIIU $5.1)(1,1 J,J[m!J, _. S4_S.i1

'I'vbll H.:;il!l'" ~ reet S Inches

M~{:Ul~~ :'10 '~~~~~~~' i ci~i~_k[bk~: 1 ;~~- JW1~-

bis:11. ~Jj) l ft._:z ill. \vi~~, I !~. z in, 11lj.T-!I;:. &1.11. b.i.fJ. Lower B.3se: 2 It_ O,lU. wme, 2 It.. (I(Ll

~g:~' ~ ~ ~1".~t~;~~izy;,~~?C~~L~~~~.~~~?5~1i

Easy 1~.IJ,.leL1t Price: OullI-J 12-.00 wirh oruer

~Jn.;j f'i'.jIO II moruh ", •• ' _~ ... ' .. _, 1G.5-tI 253 K8728-\"'hlLe(::1';,1U~I:!d," Cl~hT~J~ 71.00 E~y Payment Price : Only :s 12;.(,;01) w:ith order-

.~flU jl.lit)_'-L Ji'lm!111 ". i''3.5iO

Tutal Hehtht I) rC>L.'t

M~;:SBI:~~!ltl· f~".i~~~:l:.ltir:I~I~i~k,1 ,;f1i .. 22 t: ~i~~_ ~~r:l~~:r: i.~~~ ~ {nh~i~8'L~~;~.'~~~-lt1fr~ki (~~~ ~~. i :l7~§~~I~~1~.f"~~~~!~~tW:l:./41~J!Qri

£;;j.."I.y' Pi:L.y.uw..u.t l'lll;e: Only $.12.00 willi Yl"<_h;:r and".~J}() a month __ ., ._. _._ .. _._.~ .. _" 99,0(1 263 K 8730-Wbke(;1ouded, C3.'!!h Price 94_50

~~iYs~~'JJW~t1~~i:;.: _~~~~. '1,~,(lO \"i1h Qrd~~104_00

The "SpringdaLe"-V"rmont iVlarble

It rcqutre« from t.hrcc ro !'iix: '" eeka to fue-ntsh ~ .M c H .. IJI~ Stone a,ut prepure 1 t foE:' ahf nmcnr ,

Por- "'f'eiQ,h t Ra tICS see Page 27.


Lowest Prices Big Sa vings!

The, "Oakridge"-VeTl'Tllmt Marble

A lZ'fo;cdut Double Monument. The four sides of the main block am fin~ly coliahed.

A :!"":impl(: t1c.~jg'Q f~e't the wQn13 "Fether" and "Mcthe ... ." which are mcluded in the prlee, but :filQ.Y" be placed ~ cit;~ ... side of the: front as yeu $'jXC ify _ Graccrully curved t~:.:ri of~maiIl blook end entire bose fjrulcl; Iillit;b. Blue vi{wed. Ol' whj,te clo:uJed ,m.a.rl;lle. l...ct:tmns on 18;tg~ !It one :is Gothic, V .:.'Jl1t~ki names are; <t.i1.te~, 1 :fi_.:.i:licll.

All1t: l t-erillil( ..:,:rtr~; :pritx~ on Pe ~ 23. '

The "Franklin"-Vermont Marble

Thia ap~tc dou'b1,e Monumenp, in blue ..... ""E!inM'01' w})itc clcuded-merbte, "II lli2hly pohebed except curved tl)Pf:. nf rna in block and base fi live smWlh dull .fim~ll. C(U:VM tops jrro ..... jdc Sips ce for ..... orda "Father" and • 'Mother." Jf dealred.

~ T¢~~~~~~~ ~=: ~~a~~iC.:S ws~~~~,eis ~~~~th~~~~Q;;i~~~lt;t:~~ ~~;

'&t:yk·.g, and prices on Page 23.

. TlOt:aJ Rdlht 2 feet 10 lac-hes

l~:3~Lj~~L:i~ il!~~~bi~~~1~hCI~;~;~~~h~~~1~;\~~&6 J;Q~~~~;~[Sb. nil~c'~ J fC~L wkje, 19

-AI Li'ck N ".rnb~ ~ I' M F.i.rbk I C;"1~ tt Pl'icP.1 ""'''' Pa,,,,, e,,, hj"" Down P,,.,, .. ,, "II 'er M Ont.b

~53 K 8815 urue Vejll.E!~ ~5dJ.aC, 355.10 I s S.O() !;i5i.fO

~8'G ·'YhiLc-ClondM. .!!i.3.a~ ,5!~~ lC1.01l 5.10

TotB"] Hei!l;bt" J flC~t" 2 '!fic-hca

2 t~~te~ ~li~f::~l rg~~2 Ll~h~~J~:~~~·h~r~~t~_~~!ilJ~\~~~ f[ol~t~i1~.~~~(O:nd~~ ~l r~.ct wid~.l ff;.Qt

At"iJCJ~ N\~m"bi:'-~ I Marl;dc I C';'lsh ~h:i4A:I~Y P:lymt\Jl1. PriWIDO'L'?T.l p.a:)'rn~ntj P~r Ji..{O!ltP.

~!~ .~ II ~ 3 lt~rt;I~~~'~f"rl -:; i,t~ g. $H::g sg :g~ s::::

The "Mount Greenwood"-Vermont Marble

A beuutiIul memorial. In the top of the low broad stone is un open-Leek d-e~~. 'the ldtt:TiIlI:!: ia flanked on either aide by 1!1 graceful decoration .. kttciin,g :;;bown b O'othic, V-gunk_ F'Qt" other' styles rmd prtces eee Page 2:1; aU 11;!t~dng extra,

To-tal Hci~ht 1 rout t. Incbcs (thin !:.""t:yk}

Ll1i~~,i6 i~~h~!11i11~?~h~d;flt;~~~~~' ~~g~~i~1Ig~~~i:rr)t hlgn_ -c~a~:? "f~et. wWP., I ~118t

~nicL:- N'Ill"!-lx-rl -.J,_-1.a.rbEc 'Ica~dipricc EasY' Pa:!o'm.cill priCE"lDOi ..... ll paYlllR"ll~1 r:c:r MO"Q.~b

253 K 8773 Bluo::! \.'c:!n,Cf1 ~3.!Ii~'1JI1 539.110 .55.00 n,M

263 ~'B774 Whiwei'O\lded 3.1Iii_51D '40_50 5.GO 5.00

~- ---.- .............. Tht-al H03i:l!hr 1 foot 6 .nt'".h ... ~ ( ,s.t"YI~-- ---

~~~~~i~~lLQ4~~~~i:.~~ti1.k~·I~(1~~h~i1~1{,U ~bt~f~Yri~~~i~h\ ~lb~u1L~~ .~~~~,:.! J~~ 'l. lLJcLL~~

~Lliclc-NU.LTI~. "'1'.1 M~L[l.ol,,:,__ IC~!!..£J ~~IE~Y ~YI1lE'I,I.j. :p.-ioe·I~(1Wn 1'.a8.[]l'C'Dtl Per Mt!l:m __

~~~ ~ fJ~~ ; Rll~i(;'c~~:~~'d .):i:~g $H:~~ $j::3 St::

-- To~ilJJht ) fOot: .!=i·i;Zb'l':5~-- ---.-

hlaln Rlo~k, 2.r1~'·~ ,;.·I.-lI~, [ '-li';',1. t-1;ir:~, .1' rf"!-!..'~:2 111("".hp.i"; hlP.Jl. Ba se s T:!L~I~1..{j fncbne Wirlfi, 1 Foot Q i uches thick, (~fne:b:!.,.; Jnrrb,: SbLjlp,i.n~ \>'-~~.Iit ~bC.lH 1~ p.a.un.ds.

It requires from three, to ·s.i.x 'week~

to Iintsh a Marble S'tOl1e and prepare rt for shIpment.

Freight Rares

to principal eiries give-n on Pil!le..27

The "Roscdale"-Vermont If.farble

A ~Ln~)l~'. d'Lg'nHied MQnwu"'=:nt. ~\ltbo'Ugh.1R :;,il'l(.le ~t'Of'l.e the 9_:t::h~p.Rn~':!1.and tapered bevelina !ti.'I.~e- the; effee:t of tWQ ecperete etcnee. The words ~-F.atha't and ,jMot:hce' !':kiLlfully traced without charge. Pcsi 1;im1 of l;hr::;.c worde reversed i f .n(!~1 rv-d. All oteee

i~'::rl1nn~s·~edbt~~. ~ir~~~:b!t~~e~~~~ ~hl!n:~r::!h~~ ~~.~~~

i.s ?i ,1fk"'".h B nd l %-inch Gothic I V -eunk,

'1'01::1.L"2 feet a. l:llch<i!;!i]

~'i:lin Block: J teet :!l: tnc.f1-f!~ \I.'iiI"E:. 4..iuch{!"]i: thick, 1 roo-L 10 Inchee hil:"h. "B::::I8EI: j.f~~ 2: m.che!twifL(!,l{1 im;J.I'I:;;' Lfi1:k, 10 iTIl-I)i"",)1i_gII_ :f:i!JIr;;phl_gWCd:g.hlO'llJ[lllt (j1~l pnlm;j!~.

Artkk-Nulnl.oC-T _ 'M;'Irbk '1(:0..::11 PtI;eelF.8.SY Ji'ay.L11t=!IH, pricelDOWn. Pa-:;:lnerL~I"Pt-r Month

2.53 K 8020 r~llr1" vetnert, S3'3,IJO S"?P.1l1ll S50.1l0 s.5-.~G

25S h ssa 1" WhiLe CLO-\lal:'"d 41).511i . .t4,!j.G 5.aO 5.IUJo

'l'(")t~l ~ teet 8 j"ru;:t,i..C;!:i

~tllift Blockr 2 r,=,c.t. ~ 1:lcJ.)If!.!'l wirlc} (Io ilJ;;;hO;!:lI thio:.;.I.:) 1 root )UJllo:.:ho;!"~ l.ti!i:h. B::LS0: J ieee 2 tncuee wide, 1 ,o"o'~ L!1Kk. 10 mchcs h.~tlo. r.;i·hlj'![I·!j'8" \'o'J..-I:!!;h1. M~ll~ 9rHl ("lr;.L1t.uJ~_ I '1-1aJ'bk: L1.3h Pd~~IE;:U:;Y ·~I""LLL~I~).. prIO;::ID~"""" P-o.IYrrl4::J;it.l~rM-on_ ..

i l§ ~ la ~ § ~J~rt;·(:~~~~,'d_ .S~ ~ :~~ S~:~~ ~ l~~g~ $~: ~g

A beautiful meracriat Ior 8 littlll:! child. Fn,rniahed in blue veined ur _ white clouded marble. M$in bloc.k polis.hcff,; ~R .. l"';·OO lamb with tooled finieh , Price unusuaIl1110" ... ·• Dun. s.aud.-nat-gboo beee. Let, terlng 2 a.OO I-inch Gothic, V~~nU1k. Lettering is extrR~ ..... rtcee Oil PO"(ge 23. DUWe1B sod eemect toJ' ~etting inc l uded,

Total Hell;!:h.t 1 font' lO iuch'-I~

:i'.bin !HOCk ~ 1 foo-t wtde, 4 inohea IflllcL. 1 foot "2 incllf!~ Jli]:h. BIJ.5:IS, 1 irlOlt .. inchee w1rkd S i .... chce ULI(:U,

~ :sah~ ~iii~ci~~~I~~\~t;:~3~ C~h\!Jec/.~~ u.n~~ .. $28.15

E8.<lY Payment, Psicc: Ollb':$5 (I() wi(h Q.rdCT and

~ ~-~ ~~B~hl :.:_ ;,v~')il;~' r:l;l~l;L~X_ 't.~1 ~ h' "·:';·<;e . '. : . : ~~~: ~~

J.i::slS:!l .l-'8.ymli!n~ ... rice; 0 nh' :$.5.00 wLth '!loU~" Ulld

~_Oll 8. m,,1ll.ll. _, ~,_ •. ,~ ...... _ 533.DlI

Total HeJ~h'[ :2: feet

M~'_in Bloc-k: 1 foot Z inrbce wide. 4 urchee thlC:l;:r 1 r cut -1 i';a,;.hCiS hi.:;.h, a~J:;~ ~ 1 !.;."J.)t 1 inchcu wide j 8 [n<:h~.j

~~, K M~62:_~lll:w~j~~~ l~~tp~1~~~t. ~Ol _1.)$i2~~m

1f..;J,!'ov r';)~'1Ji!"n~ I'ri.:~. Onl), :::;.~.fJO wlr.h ceder nnd _

,15.u1)3. mouvh .. _ ... : _ .. ". '<"'~,': _. _: _ .$~~.511

~53 K8853-~VliJt.:: r:1:IIl'l.ll"rl. (''''',:<Or1 I'r:'n'" 1i3J.SlJ

~5'%1~ :;r~~~~~l. p[.~.~: 031~c_ ~:x~ wIll" ~)~~l~ ~\.l$ill.OIJ

The _ "Hazelwood"-Vermont Mllrble

Top and fuw' sides of J1-'lai.n block hiahly poiiahed. Front decorated wit.h traced UesiY,1l uf pillan; 8uppol"tinr.; be-dee 0 flo~r!';_ Entire bene is dull aerrd finished. Fneniahed Ia blue veined ond whit.p. clouded mnrbte. .Letterio~ shown ts 2 H. :::: and 14-inl:"h Roman, V-s-unk. Lettering is e;z;:tr::J.; fO;1' I?[i.~~ sec P.a8:~ n.

The "Oakland"- V amant Marble All sides polished e~ceQt top or main ~Io(;k. llPP~ bcse of ht::~l and entire Iower baee, which an! eanc fittish:t'd_ WH-h or without cross etrown on top. Rll1e velned.or white clouded marble, Lettetifig is extra,

Total Hd~bt:2 'teet 81nchc!I

l\iai,n DIQck: _1 h, 4, ill. · ... ·,d~1·1 in_ thir.C.:, 1, ft.::.I in. high,

rg~:~ ~::~ {~i: 1(_:~~~~~~~i[t"i.:{:~~~~,i8-i~_\h~h. 2~3 K 88~~£~lmt~~/'~~e~~~~c~:~5~icl~I~~~- _. s2'9~SO

~Y Psvmcnt. Price: olqy ~5.f.!,O ",iUl order utili

~5l)~ 'It 18i~6_:_:_~~'iriLe- ciCtU~Fd', ·Ca~h·Pi-i~. ~.: ~i~i::~

E.iB~' P-.a.!?!U'::!lt l"rLf""~; OT.!oly ~.'.(I(I .wlt). Q:-.:tt;r nnd

.!Js-.W EL HIU-lJ.~ll. - . _ $34.0.a

M~in BI~~tflir.~·t~\:';~~~~ 111~,~j~~~ 2 It, b!$h.

Uvl.*r "\lie: lY· ~ i'!;1. :.vide-_~' LiP..,thi('~,5 m_.l,l.i;J:!:ll;_ Lower Rase: 2 [(.21:1. wuJt(, 1 ":.:2 LIl, tlll'1:1.t..ll}m,ll1~h.

l~~ V:?'J!lpr~~~ uV~~tl~~5.~~~it~r~~& -atid$"'·OO ~5~ t< S83'8_:_\Vld~~' i..:i4· .. IDJ;{ . Q~lJ' P ~i~·.·. : ~ Jit~~

E.a;s:_...· P,rvmtrt~t Price: 'pnh~ "5,(10 with order -and

~'.\IOa.!'l~)mh._ . ".,'" "., . ,_, _, ,_.SS~.5~


Priced Extremely Low

Distinctive Markers of Vermont Marble

Guardnte"d Big Savmg«

This Market may be used with any of our marble monuments. Rounded top Is nicely polished, while front, sides and back have smooth sanded finish. S as e made fIat to be set on foundation.

Lettering shown, suitable for largost .iz~d marker. is a-inch Gothic J' aised in panel. Lettering i9 extra, Other style. and prices on Page B.

I f!)at.)1 inche!l-wide. 10 ln~h~!ll.hkk, 1 DLwh~~ high. Shlr.l])itlit ~1,o-...:I8Ii,

2S3t ~J~'55~R111P: \·l·ll~I'd. Ca!lh filth:. _ .. __ .. _ , S21..5iD

253 K 8868-'<\>-hile Uouded. Cash only •..• , t _, •• _. __ • ~ 2-1.50

1 foot JO laebc!'l wide. 12 tncbee th.ldr.~ 10 IntJU:!i h£gh.

2'g'!Jbt.Kaif85~~E':~~nt!tL Cuh~."., .... ,., .• , ,S25r10

FA:!!)' PaYllU!nL Pt'kt'>: OnJ)" 1_'i.OO d4-m'r1, $S.OO;1, moru .. II~ •• _ ll,al

~f~ ~~B~~t.8p;:~ignlc;lo~5~~·cl4~~$f_~;:m{;nLti:. ".:: Sit::

"2 reel 'ifil'i:£II!, I l in_clJeR t.hJ:~t, 1 fjjl;loL high. Shipr.;ing: ""'' :J.bout i'~Bottn..t858_:EHlle Vf!lt:IC"'_ Ct:L<'Ill Prl~ .. _ ., __ '_. _. _, . S:u..lJg

~5~1;e~B8~\~{,i£~ofl~·~.01JC~ilS~~~,~:~~',::': . ,~~:~:

J,;u,~' p;\),IU"ll1 Priee r QuJy ~5.D<) cll}W:fI. ~5.00 i\ lIJ(!,..t11 .• ,., .. 33.00 Three to fOUl" wecQ requfred to peepare Marble ~lar:ketS

for delivefY,

A marker provides; an inexpen sive stone which is equally suitable fOT uSC wi tb a family monument or alone. This Sunken Marker is especially adapted to cemeteries where it is: desired to mow over- the entire! surface of the ground. Smootb, dull sanded finish flat top. For styles and -prjc"" of lettering see Page 23; all lettering is extra. The tottering shown is Gothic, V·sunk.

'\'l;:l~J~~l;.Ii'--!):lL:l~~o~~~~, lQ tncuee Lhk::k. r. Incbea hlg,ll. ShiP]lillJl: 253 K 8925-111ul!: Veined vermocc MEl.rb_k.

" . SH.OG

Corner Stones give dignity to the family lot. Above ground. dull sanded finish; below ground. finished rough. Slightly pitched top. Initial shown is 272:.inch Gothic raised in panel. Lettering extra; price. on Page 23.

4 ~Jjl~~t..v~~"4. f~~~~dt~i~e;~e~QO~ 11

Inches long, Shipping ";;,:elgbc nboUE "70 Ibis.


~5~ O~li882:':_' ... ., - .. , , .. 4 • , • Sl.B.

"Il:li[e Clottt I f"LI Verment M,lll'bk .•

Callll wilY .. ~, ..............•. ". 51.DI

t] j~~!·~~~'¥3 ft:"~~e~~l~~~~e~n~r~nt ..

jtl.eI'j_~!I: 1~_ $I.llj)j)fflH W\! .a~UL 90 11.;liI.

2~~U:\~,~3Vt:f"I1Hmt Mi.1rbL~. ~~~i(1{884':":_--'-'-"- ._ .. S:;!.l~

White I,;J'.lIIdcd vcnncat Marble.

~~,~~Ii"i~i·.ahi iti.ies see'pQge 27~l.25

This design with its slightly bowed top is an unusually goocL choice, because it may be used alone if necessary; and when yOll do buy a family menument; it will harmonize well with any marble monument shown in thisbook, Top is polished and four sid.s have smooth sanded Ilniah. This Marker is made with flat base to be set on foundation. Lettering may he engraved either Oil top or front, As: shown it is in 3-inch and IM-incb Roman, Vcsunk. Lettering is extra; prices on Page 23.

12 Incllea: widl', H lru~h~ thlck, H Incbee MsJl Shipping w('lgbt about lOS SVUil(IllI __

~~ Q~t~ _ ~~~~.l~l~' .~::1, :~~~~; ~~r.~r.b!~ .. _ $1.1!f

~~~ !)~l~~~.~-:-:-'-~~t~ •.•. II~:~ .::~,~[. ~~~t~: 51.95

l rWL .:; btt'hes wide, 10 iJ1f'..ft,f!~ thlck. a. im!b~~ biltll_ ShJtJI~i.h1-l wai I!h t nbmu t Rf.I RJ 1Jll~.5I:.

~~j~ o~~~~.7~"_I~~.~C:~,d_ ~~~r.~~~,l.~~~r~.k~ ••. , .•. , •.. Sl'~5~ 263 K 886,8-WIJil,.e Cteuded V\}~~~I~~ ~:~r~J.[!:. " " S15.50 ~~\e.~:n~~' four- Lwee.t.s 'J'~uir~d to prepan .Msl'bJe Markclili


If you desire a. Ma1"ke:r a littl~ more imposing, the roll top d ealgn will appeal to you. It is a little Iarger than the usual Marker; it may also be used as an individual headstone. Entire [011 and front of base are highly polished; back and.sides have smooth, dull sanded finish. Made with flat bas. to set on foundation. Lettering shown is 3·inch Gothic raised in panel suitable for largest size. Lettering is extra; for prices see P<\ge 23.

Tot-Ill He IQht ] foot l I!lell es

Da~~:llTr:: ~ ~gg~~: ~;"\d~~& l":g~~ rhi~k.~ i~~~ ~~h~h~hii~~

2~1~-:t~87i:!lW~'~~i ~h Price. _" __ .. .• _13,'.54

EaBr PaYl1'1l!ut I~i~~ d~.$~~~.J~~:t_~~~:.::; s~I:~:

t.~ ~a::~~:~l dowo~p.OOalDDDlh ..• " 18.10

Foot or Coco"," Stone. Above ground, sand finished: below ground, rough finished. Does not require foundation. Lettering is 4-joch Old English raised in panel. suitable for largest sizes. Lettering is extra: prices on Page 23.

45 ~~~I~~~~"2fJl~L~d"til;~·~7oQj, ~ ~~ko8.;~jm; W(!i"M about ISO Ite.

HlUe Veined vcrmcet. M~rbJoC_

~~ o.tlla''i8:,,:: L." . - -. - .... Sl.10

"\Vhfu- Unlldl'd VcrQ\(iII[ ~'rarbk, tashauly ..• ~ ..•• ,., .,L,U 1ft'!"~boTII!: ~mund ~ i,nclt@t

S il.1cllE!i:I \Vid~ •• \: nn:hca_ ~ick. 1 foot t( Re:I!Ch-t 1 fOot 6 laCMI

IUtht'1IJI lo~ S111rJ()ln~ weight. abctut W jbs. Roll T-oP! I Ioot 8 tnchee ~e. 10 1~e!J I_hick. to In~he~ bilt'll,.

2~tu::J!~?lYcrmuut. Marble, Base: 1 toot r Ili.coMEI wlde, t ioot 2 hll;1iea L.hick.. 8 inc-hel!! lUsh.

iti~t.~iiB78_ .... , U.05 ~1!r:tKb88i:tW~i~irft~-tr~~n~~ntrudl"PrI~~ ... __ ..... _. _ .. !4J.l!i

\\'hite Cloudeu YcrmolL ~ M nrhle , ~5~ ';l~~ ~~\~,fJ.4£·~r~~~l~_ dU~$h~~~! ~ .mQn~~. _ : . : I:; :~g

C.~~U ~ml:r •.•..•.• _,. ~::!J .. U caB~' Pu.:ymeu.t Prlce: (In].y ~:S.OO u.c"' v n, SS_OD a ma[Ujj. , , 52.011·

Pr-ices Quoted Above Are F. O. B. Rutland, Vermont

I fOOl 1Q ipch~ .... ide. 1.2 i.ncll~ t.lJh:l; .• 6 inclu'!!; hi,e:h.. Sbll,.,fng \velaht aoolil 110 p.Cound.s

~I~ : 1~~~-&~f(~'C~~~~f'd Cb~I~~l!~,j): -. ~ . -., •• .': _ ~ S}~:::

"1 Ieee -, ~-WiI:!:. i~ ulL:h~1' llJjck, 6!s IJlgh_ Shl1J-phlIoiWt!h~I.1L (lI.lOI!t: 1.11.5po.ut1(l!l..

~eH ~ 11~&=eJbit~Vt~1~}~d~d~8~:'~1~1~llLY .... ~ .. ::: .: $U:~:

P~t:' ihirt-eeJl


Everlasting Memorials of GRANITE from the Ancient Hills of Vermont

GRANITE is one of the oldest rocks forming the earth's crust, and one of the hardest. It is the most durable of all materials for memorial stones monuments erected by the ancient Egyptians have stood thousands of yews and still retain their polished surfaces.

The granite hills of Vermont are thought to be among the most ancient in the world; and the stone quarried there is so superior to other granite in its hardness, in its texture, and in the beauty brought out by polishing, that itis used in a vast majority, of the granite monuments in American cemeteries. It is this fine quality, known as Barre Granite, which is used in Ward's stones.

Genuine Barre Granite is quarried in a smal l area in the neighborhood of Barre (pronounced Barry). Vermont. It is an extremely hard, t1aw~ less stone with a beautiful, fine grained, crystalline texture, vSJ,ryil)g in shade _according to the proportion of small black crystals which it contains. Dark Barre Granite is more suitable for 'Polished surfaces; the lighter shade is preferable for hammered and rock faced surfaces.

The dark shade takes a wonderful mirror polish, deep, transparent. and smooth a. polished plate glass. The full deep rich bluish gray color and the beautiful grain. are brought out by the polishing. The hammered Iigh t Bafl·~ has a grayish white color , Colors Me not affected by weather and will never fade.

Barr? Granite is so intensely hard and il~ crystalline texture is so extremcly fine and compact that centuries leave no more trace of their passing On memorials mane of this stone than upan the unyielding granit e ridges front. which they were quarried.

Gray Barre Granite Memorials

The "Forestdale" Majestic Red Granite

The stately Forestdale, cut for you from the finest Majestic Red Granite, will stand for generation after generation as sturdy and beautiful AS the day you placed i L in 'memory of your dear ones.

A, a family Monument the Forestdale is dignified ami conservative, yet out of the ordinary+-a etcnc which \vill be noticed and admired. The individuality of this roll top design makes it till especially good choice as the monument for a family well known and respected in its communit.y.

Cash Price

A panel of hammered stone in the highly polished roll top provides space for the family name high up on the monumeut when: it may be: distinguished easily for a long distance.

The Irorrt or the main block is polished and decorated with a small design of leaves. Sides and back with the rough rook finiah give thifj. monument an appearance O( enduring ruggedness. The broad base is rock faced except the wide sloping bevel, which is finely hammered.

L ... uttering shown is suitable for the largest of the three sizes in which this stone ;'1 offered. It is 471-;nch Gothic. raised in panel. Lettering not included in the price; for prices see Page 23.

T"~n' Heil.!ht .. rect '" Inches

1 f~;Jt:h!~t:l f~~IJ;~hf,4~JMt~~~k2 .i~~t i~~'~~ ~~l~!~ Jl}~~\: d:h'~! I:~~~~

I fMlt -I U1L~bf:Z~ hlgl., Slllfll11ng \.~·l:lgr..t- about 1920 pound.~ .

.2.53 K 889a-AJ"j,l;:~o:Ji;! Rt'Itl. Grllru;:C. Ceah Price . • _ ~S15L.O

Ea.2I:!t ~:~ r men c Price : $2,5.00 \~ itb N'dj,';1'" j,!,nd "l5, 00 a 111011 i.JL. lU.50

Tot:al HclJ',ht -4 1eM rn int"".ht:s

Rnll: -'"J ~r::el;. (:. in.;b."!:!li wtdc, 1 toot. thick, 1 iou( lJlg.h_ M~11n Block ~ 2 Jeer 6 Inches wide, 1 fft{ll. I.hlr:.l, ::;: 11'r't 6 mcbee hir.;h_ .B a ~e: 2~ teet Wide. 1 foot 6 Inches thick, 1 Ieee 4 Iucnes 1Jlgb. ::I.h_i!)pilli' wetgnc abollt 1400 :;JQ\_I;ld~,

~~~ ~~,!!ntpJ~~~~01~f~ ~L~;~1~ji ~r~~l~:dri32D :00 ':t I~L{r:~ t'Ji " $~~t=

ToU.1 Heiijhi:" f~t

R,'oll: :2. feet 1 [) inch 1::9 wtnc, l Itsor, I foot. h t~, M 11 i!1 l;Jlyck: 2

~~~~Ojid~~~i f~~~~6 t~~~ ~~~;;~: f :r~~; :[~ng~~i~~l~·sr.i~~;l~ ~~1:h~

about 7.~t·10 pountla.

253 K 8896--,Ma)cstic Re.1 GF.i.nttl". CQ!h ""ri:Oi!: .....•.. _ , •• ,~ln .00 EallY I 'aymc:nl .... rice; Ooly ~5{1.(lO wit.h \Il(lt:f uod $21),4]0 a. ruruujr , 2a2.S0

Majestic Red Granite Memorials

This type of stone is distinguished from Gray Barn, Granite (described at left) by the presence in its textur-e of rather large red and pink crystal. together with darker one'. It is just as hard end imper-ishable a, gray granite, and withstands the ravages of frost and storm just as unchangeably. Wbr:.n its surfaces are polished to a deep transparent smoothness, they glow a life-like and beautiful rich red, and afford a pleasing contrast in the cemetery to surrounding memorials of other materials, The hammered sur races are tinged with a delicate made of pink. The colors are unchanging and will not fade with the l"",.ing of the years. The lettering On Red Granite memorials is exceptionally plain and easy to read. even at some distance.

Because of ita rare beauty and the way it stands out in the cemetery compelling attention, Majestic Red Granite is steadily increasing in popular-ity. Aud now-with Ward', Easy'Payment Plan-it is comparetively easy for anyone to purchase a memorial of everlasting granite.

Monuments Listed Above Shipped from Rutland, Vermcntj Elmwuod, Illinois; 0" I'orrland, On'ltunl as Explained on Page.l

The "Forestdale"-Majestic Red Granite


Very Newest Design-Beautiful Monolith Tablet

The ~~WonderIand"-Majestic Red Granite

Cash Price

The Wonderland will forever be a symbol $ 20 3 00 of peace, beauty, dignity-of utmost security

-all you desire a memorial to express. Unlike the more conventional monuments, this stately tablet is formed-of a i>.ihgle stone .without a separate base. Can be used as a-family or an individual monument. Used for either purposecits rich glowing red, its pleasing contrast to sur-

rounding stones, its striking form, and its ease of reading, will make it a monument to stand apart, and to attract attention from all who visit the cemetery.

The front is highly polished with deep sand blown ornamentation. Top, ends and back are fine hammered finish.

Lettering shown is Roman, V-sunk. All lettering is Ordered extra. For other styles and prices see Page 23.

.3 [",.r.r. 'di.u~, ro [m::hl::~ [hld.,:2 It;!tlL 6 ~_fLo..;bc~ hi;e-h. Shi1lJ)Lngwf!lgllL ...... I"lllf. 126.r; pounds,

253 Jta897-C::'~h "Prln ... ~.c., .. " .. , .. " .. ,,~, .- ....... " .• 5t03.1OO

E.\.,,;I" .Pa~'n:a;>,.u.l. PJ[l.i~: OJl~y S25~OO thj\\"IL, 5::1;0.00 a sucnrh., • • 225 .. CD

.) feet S inc-Leg \"'~d~, l [(·JL)L oLLLh::.k, 2"f":":J 1:1) ~l,;h.;!= high. • ..... e!:;::hl.,u.b ..... ut 1 7.55 .PQ~l1l.jf! .

253 K 8898-C;"1~h Pr([·~."."..... .,,,. " . S2S0"Oft

l(n~~· l"'nY'lTIcnr. Prrcce Qnb' S3.5.00 d6w"t:I., szs .. 011 ~~ month, .. ~ .... " . , .. , .• ,. 275.0D

Allow two to four weeks to engrave, finish and prepare Granite Monuments for shipment.

For freight rates to the cirv neatest your home, see Page 27.

Monuments Listed Above Shipped (rom Rutland, Vermont; Elmwood, lilinoi;; 0< Portland, Oregon; a' Explained on Page J


The "Glenwood"-M ajeslic Red GTlJnite

The "Glenwood"

CUT from the finest. M."jestico Cash Price Red ~1"anite, eieh in coloring' $12900 and WIth a, beauty that tune OJ; , _

weathering doea not dim.

The face of the main block is mirr't,< polished, which makes it a deep glowing red. In a triangular panel against a background of hammered stone is a simple design of oak leaves and a spaee for the fnruily initial, which will be cut in Old English lettering free of charge. Print initia/wanted. Balance of main block is rock finished. Base is rock finished except the sloping bevel, which is hammered. Lettering shown is 5- i~ch raised Gothic! the size and style suitable for largest size monument. Lettering other tha,n initial not included in price. For prices and other styles of lettering see Page 23,

Marker shown here ts not tnctuded in the price of the Glenwood. For description of marker see Pages 1(i and 17.

Toni Hel.~hr: ~ feel: >1 !i,loC!le,s

Ma.ln. Block: 1 klQt 8 :,nch('~ wide, 1.0 lr'Lc;:l1;c~ t,!1id.::, :2 teet. :2 tuchee I:-J.ig'h. D:f's'C: 2 [{~L.2 inchea w1.I~, 1 ll:tUL 4: l'ut.:h~~ thlt,:k, 11o;;loL.2 inchae IdglJ. ShlJ.11d,,~ wciaht, about g50 ncunde.

f .. ~~~}Y~9!ranH.e. Cash Pric-e .. , .. , , ,., .... ,. , , .. , n".oo

E::L!IY Payment Prl~: (h\ty fJU.(lt) QO"~'~, SlllJlfI Q rntul~h. • !U.IJO

T9tal Heieb.t- 3. seer ao taches

Main Block: 2 Ieee wide, 1 foot: [hkk. 2 f",et 6 Inches hj~l,- BOSl~! 2; fi'{~t, fi h'u~hl'~ wldo, I rcor 6 int:,.hC$ Ih_i-('i:;:, 1 foot" 1T1ebcs J::!iF.lJ, \'I!!"jgIH i.\hQut 1750 ptUll'ld:oS_

~~~(':8R~~~ratll1.~. C:l",h Prkt'"_ ... __ .. _ .... _ _ _. _. _" $1.291.D' E.asf Payment Prica : 004' 525.00 crown. S 1 0, 00 a monur . . _ 142~IO

Totlll Hei.thc .l f~-e:t

'Mairt Rh~~!k~ ? fer:::i.<;'" iFl'dlt':'" wbilp, 1 IfIor)t Ihtr:k, ~ It'f'"t_!l; tm-,h~ hif!h,

~~~:iI~~ f:.~g/~~~t ~~ll~O ~~~~:, i ncliea t:ilk.k. 1 f u<J L 4: iJ,u.:fn·!1o< II ~Jl •

.fr~~o(.~~gLra.iljtc:, Cain ;Prk~!." ••• , •• "." ~,' ••• $:1..,9.00

R:o~y P-d:YJ.U~nL I-'nl,;t:: OuJ:y ~::25_01} d~aw]], Sl.;i.OO 1l1JJ'I.1n~h, ••• 114.0'11'

Popular Double Headstones -. Red Granite

An Exceptional Value

THIS handsome Double Marker of Majestic Red Granite takes the place of two stones, and is especially suitable for husband and wife. It is. rock finished except sloping 1:op~which is· hammered and has raised polished border and lettering. Base is made fiat to set on foundation. Lettering is 4.inch and 2·im;h Gothic. Lettering is extra; see Page 23.

.2 kct.3 inch-c.!\ wie+e , lU inches Llu...:~, 10 taches h~h.

25iLt81t7~~~1:ij~~~~3£tl°G~~~itc. Cuh P1-i(;':" .. __ .••.•• , ,., •.

E3s::.' P.ayml,::tlt. PTlCE:: Only S5_00 dl,lwn, $i5".OO a. month.

J fccrwtrte. _1:0 in[":ht·!,; thi~k. JQicche~JJI.!:!ih. t-."h .1;1])1 n~]:b L a IlOU t 5::;u lJO unde.

~~~ ~~I~e!J hf:~ij~t ~~~oW~~~~;,' S~~& :~':iiLI"_

J Feet -:5 inches, \"'!d~, ;Ie. Foot thick 1 f-{.l<;.:i'I_ llil!lh. ~_';h i [.l]Jin r.- weight 8l.;;LH.I L (l!i U V'iJ I) II d.'I:I,

~~~ ~n~~~rp~a;O~& ~l~.~o~~\~~, ~tWu~~i~;;llth.

4 teet wl~tot" ... 1 {'.lOot thjck, 1 font h~IL

2 i~~rt8\ 7~~t1~i~~h~ 1t~oc~~~te_ Ca~h Prh"r _, .

EIl.8Y Pavmcnt P.r&: Only $".HI.UO down, :$5.1)0 a m .... a .. h .

__ . _540.0D 44.011

__nll.Soc . ~:1.00

_ISS.SCI , .... 50

_ .SI$2.0D 51.51

Allow lWO to four weeks to engrave, finish and prepare Granite Monuments for sbjpment .

For frci~ht rates to the city nearest your home, sec Pllge 27.

A M'~rker of Suepassing' Beauty

SUIT ABLE ~. or two people, as husband end wife, etc. Cut from the finest )lr'ajestic Red Granite, beautifully marked. and unusually

rich in c;olQring. •

Slanting face of main block- is laighly-vpofished with deep sunk sand blown orna.m~~ati.9.n. FJ~ top of 19~~~.r base is fi1J~ly hammered and the sid es natural "oak finished, Lettering is sand blown. Gothic, V· sunk design. :LetterIng is extr-a ; see Page 23. No other style of lettering can he ordered with this stone.

'I"t)tilll nej~h:t l fOot ll1'iT1(';h~

1 f!~14 i~~! ~JjIt~a:t~~;~t~{lli\~~t.ic~I~~~l~r~i~~~ti~r~'!~~ ~,{f~~~d~~-S (~C~ fi inchca wldc.

~~K~~m.~l (':;L!lb PtiQ>.: 1F.:l..'IYPa:!llm"'tltprk.CI~~1

263 K 89!.l! _,,\;.01 $126.00 I s".o, sr s, en

'i"Qtul r-I~ililht: :2: r""d

tll~~i~l~~;l~~()~ ~er~e~~l1~~~k :WAdL~·~l.~j)l~l~~t rv~1:·,~P~:i;l~~L~:t~J·2 p~~[~'~J~(j::_ ~~n J U

"-rdel",_ Numbe. ... I_~b Prloe 1Eu:t~;;..~'m-e:llt P~k-;[-D~~L1t I 'pob.--M~

253 K 8979 10135.'0 SUS.OO S"2D_IU) 51:5.10

Monuments Listed Above Shipped from Rutland, Vermont; lilmwoo.:!., Llllnois, or Poetlatrd, Oregon; 8S Explained on Rage.3


Gent]~~ 'li:rupi;n", ton .and rolled. edqea make thli9 'Marker lLmll<WllIy .vle8.~Llllil:r :Four aides ,an:' J"IOCk_ rm.i~oo __ Top is, 'pol~lIed with rolled miu'!i::iu of hammer~:l~~. Made uat to set 00: foundation. Letteeing ts 2 -inch ~:Dd 1 -incla GQthkt V.-!9unk-, Lettering i!,;!, ,~ha; for prices 'S(:(: P""ile 23.

1 ~oo~ f.i iDeM:S-. wide, 11) mcuce ChLCk, JO m~

~l~rs ~bfft~ ~~l!.~t~i~~t:~~~ _l~~~~~~._ ... , S2t.50

Easy P(LiffiClLt pri~e = OBty ~5.UO WiLb -orcer

nnd $5 .. 011 -a IJI01H .. h ~ •• , ,." •• ,. S31.SD

t i'.m~ 8 i.Jt(;:hc~· wIde. ,1 E()ot -, 1 rece !l!..iir:h. ~hi]).J)LJ.l!i 'W~~ h t about ~ 8 flo OOllnd8_

~:53 K. a!l42,---.(.::a:sll J'no;e , ..• , •• ,. :s.:U.DI

a:3~.rltJ.',ut:~~~;'hl~~ ~_ ,~~l~~ .. ~~ ,_O?, .~i ~.~_ ~~ ~ $lt~511

2. rl"Pt wlde. J {got 1:h,kk. =.l. foot tJigl]. Sbh)pwl': w.;:i:u.!J Labou t. 400 (K:Iumla,

2'53 K 8943--Cas.h P'rlL.:e , , ,., ,S41.GG

li:jl5!1o' I'~:y nt811 t. Pi-ice: 9:nly S.5 JH) ,yj Lil un:ler

(tnt1 ~5/,14J a moOn ttl ~ . , • ~G. 01

fr~~~~:~t;~ ,~~~:~11~~. ~~;;~d::~r~:~ ~p~rr:~~1,

-e.:r;:.c~pt the hammered beve 1 about H\e base, Lecterine shewn i~' J...j rich and I-inch. 'V~;5Iunk . .!.ett:-=·ring):!Jex_tr.a~ For other ~!;lR11y suit-able style!ll of letterinJ!: and for prices see Page 2.J.

"Tot:ilII Hell!bt?l teex Ii. inche-s

~ t~~~~';it.~~]cr~tl1~~h~ldt~,i,1~~~rgC~ ~~tP~~~~~~~!~~18,17i8B p!=~

Article NlolmbglJ:?_Sh Puce. Ei;I.I;Y I--'aY~~I...Pji~E"'::o~,.~a)~menLI~'- ~I0l:l-Lh 253 ... 8904 '5.!;.!II~.5Il! SGfi.U. I. _ "0.1)0 '5i5.!!.,_.

Mulo BlOCk: 1 Foot i~~~~tL!!~~ to1~~;s-'thi;k;2 rE:C'thii;h. B8:;4.::: 2 teet,

4.ltrC.hpH 'Wid,"" I' rOot" lijci11'!iI: t.hlek:, ;l loot :t tnches hi~;Ij. ~hi])pi[tK w1'lgli"L about 11Si) ccumje.

Stt=cp].y eloped top is; mirror polished. :B\mr el dea are I'CJoCk finished. Bottom made fl;!l!t 1;0 Ed an f9Q.(11j!.ltion. L!!tteri~g iF.;; eetrn,

1 i ooe Vi'~I~, 6 Ioctice t.hick, (j, inches Jli,gll Sht-p.-

~!fa Wttjil~g~ou~So'n~~~~ OIl]:'·.. . .. ~ . ~ '!iU~50

I::. ioa.t :2 in~!!eE· wlde. S iac.LWoE!j, 1 foot. " ! i..!-cli CoM .b:ie-h. Sbi Dpi n Po w("igJit ebcur .L-80' nou rl d~.

253 ~ B91S9-~~d ~'lT Ca$ILQ(I]Y.. . .•• '~:!l:I,i!l1I

! loot" lnebce wide, 8 'rl.l:,h~~ ~hli":C;;:, 1 Ioor. 4 iachea

~~~ ~J,l~~~~~~~J fQ~T"~~~'W~~~~~·.· .... ~2~.OO

1, fQo::jr6 Inches wtuo. 10 Inches .. hick. tfoot 4 inf.'h.e:.-; bi~h. Sht'P'Di~ wck~hc :::L1.:"7'UL 32.50 :DouIJ,dl:-.

EP3 K sse 1--[ .~I~;h Prll)C. . $l7.SG

~~¥sf.o~~~~ ~~~ .C:~1 ~: . ~ .. ~ .. ~'~~.~o.~~ ~ $j~.5'

1 teet 8 Inches wide. L foot tbtctc. 1 TQO{ 4.. 'lilI;;:hp.B

~~'3 ilJ W$i6~~\~~:~'l ap~~~. ~.~~ .~l.1 [.L~ ~~ ..•• on!. u ;{:~Sr.Or~(;r~~~h~: .. ':~~~ .!~ .. ~ .. ~~t'~ .O.rd.C~~34."O

2 r oct v;idf. 1. Ieee t~ict, 1 rccr i~ in c-!1oc:~ II L~;I)~

~'!;~}j~89:r~~t.~~~ ::f:tl~~~~_' ,$21.'H)

Ea:!':y- Pa:;lucftL" i"ri"i:':I;::,: ()nJ.-y ·fS.(lO with order

;;t.nd $S.O() :::tno'!'",lll;, •••••••...••••.. _. .$41.1111

'rai=~f;: ::ti,f~~ &i:~~g. ~~~r~~~~:'

are ruc!c fill.ish~d. BottOm i-s made: fiat to eet UII fOm::(datiOn. Lel:t:er1IlR; is 2, ~~-h:i.cll, V -sunle. LefteriO;l is extra; pdces on Page!.2 3.

·1 Il~,L wide, 6 rneuce thio;::k, 8i.ttc,hea high. ShiN,lng 'Weight about 15 v6'llnda_

263 R8& oLl~Y.· .Sll.1~

l feot 1lnchea wtde . .8 inchna t.hicll;., S L LLdJo.!:!I high.

~b~=t~S8"Wli~~~~L ~il~u.~~~ .. ~ n5~5a

l fo",,~ a. inches l"O'i,ji'b 10 h'lC:~I?';::: [hil::k. 10 l!!.:;lle~

~~~if~li~~~~ ~gl~~ ~~.~~l~~~~ .,. SI~.SIl

1 l,oI.KJt. S i.l\.c:!IE:s wh.!oe. 1 (ojo~ttMek, I f'l.~'L high.

~~:lIW~~~L~"_~~~!~ :~i..Ll.~~~.

2 f(-p.t wtde 1 roo," ~Iij.;s~, 1 il.}-l}t

2~~,t~915;~~~:ililA,~i;iy. . .. ..

,':"r'!~loP. )JUrl'lE.;;!"'rl C~h l'rll""p.I:F.;;:I:!,:)' P'll·m~nt P~k~ 11,,)ilWQ paym~!;Itl~

2!53 to( 8805 $7I.Q~ $U.Oo- Si.5,o]JiI!- S5.'O&

~i'HI!.J Uti8tw1: 30 (1;'lI:'t" 8 Inches _

JIo.faln Dlocko~ 2 Jeee z Inchee wloje. 1 fLl':)L·U~io;;.k, 2 fWIJ~.d. EJloI;.lI~~ !ligll. 8i11~e-: 2 I~k,~ ;.I;!.4.':!LQi:! W tde. 1 rccc (I. tnchca ttl~Gk. 1 f.::io.i: <lj,och:es h~h. Snir--Dirn; ~iC"h~ ebeut 18~O 'f,I('.oUTI(1 ~ •.

cw: from the fmeat M_~~,Red Gl'ao.ite. beautifnlty m~r'kcd and ,.icn if! The greicefu t rcll :i5l finely po!i~Md, with the ends in tbe rough took finish. 'I'he ef.!~lt·e bri'&ol!! is ruck faced ~I!I;D_, ~c-=pt the 3.100ln~ bevel, wqich· i!ll h1!mtneITd. Thi~

~;;: ~~~l~~d~~~ln~ ~~~~~~etp~~~

iMIUded in 'pdJ;:~. Tota] H;;:;Lillbt 1 i6?t -60 lpclie$

Roll:c 1-f-oot 6. iT1.C,oo~ Wt-rlc. ~ IlJcll<l"1£. thl~':~ g In_c.hoi}"o hL~ll., BJ3.J!ilt!J: 1100t 6 f ncbee wide. 111 inchaa U.i!,;k. 1(1 iLlc:hc-s high. SJ'1iIJ]1oing WE:~;!l:ht aoout SIS -POllnC!3-.

A~ii.r::1.oe Num'ber I' Cd~h. Pri-r:e I ~sy·Pa:tmoC'nt P·{!ee 1 D!)wn ~Ymen_:_I___Pf!J'-~ICln. ,_b

-253 K8948 'Stt.7.SII ~5.2.5.~0 ~!!ii.O'

T.ota.. Ileie,ht.1 fOO1; 11'1 inehe~

Rt.J Il a 1 10Dt 6 Inches wide, 1!j i {J.-I,lhe!l; UJ t.cli:, 1 n tuctiee high. na-!!!01!"~ 1 Iocr :3 iL1Ch(!'B wide, 1:. toot thi-c:k. 1 foot Mgh. ;:;;~ tp._p.tng wl!i~b L ahau't .500 pounds, ~~I~Ji-c-e~I.&u!}' J~;;&,,~I!]~I\~ PdO::.I D\;~l pa~l· P;t:\l~mth

-253 K 8848 '56l.!liO 'Stl!l.GO ~1G-.'.O :S5.01

P'(l.I1.~ 1 iO!J~ ~O jllA.:hO;:G: wtde. 1 f!~;~~{~~ir~g~ tf~!~. -S:aSi:: 2 feet wIile, 1 ioot Lhick.

1 foot h;a;~. :-i._lJir~r'Jil~ "'"eJ.l:m ""~""="""~SO""'-'"'i""=ll;J""c,_ ~~,.,...=--;= ...,..,-".,....,,.,....,..,--

h.rcl.elof! ::"'hunbc. I C~~ pdc.,e E~y Paym".;;lt. Pri(')(': I~ Payment I~nih

~8'950 _ Sou.oa' $71:1.0. $10.110 U.GI

Monumcrrrs RI",wn Above Shipped from Hetland. Verruonrj Elmwood, Illinois; or Portland, Or"!iUll; as Explained on Page 3


253. K 8451·2·3

S'tm.p!f!, !yUlTkP-d StCJru=!~ Sl.lf':.h QS thj~'give tr..e eeceetet]f lot ;R MM, wel1~kePt look. Rout ~ide~ are reck fu1- iahed. Slnpim!; top is hammered, with raised border 'hLi3:I~ly polished .• ~,to;:ld on fQ\l.ndct1.ioo. Leu~ ... - ini::2 ".Fil.icll. i:I..o,..::I l-incb(toUli,':;::, ~ ~fJ,d ])o1i.:lJ.RiIi. Letteting' eeere.

floP.it1!rr. 'Ill +ncnee, t iflo:)t: (j L,'j'_ht'"~ ",M~. :t;. lur:h.;:s Jbic:l.":.

~L~~84~~~¥~'~~ ~~~tt~J~ r.r<lTllj~.

C.\{Ih, PJj~VJl[;v_. ,~ .• , •• ,.,., •••• ,., _. _, •.• :511.50

Hei,}:i,ht HI' I£LOCbc!!>. 1 foot,;8 iuchca wtdo. 10 11lL.:ILI .. ~1;l; ~l~wi;.

~drt84'~~~~:'k ~~~n~~~GaIlit~. .

t::ashPr-i'::>:OOllyo., ,. ,.~ .... _S2:1.Sg

Het:eht-.i rocr , '2 feet wido-. t foot tM~k. Sbippin.gwelght

~~at ~(lg.w53~D8r~Cr:t}:' Barrc Orennc. Ca-3l~ PT~ !i2l.S!1J E:HI~ p...i~Dlcnr. ~~rj..('1.!:· O::-!Ji," ::SS_w .j-uw~.,. $.5,00 n.motnh , 3Q.!iiB

253 K 8436.7

ToOp;IInd four sidee heve smooth, hammered fini;:lh (not. poliBhed). Base made to act on' Inundation .. LeUer[~ 1 e 2-inffi and l-i.-o-c._l'J, Qothie f'Q~~.j. Lcttel'j(!.g" exfi'a: stvle

und ;DJ'i-c~ on Page n, -

Hctaht U iIi.l!tJlI:~:s~ 1 fou-~ 8 [m:~!eIi:i \y1.1~. 10 incbe:; thick,

~b~II~8~~t~~t t2Z0~~Gr;u:!i~_ C'-l~h Price :5~~~5t

E:is_y .Pa}""'D~t Price ~ Onl~ 1.5 _00 .J6 .... ·I!I.'S.5 _(it} ~ mq.~'LJ:l. _ l~LIJ'

81!';;~~~ ~:~~~. ~ fee-t wide, 1 U:.Cit thick, SLt.ippi,1l.g wdgM

~:~f.~~!~~ J!.~~~k o~\~-~JifJa~~·~~.toB~~~~l;~r:. ~~:: ~

Barre Granite Markers

OUT Low Prices Mean Big Savings


FOOl" s_jct.;:1j: rock finished, Steep. Wp:i.s hig tlly poH:aheCl". Maful wi~ Ila,t _bB&!! to eet.on f()tm.dBtr~ Lett~r~nlS i!l 2,.;i,rn':h, 1 U-'in(':h end ~~i!'!.i":h Gorhic, V~llnk. ~DB; i!l ,~tr~.:: for' dt"he, style! and pricie!' Page ::;!3.

H~~h:t: r ~ot 2.lfllchol!'s. 1 f69t 8 iti.dl'i!~~, IOi,aclJ.e:.s

~g.~- K. ~1f5W...::t~~ ~~~~-\r~r~~~~r~'e.

g:~, ~~~~D~'l~~~ ~ QlUY J$:OO d~";~ ;~~:1JO -a m'ooti{_S:~~:~:

He1j!bt 1 fnM. 4 ifiche!!:. 2. ~~C:t wide, 1 lo(lt t htck ,

~b~~tKgB4~~1)~~L~~ ~~~p~~ ("TAaIllt'~.

t:~ t.:;J~:~lli=Pti~ ~ 6~iY'~'5,-,OO down ~ iKoo ~ ill.~-1.(i[_' :S ~t=

253 K 8431·~·5

Corner _Ston~ ~t the f-ou:c ceeneea of 1:l:m 'fI!!lU'li1y icc ;E;kve it .a :tL~d well-cered-for .eppearanoe. Top ii!l'pOl· i:ilicd with family lnitiaJ '_I'ai,Bo!!d j;g hammered panel. Four eldee TQC:k ,11ni.s.hea, Made witli stub; dcee uoe reQwre

fOO1lde,tiOO. Be sure to, ptint initiRl 'Wanted. -

,~ fg,th~~ l'i'i'd~~~ti~~~ .fb~~~'L~~~~~e~,~ht about,


~;i~ ~!~~~L~~~.:'~ ?~.~~ ~r.~~~ ~.t~. ~~~~~ ~.l~~: ~3~~ s 6 Jcchee ;lJ~~'~~ j'~L~e~ 'I1T~\f~(~~i:)~Snh~~~JJ;l! L JwLl~

1r)jr.:t1rJ:a a-G~.w J.3..i1r,-.:: G[(I, wi u, ~~!m::;h ~ ~LII b ,

C_as-b Price" outv _ , _ $6.95-

·Hciil!. ... e :ElbQVO 9.roond 6 Inches

S l,!lA;hl.:~ "'~'ld,;::, ~ j m.:hel> tJLil;;!o:. ~JJi]).II;I~lIg '''''!:l!liht. :tIIwut ias oounde.

2~~ Ji",a4~"' .... -th8.y Barre Gracite w~'h 8-im:11

.slub_ Ca:ab: Peice o!ll~_ . _ .$,10.15.

Gray G.ranite Markers eee designed to use with 2ny of out" Gr:iiY Granite.- MOmjK

~:~~~. ~rl~t~~:~~d~~·!t~n~br:~~:i~b:

set on concrete fourrdarton,

rro~uTI\~l~ :::s~]~:~~~e cttc fr~lgl~( reres

M::~':;.\;'~~ifo~~~k~~r:.~d~1i!.~~p,~~iY·~~~J~J, ~th~~.-a~t ~=

~ tie with ~ I:. base .ec set on [oo,naa noa. Le1. terj(),~ shewn, 2 -tneh on d l-iMh Gothic;.. V4unk.

253 If 8455-D;ll"~ Gr=LY Barre Gr:uLU.I!!-. Rei~h't 1(1 !.neih~, 1 fool (~i:i:iol:~~ wtde.

8 i~.!,;h~t: j.liick , ShLiJiPmz "'~iJrht. a boat 1~1J' pcuode. Ca~h Pr kl;:: Only., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $H .511

233 K 8466-Dar!-= OTa}~ ~EUI"t= G7<II11it.~. H<:::Llltht 10 rucuee. 1:. root ~ LnclR-.lI wide,

~~c:~~,~,~~~~~·p~~~~rY:rJ~OOd~~1~%~o~r~l~rll.dl~Mo~ ,~r_i~~ ~~.::~ :~~,:': .: :H~-:~~

253 K'8457-Dilrk Grny Barzc Gr.al1~t~_. f{eij;:i;ht • rHO"_ 2 Iee t wide, ! tcer tbid€.

F:~~T~A~l~~~~~~~~O~~ ~~Jd~t)~~}l&/: 'JlJQilLt'I", ~ ~~: ",. - -.,"~ - ~~:::

153 J< 8417·8·9

M.ade of 9my '~tTe Grll ntt:lI!!!; poiiE;h.eQ, 00 ::UQpins; t~; end foul" sidee lU'e.Mneootbly i'u,mmeMd (not pOlhih-e,d). CYn be used _with ~ny: of our Grl!l.;Y" Gl:enID=: Monu.m.enh. or alone. ,Lettt:=fin~ 6l:.own VJ;, 2-lni::hl ] -;!,Dc-b ElOO ] }i~i.ncli Gotbic:.j V-eWlk. Mill'le wj,lhUi:l;t~eoo~etonrOm:x:l8t,1o[jl\_ Leuetil~~ i:3~tra, :styles Rrn1'p:rjl:-e.~ on Page 23_

Hcl:!1;tn:: 1 to.r.t:. t jr)I,t 4 lr.c.:he'-'lwidol'. 8 inches: ~!licJ.:, ~iiJ:JJill~ wela ht about 18-U counde.

~J ~~:~lp.r;:~~~~~~OO~l~:.~~i(s·.o~a:~~ili~·~ti:~g

HeJ:J:!ht J root .. 1 ll.';;~. 1 f(llJt S. ibd~wid('. it) inehe:_1

~~i- .t8~ti~g~~~~~::k~?~!! ~~~1~~. C:Q~II }!l:i(JC,S5.4.SI1

EEIISY PaYTTIcrLt Prim:- On Ly ~ 10.00 down S5.o0 :EI: liiiJ.Jllh _ GIJ.1Il 0 llr:;F:!!rht. 1 (flot 4l"c!1.('.$. 2. f'~(:t ,,,!d.::;. 1 rcoc tl.lck._ ~j~r- ....

J.llll:ll: ..... ~I:u:h ~ abcn L 48(1 J.~ ~wlas_ -

~~~ I;~ ~!;a[~ n~~S:~~;~~! KtTJ~l~'~ ii~ :q~~~;~t~~~;~:~~

253 K 8445·6

'Richly poli~ on all four aldea, Curved, s)..o0-L11it l..up h8l~ hammered- panel 00[" inscriptiQl),; WL 1:h ..xiLi.:!!lu:u border. ..Mad.::; tl.e.t ec eet on rouoeetjoc. L.~lbr;[jLL~:2}Z-inch Gothjc,

ralaed. Lett,~["in~ i~ t:J(t:rn. -

HcJlo!ht: 1 :fu.o1:.. 1 i(:lt":.c. ..... tnches 'Wide. ro inches- HLi1:-!>:.{alli~·, Cash Pi k:~.$S!iL50

E.,-vv ~"·8Y"m(;!nT.. P'(LL~ ~. 0[;119" SlQ.OO·4.Lu ....... j 3.i).fl(t Il nlQTI.r;:;I!' U.I)O Hct~Z)t, 1 1on"', :l iTli':hll!:!t. '2 feet WiClC, 1 toot. LLLlc:k. $LI):pi1J,1\ wehtht &.ti()~ L 4{lH 1);1 IULu.l s,

~~ 1~a:,8m~~l~~{g~~i~11~~Od~,~,~$5:tS~L?~~~t.~_·~~~:~~

Plflcw Bty)-c Markl!:r~-whkh may, he '!,j)Otl 'i\ofth any:of puc Gl"8y Barre Gr,an!t~ Menu['(I~nni~ St~ply "'e~len,f~oe is fln~ly hammer-ed with iDRi;:l"i:ption i.:n raised !'I)l_H\d,tnp~

~~:~~~~~~ :i~rR!*~ma~1;~,~~llt!":'~~~~~~~[" ~~i~ ~~~~

:2"7,i-inch ,[0UIld. to~rj. hQmmei'~~. raised, Lettering te 'extra. FOl.' prices see &Ii!:e 2.3.

263 Kl!4; !taro=- Gl<]onita. j_L!ljl;bt 1 f.JoQt 2·.in~b.e!;;. L root 8 "!tWLJIt!,

M~~~·~~~l~!:'lCL~'P~~ljJ~fy~;s~.Ol d~~ ~g.~~U~(~~~[:a<l.~ .~r.!~~ .. : .: ~ .: __ ~ ~ ,. ~ ,ijt.~:

2 ~~l.:~ ~J~~i~~~'1~·~~~'t486(~u';!d!~hca!h ~~f0~_ ~ n~.~I.~. _ ,~_ ~t'~1 .~i.d,~:.: ,f ~~ $41.. ~Il

EaBl J:l'aymcnt Prkc:: O,[1]y':$.5.00 d'OWtt. ~.Q[) a:. ffir)rl;;J,. _ _ ••. ,., ,. , , _ $~(i;.O(t

Marker> Listed Above ::ihlpped from Rud."d, V..,rmonl; Elmwood, II1Lnoisr "r Portland., Oreg(>n; as E~plaineJ "n Page 3

Pirs< Eighu<n


Enduring Monuments 'of Granite

TI «Hi hla d" If you decide upon the stately "Highland," you Ie g n may have your choice of either Majestic Red or Dark Gray Barre Granite, In either it is " stone of beauty and dignity. Both front and back are mirror polished, while the ge.nlly'cu,"ved top i. hammered and aides hove the fugge-,d rock Jaueh. Base is rock finished with a hammered bevel. If you wish your stone a little less in pr'ice yuu may have the front only pofished and the back left rock faced. In either

style the front bas a delicate traced design providing a space for the family initial, which will be traced at no additional charge. Be: sure to sh2te initial wanted.

Lettering shown is: Family name, 4-incll Gothic- traced in panel ~ names and dates, 2 end .t-ineh Gothic, Y-::mllk. Lettering other than initial is extra. For other styles see Page 23. Markers not included; see Page. 16 and 17.

$11.0. 11.01

Total Hel~ht 4 '~~!!:2 lucb es

M .. U-1 Hlvd: 2: Jeat ti [ncl:W-'1 W!(l41, I foot t-bkk, 2 l~!'!t. JO it1(',he~ hlj1!ih. lilol.;i;e: 3 tees. ~ il1c"h..:::s wtde, 1 IwL 8 Inches, t.hlck , l f,)n~_ <I rnchea hir..lL. Shi:!lI<lns; 228U P·.JUlhLt:l.

lr'r(-'r).t" 1"l~d D3C.Ii;: Pou.sJ~e>od

Cn.sfi Price E;1.:<)- P;.1)"m .. t.l~. T'rk~II}Uw"1'I P~:'YT1Jen:~ Per M"ULh-

S::ZU.O' $23 ••• G S50.011 $.25.0'

H ••. ID 2;11.10 S 1:1 .011 i 25.0'

~tont Poli s:b-eid o ... J ~

S2:I,1I11 15.110

The "Beechwood"

Uyou choose thc,: "Beechwood" you wlll have !ill. fJttll,}iIC and lE:li!;jtLflg Dark GTay Bane Granite memorial _,fif beauty and dh!:nitJ.· that wiU 1'es:ist the r-Eilv-li~~ of tirne. 'l'he. front; of the mrtin lilock ill highly, PQliahcd, wi tn 4eep aand blown C<tJ'; a t the top I Ilnd ;[l,xed nnnei for- the name. Within the CoTQ!jS, the letters I H S arc polished. The oval to}), ends uud back are natural rock finiRh.r: Slopine: bevels or base are finel}" ~ammer·cd and side:!; .rock finished. Family in ~nrl blown. Iereera. Gothic, V"'-!mnk $t.:y le unly i

see Pege 23. .

Main .Dlock; 1, hlolJl, 6 Inches 'i.vidG:. ~1;~~~~~I~~~~; f:::: i ;~c~~~Bl:Iigh.. Dar;~: :2 f~t. wlde, J loot 2 tncnes lhlt.:!:... 1 i" 00 t. higi:., f;·hio~lng .... n,ight. about '160 couede,

~~(;!sN.,",m~I:""I~~ C2i;;;b Pikt'! lli~~t p·riC.';:-I~":"·"'f.L p.~JJJ"" ... J:Lt l~roJll.h

.253 M. 9239 D:;lrk GT:3.:!? Berre "$.n.5D 1 $101.110 5: $10.00

Tutu! Hc:l.Il:h.~ ~~ teee 6 inc hoeS!:

Main B~{lI~k! I fnot 10 jllChl~.:S w1dot':, 10 tnchce [Iiick. :2 .ft;ll:!l. 4·lt.dJe~· !.lgJJ. Jhl<:i4,.~~ 2 Jcet, 4 inchr~!I. ",ddt', r toot .... int'hl!"~ tb.~c.<., 1 IU(Jt.::! soouoe lu!::h. ~hiti[lll,g weight :9..';:'01.1t 1250 pounds .

.'I..rt"~de Nllmh~rl \.rl.'"S.l1il,,:l I 0u::31~ PI;!:'!:: T·aymf:I~L prlf:f~1 n~l';,m I'ilymt-illt I P~~l~

The "Beechwood"-Dark Gtay Barre Granite 2153'K 9240 nn,kG"'l' U.e>" "".00 i Ill2.'0 ----m... 512 .••

Monuments Listed Above Shipped from Rutland, Vermootr Elmwood, lUinois; 0< Portland, OrCllon; as Explained OD Page 3


Majestic Red or Gray Barre Granite

The ~ ~Glendale" ~~~~hB:~~~~~~~~~~Mt!~kh~~~o~:t~j1cl~=~i~;

'EIIld material has been wetched • assure ;ItO'll that fur centuries it will :reto<\in a ~tu.rdJ.o~~ beautiful

~'hdll ]i!Q,r.::k: 2 red w ide. lQ [11t:·E~-;l'tnl:t~,l~,~~~t ~Qr:i_:t~~ht&~:. B~ii;..:. 2 J~;~ 6 fut'hl.::;1 wide. t Foof

-r.tuchea 1':hkJf, ,1 fO':ll: !~lJl:b. ~l1dOf,Jk:;:; y;c:il!:"b;:; -aIJ(mt 12(iO r,,1011fl~I!';_

A~Ucl1;:; NIJ.ULQt:;.r 1______S_;;"'~~.lll~ I C:-tJ,lc=ipC',lcC:,,"-. 7'1''''.·''''''''''''-;'''''""'':"I'l'''''''"':-=''-'P>:-'"''':''::''~'I-;D"'""'w"'""p"'"CC""J.I.LotCC':C'":-I'_rr";::-~:- .. M=on:C,CC»-

2 5~ K. ·84 J 5 U;:I.I;"k Gr.Lr l!·.LH·t!-~ _ '$on? .011, I _ . ~2111.01J. _ PI1"Otl

. To r !}l J{.chUlt 3. feet" 10 iflt'"b,;:.:g

_\o]aj,n Ulo~: .2 f~d 4, irrch c ·::J wi.d~'! J J"l.lO~ 4,hioe;:k, :i,': !t!"l!~ ;I=l L!'t!tl'~ h~!lh, H:rI.:!Ie: J: feet wtde, 1 fL)L)1.: !f 1j)(;he(l ~hL(:~. 1 i9(J1..;2 L:I](,:I,es- Jd.c:tL_. f.:hl[)p~~~;,.'o;."~]"'"'Ti"'",",-,b","~u,-' ',","O",&(>"-!,l!",ull,,,"~J'7'.~_-.- __ .--,,--=-.,.,_~~I GlcilJ.Llt~ I Ci:id"JPli. ... 'e l= .. P..Llo"Llre[lll;'J~:Elm'~'~J"S:;I,_""'.'I~·'1L1"'1 P"':;I"Mor,th

253. K 8f1-18_ I1nrl.; Grfiy I~~rn:.' _ $14:2.5'" $1.1iil.1CIi S2!ii.OIJo '}U.(tQ

. . T'ota:.1 H!Z'h~bt ~ feet: 4- Inches

M:"lIIil1 lHoc.k: 2Jo2e"'Sinc.hf!sy • .-ido..::_l kG,t.iliiik, 3ke:'t!,hif.;D_ DuoIE!-: Jf~~ 4,4IcJl~~ wilk, 1 i'XlL ~ iHl.::h~!:i. thick, 1 f1JtJt·,f mcbee hL'et(. Shi].1v.i.~lg ..;t:~i~h~ ':1.1)01).,- 203V wunJ-t;..

-'Ar!i.o:-JcNUL1.1bCX·1 (';.:ranile: - I (".;;1!!'h l'rke I EasYP:fI.y:tp-cnt P~;C:;-I DO\~'1) p~Ym81lL'1 p~

253 KB417 Dark C~;i]::-"_ Barie $ ,S19IP.JO '$25.OQ $21l.'I)n

Th,e' ~~Elmwood" S:imple an?- conservative, _ the Elmwood will Cash Price

~h\'io!SS be m 1i!:(I(Jd teste, IL I'J. uut; flUID. the fineat $ 6

«tcae und lMY ~ had eibber jn, Ma.jc~tic Red. GraL".l:m: <:I.r ~e be~_I.I,~{ul frill·}:; , 7 00

Gray Barre G.l·Slllle.lo either, the tQv i'l.!,l.d rcoot WIll b-e Jl.Jir!,Wy polished, the -

oocJ.l: ~d _6iocs I"ocf finished, ~3:!1~ is reck finiahe4_ v;it~ a hain~~~ bevel. ~ .

;~~~~WI~~~~~~Of ~~~f!l~:t~bl~~f;!"'~ 1~x~;;~Kla;.;.u~~h: Vp~rnt~:u~~-

Total H0iil!;ht .1- fc-c1:

~lalu D~oCk; 1, foot. 4: il1.o711<':·OI; wrde .. .6 i:n"hc:'1 tiiidc'. 2. +cct higll. n::::I.s0~ '11~!l)t9 i.JICLLI'::~ wida, 1 fop!;. 1 in'l.ili:.thit:J.:, 1 Joel. !ti~h. St~il)·.d.LL)J; ~~~~.L!oI.~JL ;'llwUL'(,SfJ pt.Jl)rt,j~ _

_ ,\rlide: NllU1bt~ -I Gr<lnir~ I C:;t~~ f'ril':P 11J:·l'~Y r'<:l=J.,m=<J:::n::-t-;;,."",cc,(;TI "'n=Q"L'i.·ll PaYLU:O::jlL 1 h'~~

253 K 921 0 Dark Croy. Itarrc S1'B.:IlO :5U.I5iO 510."" Sl.ILllD

2',5:3 K 891 S "M;<1,j('"~ti I: I'~ ,..~l ,71.00 7!!. SO . 1O_1l0 . HI.I)O

'rtl;(:ull:r~~lIl:ht. 3 feet::2: jnt:..b~

.. Jd2ir i~~r-2"\~~h'~~Q~_i~~:',1~hi~;h~~~~Ogtl.~C";~~1~~h~7J~;'n2~~7t~]t~~h - I\~~~: 2 fct~ wid~. 1 foot 4 h~h~~

.lI"rti ..... lp. NULnI)£!f I Gr::llli:c: C~~IEEL3Y Pa'YllH'.nt Pl'Lf:1':1 f1;:'".wJ'I T'aymf':r1t I '['~- ~IOll,dl

i~~ :.J~ 11 PliT~s~~aftc~i:iH~ S~i:;: l~~:= SiW.= '~~:=

Malo B[ock: Z tccc wtdc, 1 fOoX~hf~i,\~\~l~it·}~f~~~l~~ai;le: :2. h'~T_ fi in4"i"C"" "ride: 1 foot 6

ll:l!.!li~8-'::lti,("k-. 1 ,"(lCi1:-o4,im_:.hor::-~ hlg~1. ~hillping ~a-;'lt abO\lJ:. IIJ.[J~\1L~d:!l. •

A_rfic,k Numbcr I Grunitn I Cu:JJl Price _1r:;:~1:JY PUy<mr;·'J.t prlcG:1 19f"twn Pa~'j.I,ut':r11. I ,Pf",T .... ,loQJ;!):ll

~'~ ~ lil-§ ~~Lt~8it~an~~an~ ~Ut~8g Sii~'::g ~:g: I S~t=.

_ Total':.t, f:eoet

Main Uluck: 2: fccc 6 i!LI..:lLt!·;_I wide. ! foot thieL-=-. 2: Ieee .9- Enu.E\(';.'I high_ Baae: .~ feet. wide • .J. foot ti iT,cb~~Xo_kk, ~ ~!;.Il)t 4- luo::ht'::'I; high. ~:lltrvLf'lg ~i~;nl. a~1lt :t!o::~i{]c:"C'P",."'mo;.d",,:,,. =====-;-;,,---,,-""~ ~c N. 11mb~'r I G_r.llliLt: 1~8b P"rir:::: ITh3Y Pnyme.ut p~!~ D.n'A'll p8.~.mi:"llj·I~__.!t_

~ %i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ¥f~Lfi;.~.t~·l~~:<lr~~ ~Utgg $~ ~~:~~ $i; ::g .Si·~ :,~~

farnlly memorial. Quardo:f nom floe gNip.ed E:i'tUill'l:ni! Grd.,y B::I!l'I"e G_l'ani~& ,Fi"OD~ of ooai.n .bl~l;;k is h~ polls~~~ _Si~~S_j tqp and back ,,!.re rocK .fu".L.i.s.n~ Beee HI, rock'fiJU~ru:d I!:~ept bevel, whJ,_cll rSdUloe!y hammered. :Sunpll:!' ili!:t;ul'a bun is dCC"~ly traced into stone R~d atande cut well a~alnBt tl':u;!. wl!e~ surface, LoCt"l'et'I:M_P-:' on, wg'=!st_ atone aa pidup.:d· is 4~jncI1 Uotb:l;, V.~Ln1.k; [~" oUle.( 3tyle,!3: RDd pr'ic,c~ ace P __ 8~ 23. AU lr:t.t~~ -ie extra. Ml!I!r~ not i:hcludCd, ~ l?at~ 16 i\ud 11.

Monuments Listed Abo:ve Snipped frolTI Rutland, \Termo.u:; F,.lfnwoo~lj Ulul.ois:; or Portland, Oregun; as Explained osa Page 3 I

Pag, T"'~nly


The, "Cofumbia"-Dark Gray Barre Grenae

Beautiful Dark Gray Barre Granite

THE knowledge that the gray granite-of this Monument. cornea fr,on1 the quarries at $9 2 so Barre, Vcrrnont , is; all the assurance YOU, - ,~ need "·of its high quality. For yea r s Bar re Gray

Granite has been acclaimed the best stQn~ available for monuments and tombstones, not only because of its- beauty, but because ita freedom from blemishes makes it prccttcallv Imperishable.

In ~dl det"ail of design and workmanship, the Columbia !neas,ll"es up to the standard of ' the fine stone from which it is out. The fronu of the maln block is: mirror polished, which bricge out the deep gray tone of the stone. At the slightly rounded upper cccners simpLe designs Of reave. and tendril" are traced, unrl .£J nan-ow t~S)e.ed border Frarues the ~ltooripli(_'1l). Back, top and edges of main block' are . rock finished; as is the en. tire base except the bevel, w hieh is finely ham mered. Letter-in g is Gothic e V-'t:\.Ln.~; th~ family .narne i;n -l-inch -siz(!: and given names and d~tc::: in lJf-inch lettering. While this is a very good choice for this design, other styles and prices rue ehown on Puae H. All lettering ;g ext-a .

. l\.1.Hi!~·.BI"'J":::k.).) r'(wl" ro iD4:1!;~~~~,2~}f~f~:~~~'!~~id'r' 2: ro:..~{ Jli!!~1, n:I~-!i'C: 2 fl~I~t. 4 mehe.!', 'XLde, 1 JOL1t·1 tnd1A~~ :11L(":1o::., :l ff)(11. hi:J;;"L1. ~h.Ll)rll,rl.l! V;('lgll1·.~llmllr" Il()llj~4·I:I..

Ar,1..tckNUtr"If)('- Cast~~i££. _E8:::.~:..f~I\;.nt.!lt Pr~(!(": n:n'~l P::LYmr:n~ I Pcr ~.1ttn~b

2:153 K B~.22, :592.51l 1 SlOl.oa I 510.01 $10.0(1

~ --- - , 'l\n-al HI .... hl:b"[" 3. f~t t. in[!hl)8

;Main Rrnd~; 2 f~f'!t.:2 lr"lf':llt::,..;·wLrir'!-" • thi(14 ~ Il""t:'t 4. ~I:wh~:<; 1'Ii.G;lr, IlrIj!.e:: 2 r.("'t':L .(I; i.JJ,G:'bc:e wtdc, 1 foot q; [uchce chick. 11o!1~,t".l. jLLc:h~~ ['.!~h. Sldl .• !.?-h~..:. ~:.:htJ..i.l,i~!!.iL ioso l._:1ml{LtI~.!. _ ..."......,-~ _. _~_ _ . _ Ar~ J:i).J_m~.:i (.:.;:r.!;b' !'rk~ I E;r,sy J'\~ll~t\t lo'TiSe-lllCfWLl P--....yIllCIH I~~

253" K 84231 .s.l1;11~Sil ~l,$·tI~OO 515.1:116 ,,;uum

M-ain n.lX'lc~ :2: r-=-~~ 6 illC:hc:,.~~~~~ P;fj()~'~"tt..~t~l f~: 3 Inr.::1J~s [.lll.h. l:::hHIIi!':.3 recc :2. lnctwu wlnc. 1 Ioct i!!- Jnchce tt:i.ek, i folJo~ 4 luchca llt~h.' Sh:i..r,r.rin~ » ;-QL~b.: ;LI bou { 2J).HJ 11jll.n(1~.

htLC'k: K~ml::.c.J" ~ Pricc:.! EM}' Pa'ym~IH Pl'i~ I DO'Jooll Pa~·.L:I:u:!U! 1~~1.-ll

~~~~4.'_"U4Jo.lla_l_ nu~ol S21.00 :110.00

Cash Price

The "Parkdale"

Monumenrs Listed Above, Sbi)p~d from RlI,IHnd, Vermont: Elmwood, Hltnol sr or Pcrtlaml, Oregon us Ekplulrred on Png~ j

The "Parkdale"

THIS handsome stone will alwaya !:)I:.': a source of pleasure to the buyer. It ",'ill en- "'16 7 00

pure and retain its 'beauty for centuries ~1' ....;...

"1.0 come.

For 'the final resting place a dignified memorial of flawless, 'fin,e~t quality Dark Gray Barre Granite, Front of mniu block is highly pnli.shtrl with detlp sand blown ornamentation. Top, ends and back are riatural reck finished, Sloping bevel, of bas" are finely hammered and the eides natural rock flnlehed. Sand blown rettering: of Gothic, V-~41lk des:ign .. Lettering is crd'ened extra. For other styles and price, see, Page 2~.

~l\U~l .HlI,,' :3 f~'!.!:t: ,:I: tncbca

, Mj~lu . .DLQC..k: .3 ro<,"C:t,w[d~~, 1.0 hl'l.:lloiiJs tJ1.L.r.:!.;., 2.·£:et·t:z Inches biJctl. Base: J f~H ~ IndJG:.:! wld~, 1..fo06t 4 1(t-c:he:3 I,.lur.k, 1 £0"':;'( l::lf:,h, Shl~Plfi8 w~jg~:,.t:·'"lJbol]t. ;lUlJ5' ponnda.

.L'HIk:11"' l"{11:;nQ('T', (:;1.1']1 ['1-L[:1":. I F;r~~·l~.~yrn~::;It. pri~r.-I DCI"'.:01 Pay-me.Il·. I ,~~

_?.§3 KG44{, _UoQ:l'.llo. '~1S..4.0' S21£1.0a t s.15.1'il

'1·j')t"s'IIl Rt':.l~ht 1i i~~~~t'41n.t'lh~':8·

2 j~~~:; !:J~~~. ~,~(~1ni;I{~~~J~llj(:~~'t }1~lrlll~h~k.~6l;~~;i ~~~~~~ ~f1~\t l~-/55e~~I~~~t:

;\rJ.ick 1{uml:t:frl____fD.}h~ri£c,_I,Ea~~JII(.!n;_pL"i~\P....E~'ll p8.~.m!"n-1 1>t:'.I",::'<lQ:ru.h"

263 K 844.2 ~OG.1l1JI S2U .""0 :i2!ji·.OQ S::!~>!L_

\\'I'e.n:ct::ive hundreds of testimonials, telling us of the wonderful quality and money saved by purchasing inouuments from WSfd"::L Compare these prices with others and see for yourself.

In order to help you choose the be s [ and mosr: suitable lettering, for the monument you buy, we l"'lve shown on each stone in this book the most appropriate style and size of: letter for the largest size monumen [of that design. You arc free, however, to select any style of'Iertering which you wish; and on Page 23 we show the szyles and tell you briefly on what stones they will be most.etfeccive and 'appropziute.

i\Hlltary or fraternoal em bde'rn s wll\ be suirable on eirher of these monuments. Officl,,1 de"igns lind prices are shown on Page 22.


'Majestic Red or Dark Gray Barre Granite

The "Flowerhi11"-Red or Gray Granite

The "FlowerhiU"-Red or Gray Granite

THIS beautiful, dignified monument Cash price will be cut for you from the stone you $15500 prefer-r+either rich Majestic Red Gran- _, ito or Dark Gray Barre Granito. The front

of the main block is mirror polished with a margin and slopiog becel or hammered stone. Simple traced design sets off the panel, which provides space for the fa:rrHly name. Top, sides and back are rock finished. Base is rock finished' except barnmeretl bevel. Lettering shown is 3~·~-iIlt::h raised Gothic, suitable for largest stone. All lettering i::; extva. For pr-ices of Jetter ing see Page 2J.

TuLi41 11'l,'!hV.t 3- rccr iI}-_lnch't's

~.I~~n:i2 ~~~c~ in~~~i~~ '1~:j.J~l' ~60~n{l';lcW~~~J:~. t ~~~&l 2 J ir~~jJ:~ ; JJ~~;: ~:te~

(:!Lno!!: ....... ;;J!::::ht ;~'Q.:._lJJt 1-ti.5.DlX'HO,d:;

ATtkl~~ Nun.lbcrl l:lM:Lo;: IC\u:.h P~i:..r- E.L~L~g:.::' Oow .• n.Pa.~""LIJ"I.P.; i\.~')ntlJ

253 K 9~.2:0 I" hrkG"'av iJan~1 SfS5..MI U71.ld i----:sU.OO ~

2SS K 88S9 ~h.j~~J,k:: Red 139." 153." 211,011 1£ ...

Ttll.lll J...J.-lifKI~t 3 reer It inches

~ r~~~iion~QCh~~ U1;~·1 ~~IJ~·)I~~~ ·i\~~t~~! !~f:.V!t7o~ fgi"L~"l~!l~t~'~l:~.~·~~iJi~~j;

',>;p.L~h:t. ~hr"~t.:~ 1(1(1 p(Jmld~

.'~~II G:;iI!jW C:.u::lt Pri:."lf'- E.~~I~;'~Y'IDf!wnPa;;.~jP['r .;\lJnn\h

253 K'92.21 1)~rt.(~!'~1 S17S.0e sUS. DO SIS.DD ~

253 K 8890!~{'lkl:od!..1 Red U9.0CI l1~ •• O :zU.U'O 15."

Majestic Red Granite for Permanence

It is the tiny drops of moisture seeping into the crevices of the rocks that cause them to break down, cfrip off and finally wear away, This seeping moisture! expanding under the sun's rays and contracting with the frost, strains and pull: s at ULe firm cryatals of the rock, until it finally forces them apart.

Mcaje.tic Red Granite is almost proof agamst,tho effect of the weather; it absorbs only one-fifth: as rnuch, moisture as most" granites and so it is far less liable to he injured by sun and frost. The bright, rich coloring, which makes Red Graui te Monnn~ctlls MJ beautiful, will endure for centuries witbcut becoming dull and faded.

The "Canlbridge"-Dark Gra)' Barre Granite

FlR a family Monument-stately, Ca.h Price

gr~cef.U~ and enduri.l1g~the ('~r~)- $12900 bridge ra 9. stone of which you WJU ~ always be proud. It is cut from Gray

Barre Granite, tho most imperishable stone: obtainable for this purpose. The main block gives the impression of grace, in keeping with the gently tapered si des and curved top.

Front of main block hag hammered funsh and is decorated with ·il simple design deeply cut into the stoney Sid es, top and back are reck finish ed.

Against; the hammered face of the Cambridge. deep cut U-.unk lettering will be the most effective. So on this stone, unless you request otherwise, we will cut your 111- scription in U· sunk lettering at the same P rice we c h arge for the ordinary V-sunk lettering, Lettering shown ~~:

Family name 3-inch Rom ..... an, V -suuk ; given name 1M-inch Roman; V-~llIlk.~ For prices 3t.."C V-sunk lettering on

Page 23. TO(QI Hel",br 3 feet to Incbes

1\Llin Block: 2: f4¥.t -'1 mcbee wide, 10 tnchca Lhick, ~ Ieee. f; 'n-:"':h,"~ ftlgh.

Base: 2 Iccr .JO Iucbce wtde, I f'JQt 4- Jocbcs tbick, 1 foot l: inC"ht::~ lLlgll.

Shi~tpin:;; wcighc about 1:;:',,,,"'::,' ,"POe:U"''''~''====::;:-===_;

-Artjl~k. ~'lJmr...cTIE~pnQ"'! l~t~YP;\Y1"(,'"~~C:JID-:;!Wil rro.Yrn\:~cl Per M.("Jnl.h

2.53 K 8400 SU'.OG $142.01 "20.0' U:S.DO

"(4H.Bl Hslc:ht" '1 feet 1 tucnee

Main 2 feet S i n cues wide. 1 ='oot tllick-, 1 Fcc- hi:'"!;). Basl!!':.?rj~t .4 ludJ~8 wide 1 to)~t )_S ir;u:..,hC'i!i ~hkk, 1 Foot 2 ;n.-h(,"-8 liir.;:_", SbiPDin,g

\\:J.[~ILt nbcuc 26S6":vo,C:"',,'"C;''-. """,,.,-=-==cm=::--;==CT"=== ~ttdeI'>;Ulllbe'tl i:~F1.~t.:..l1~~IEJ:};:'J:p:""wm"'.!lft; J)(:, .... t~ T~:"it .. I..,llt.1 Pf·r ),:hlr.lth

_g_S3-.J(8.401 $175.000 $1913.00 __ l2~a S20.iJO

Gray Barre Granite

Our Dank Gray Barre Granite comes from the famous granite district around Barre (pronounced Barry), Veimon t; For. more than fifty years it has b~11 used for the finest monuments; and it has come to be the standard by which all gray granites are measured.

Barre Granite has a fine. grained, crystalline texture, and a warm. rich coloring which does not fade 01" dis<:'.0101". Because it is eo hard It can be worked, shipped and erected with little danger of breaking.

VIle guarantee our Gray Bttn+t.: GrtU)lit' 'to be Free From blemishes or defects.

Momrments Listed Above Shipped frOID Rutland, V~~t'Tno"t; Elmwood, Illmoist .or Portland, Oregon; as Explahaed on Page 1

P.:tgt. Twt':nt"f.twtJ:


Fraternal or Military Emblems

Ma:y Be Carved on Any Monument

On,M:J. ... hlr, 2~S K 85M ..... (\"U""o""o. l~j::u1Lete-J', 1 iuqlice ..

2:5~ K 6501,---{;hn.-ecl_ D.l!.YIl{;tf!-J', n tuolies.

O,nGmnite 253 J( 8!5-00-1·f~ecd. n1:.'l:.rnel;f;'.l'A -:1 illl::ttL'"Y_ .

253 K e:e;OJ T:ra;te,d_ Di,m·,dp.r, (i.ifl~l~_ .

2"63 K 85Q.4 (.:.a,l·'ljf'!d_ Dj_'t.rnet~.T', 1(_i.·i 1"1 C' hca .

• • ~3,OO

, ... -54.50


C avril"Y Machine Gun

Op. j.f:lt.bltl O'n MnrbJ.e

:253 K B48O-C~V8U.· 253 K S4i3:5-(";al' .. <00,

Dj:r-IDE'LCT', 4 in, ._S3_0fl J)i':\, 4 in . ,_$3.00:

i;~~"~~16J,~-"t$Ol i~!,~e~!~7i~1"1:6~

On Graplte On -Gnmite

253 K 84B2 ....:..'fI'"M~T 253 K. &4S1-T'r;3lC'ed,

~~~r§~3~~~;~!t50 F~Kti~rgs:2T~~~:50 rJ8)~C§~6 iC~~~_t'~~OO- fJ3rK~~~~~~e~:OO

Diameter •. f. ill .. , s.oo Diacuuuct. (i. ill., _ £LOO

Grund 'AI'mY of the R#pnhlic

On Marhle 2S3K a545--(_~Lll"'r·l!d.


DhUHUIA.:r, ui'U,., 4.50

On. Graulre

253 K :a.641-Trw:.:cl.}" D[ameter, ~: in, .. $,!!Jj.50 253' K a54,S-'l'1'~\l~~ct. Diu meter, ij j n . _. 6.00 zsa K 854S1----c:~<'i.J'~ ed.

Diameter, 6 'iu, &.01)

'Medieal Corp'


25.'1 K 8(90)----°'''''0<1. f1.i;;ll";"'loi;!t,r.l', 4.. ill .. $3.00 253 K 8491 ..... Carved. ))i:;uTI'et.E'I'", (:i. in •• _ 4.W

On Gr:::lnite

253 K 8492-'\"',",00, Diari:.itft!l' I 4 'in __ . $4. 50 . 2.5:3: K 8493 ..... Tr·uc'f.!·c\. Djunictci-, e in .. , &.00 2,5:3. K 8494- Cur-c-ad. l!.i-lHllC!ter, (5 in ., ~_,.-OO

Ancient Order of Foeesters

On Maeble

253 K 8656-Ci.U'v cd.

"Diameter, .... in $3.00

253 K 8566-0-,,,,,ed_ Dialll8ti-l!", e in ~ __ 4.5(1

On Crnnlre

2:5:3 K 8557-T'~L:e-U, Lrtcmotee. '1 iu., . ,$4-.50 253 K S 55$_T""..J, -!)iflmcil:!' _ f ill 1 ., s.OO :2 53 K .8559-Caf .... · cd. Diameter, ti in. .. S.OO


0" Matbi~

253 K a495-Ca'yed. ni~rnE':ter 1 ,1: in, , . $3. O() 25.'1 K 3495'-("""",,00:1. Dlnmeeee, e in, " ""SO

01 .. Granjte

253 K 349 r.,--Jmecd, Ducnctcr, 4 in .. _."$4.50 253 K 84~~Trnce>l . Dillm~.1:'". i) in ~. _ 6.00 253 K 8499c--Car\,.a, Dteme ... ('1 .... «in. _ 8.00

On Ma.-hh.':

263 K B520-COrvoo. DJ.::..JXe~et:1 v:b in .. , . SJ.. 00' 25.'1 K 8521 ..... Curved. Diemeuer I' 6 in, ,. 4_ 50

On Gn:mitl!!i

20:3 K &!>~~ ..... J~"O"'~ D.Lsumtel"' • .ol; in . _ .$4. 50 :t:53 K a5:23-::l'1~GEd.

fd3i~tj§5ib)~~~~~~OO t -t} ill. ,. 8. (10


On Marble ?53 K asF}O--C~r'r·"Cd.

PiJTW~S1 ~~at~~~_~OO,

Dhl.J:.~T, 6.iI!_ 4.50


253 K 8582 - Trnoed. JlJifi..Inew:r. ,4 i n . _ ,$4.50 253· K :9583 JHa,1"oo€:l<E'-,T'. Gin, _, 6_00 263, K 8584--U".v,d.

Ih::;t;.mete1"; r) tn. S_,OD

:t.iy>tic Shrine Mason,"

On M~\lj"ble 253 K" 85:25-C;;:l.T'vE':d.

f~~~2S~~ ~,.'.:1~OP·

Dinmctcr, (; ttl. 4.50

On Granite :20:3 K 8Q1 ..... Tl''"''~1,

Di :l.m-et:~I', 4 '[ n . ~. $4~50 253 K SS28-TT'ucc:d, Di.;:;.ITIp.t.e.T', {1.1TI. ,_ €_OO 263 K.,_ 8529-G:\:tvccl.

n~~~meT.eT' 1 r) i TL _ 8-.QO

QuartEn:nnster's Oorps

On "If::i.rblc 253.K S~5~~:r..~e<"1.

. Dia·m""tJ<l:.4 iu,. ,~.OO 253 K S59G~C;::tr~.-~~_, Dnnnetcr , (j iLl,., 4.50

On. Gn~nite

253 K :6597 -c-I'raced. Vla).:ostoflT, "'in ... _ . $4.50 :253 K 85'3.8-Tmced. '1Jj::J..tTll:d .. er , tj. in , _ 6.00 253 K 85\19 ..... C" ved. Diameter. 4.~ in. ,. 8.0p ..

DauAAtenOf Rehekah

On i\~}~I'b1e

253 K i355~~l"V~;-U. Diumeter, ':1- iil". . $3.0D 253 K :EI:!J,51 -Crn: vcd.

DiaL"rl!.:.:.krtuill. 4.50

Un Grnnlte 203 K 8552-7,,,,ed.

tho .. mcrca. 1 "ill $4.60

2:5.3 K a553-'I'mf"!~1_ Th:W1_)(:~L':l". (} hr. _ 6~OO Z53 K ':B554-:,,-Cm''IJ"cd . D~arne~~"'T. (j. in., _ S.oo

On Marble

253 K 801&-8>",,,a. i)i A. TT;'!:r ; 4 in __ .. $3.00 253 K ~ tu-c-Oewed, . I ~i:l met.!:!.!" t 0 in. ... , 4.00

On Gmntte

253 K 851'1-Tr:!J.,~~:d. U!u.u\uL_8J'_, -1 ih, , ,~.5C1 253 K 851g,."....Tr&l.'Il-!:(], Ui.wllt:~L':,T'"". (J. in, " e,O() 253 K 8519",-"'-C.::Ll'"'VcA. Diameter, Gin ... S~W

Marine Corps

Qn·M.::1.l':ble 253 K ,B!:iEiO-C:::L,r" E;!.:,] . Di2lt'Y!.cb:.;r, 4· inchee . ,_, 2:5.3. K 3!;iOl-'C~.J.!1"r~( l D~:3Itl\etlJr, ~';;v_-{!;bc:::, ,

On C~·:r.Inl"'e: '25:) K SS&2-Tr3.0C:"-':d. Di;_-!_~n-l3ter, 4 tucbce. . '2511< 35iN-Truced_ Diarucrcr. t=.I Inebee. ,

zsa K, I3S'S4-Cat:ved, Diameter 1 6 incbca. , . ,

Odd FeU"W8

On Ma.rhle

:2-53 Ka510~<tl".;l2d. Jfiameter, 4.i!u. ~ . $3.00 253 K S511-C"""«i Diameter, 0 In, ., 4.51)

Un Granh:a

:25:1 K .85·1 ~-Tl'Ml:!d. Diameter, 4: i I). . $A._5t' 283 K S513-1·rv.,('I~? l}tm!lt;Ly.!·, ~) il~.'., 6.00 253, K 8!;i14--U~1''i'e-d,

Di<{m:Cl.-l!J'. [) ill ,. 8.00

Av;atiol), O~ l'!-Ia~bll,:

253 K 857'&-0",.,,,,<1, .

gi:rJt~5-i t-~~tlr~!l~OO

Diutnecer, -(3 in . ,. 4.50

On Grani(!e 253 K SEn ..... Traced.

ni:p.roel~1", 4: in. $4.5.0

,263 .K·8~7e-'TI"..2.ce-:;1·,

ni:;in,)e~er. fJ in 6_00

:>03 K 85]}I· C".,·,,~. Trtemete-, li in., _ a.nn


On. "\i::::'.TI-llu 203 K 35N ..... C.'ved.


Dinmeuer , 6 Iu . ,. 4r50


25:1 K Ss12-TTacro. Di erneter-, ~ in __ ,$4.00 20::3 K 1)5,3- Traced. Die rnetee, (j in , .,. 6.00 253.K S67~i\n·cd. Diameter, e. in _ .• 3.00

On Marble

. 253' K B53o-e.!J:Cil~LI, Di:uUl'it,P'!". 4 inc. _ .'$3.00 ;;!5J K B5J, -C'!'''·I.'IU,

Di~l.1f-!t~:l·~ 11 in 4.50

On Cl'anite 253 K 8532--'Tmt:f!o11.


p.H .. m.C'.t('.J.:-. 6 ill. _, S. Dr) 253 1(, 85:.34~C::i r ved. tJiruILctN I' 6i.u " ., .8. Oil

0" lI:Iacb!.

253 K :!35~",1'\"'ed. Disnncter, 4: i 11 _ . _ $3_00 :253 I(; B~9:1--C!,(j_"t:,r('l(l, Diameter ~ {'"in. ,_ 4;5(l

On (~ru.I1il'5:!l

253 K S592~m<ea. l_)laJlle~eT,.J! In. . ,$4.50 25:1 K S593-T'.oeo~ DiMl).c ~YJ. Ci i n . • S.oo ~03 K B594-'C",~.n, Diameter 1 Gill, ,. 8 .. 00

Un .Mt\.1'ble Z5J K Sse5-C~U'"vl7d,

Diameter 4- in. $3.00

253 K S56o ..... ['urv.J, DitJ..llltj;krl 6 in , .. 4.50

On G:t::1tlitll!'

253 K 8OO! -'rmoQ<1, Diarnetee. 1: i n . ; . $4.5Ct 253 K 5568-Tmec.L Dlnmetee. 6 in ~.' G.OO 253 K esss -e-Cerved.

qi.arne~(I"t". Gin 8.00

,$3.00 4.50

Modern W"Q< cf A1l1~iCIil

On l\t1-a;rgJe On Marble.

253 It a636:--Cfi:n' cd. 253 K 854O---:Cu.1.'·, cd

"r~ rit.r;36~~1'~~~·~?O ~5~~l)~1'_j:~r~.~J:~OO

DlfiInd.c)', ~;ill. _ 4.50 Diameter 1 Ci jll:.. 4.50

On G.r:.;t-n·lte On' Gn"J ulre

253 K 8537 'Itracod. 25:::l'K S542-TrH~:""ll.

ni"'mC!l"~r", d-in. , .$4.50' Diam'i;!toflr. -j-in . _ ,iA.50

253 K 8538 - T1'~:.&:d_ 253 K S54J-TmctIl1.

·rJ~1)~t~;~_!~j_;ll-~~~~ 00 fl~JK1:5~44~~~_tl' ~.J~ 00-

Dianlf-!.tc;r,·il tTl 8.00 DifUW::<l.-I:!!·, ~j j_.:~ 8.00

TH~ pla_cmg of. a fra.te;l'n~I or military emblem on the mo. numerrt is a plea.slng- and appropriate custom. Any of the. emblellfs shown . here . can be ~ngra ved en the s tone yo ~I ha Vie selec ted ~ at .small addi.tional cost If the fraternal ort'let 0(' milha.ry ~9igniQ YQU, wish: is not shewn here, send us a picture of it) and We' will be glad to make it

f01" you. .

Traced emblems are made only OIl granite. they are cut tnrougb the polish ullly, Ll1.J.t 'win retll:q;ln _a~ long as lhifl stone endures,

C".I"vcd emblem" are cut about cne-cighth of an inch into jhe.etone.

Or1- granite this requires more time, accounting for the di[f.~'-rellLe in price, Fer the carven .: emblem, the' pane] i~ sunk by t::utting J.C;!~pi.Y' around the d<~ign. which gives it the raised cflo"t. '

N f) rna Iter wha t em lslem you choos-e. you can feel. assured the t ~he do.sign will be absolutely correct and the work he perfectly·.J..,he. 0", gUftrantee to sa tlsfy ~{OU O!, return your menev 1 guards you Against disuppoirrtmerrt in. workmanship or materials.

.$4.50 6.00 8.00


Important -Information About Lettering

""T'f:JE lettering .is as important to the beauty of your monument as 1 the design itself, and only our roost skilled sculptors arc entrusted . with the c.utting of inscriptions,

Jt is important that the style, size and arr angemen t of the lettering tIC\! carefully planned; and in orcie .. to help you, we have suggested the pn__)pt.~r lettering for each, of rurr Shmf::->. Unles:o:; YCll .. prefer some other style, you will be pleased and satisfied with our suggestion,

AU lettering, unless otherwise stated .. is extra. When you have decided Oil the size and style of tetter you wish. you can easily figure the cost by referring to the list below, which gives the price per letter [or every style and size.

\i;/hcn your order is received. we will send ~tO'LL .fl typewritten c.opy

of the inscription for ~ou.r approval. Your wishes will be carried out ab~olutely" have ordered a etyle of lelteJ'ing which we cannot cut-such as polished letters on a. h.l;tlTllllcrC:;!d ur ruck ro!:wed stone, or asize so much too-large or too small th~l!: W(~ feel Y[HJ win n.ot: be sa.tishedwirh it. In that case, our sculptors will use their-own good judgment in selecting the proper letter,

If you wish US to arrange the lettering, send Us the article number and. size of the monument. and the inscriprion wanted. and we will gladly tell you the proper lettering and the cost of your monument complete,

The reason for the greater cost of lettering on granite is tha t granite IS SO much harder. and therefore more difficult ro. en.grave_

Gothic V·Sun~ on Marble

T ARGE letters like t heee rn ny he uecd for the fernil y neroe. In tlic ercallcr ai ~,.,~, L tnT ?;iV4"!::n. onlyc and ~l1;tlf'_~. T t. n1i'11)I' h~ 1J_~.1 on ~itl'!~T rl( .... li~h~d or 1.I·nl-"M:.IL.,.hoo mer blc. When fnro.ily nnmc ia raised letter in panel. smell lotte ..... elikc these may be ueed ro r il\di .... idufLl names and dates,

253 K 8465-{1mhic y.Sunk on Morble.

Ldnoh. l}~ .. inch. 2-in~h_ 2~.~-i1"l.ob. 3-inf!h_ 4-iucJl. il-.iuch.

Ilnch letrer , , Each letter. , Each letrar ... Dach Icucr. F.n,~h lo:!" ..

Each Idu . .:J".., __ , _.~._ Each I~Uel', ... ,~: ...

" .,15t ...• 20. _26~ .. 48_ ..58t ,.75. ._85~

Gothic V-Sunk on Granit- ..

THIS tetter is effuc;tiv-c ejt:.her (l1.""J. pcuehed or uncolished ~rani~!;. Large lettem ere

i].~t.1~~\ t~tz!~~l:.l:~:; i:'(~~~=~J~ f~~~ (:1; i;::ri~ti:~ d;b':~ t~ l;"I~j1; :I~~l~

i:s in Rock Faced, HiId'JIlI.~!ed(li.'R;:I,ised letters, 253 K 8469--Cot.J.lle V·8unk on Granite.

1-1nch. Each letter , .. $ _30

l~i-iJleh. EMil Ietco-. .. .40

"!:!-hdl F..'i":'.il lurwr _ _ •.• ~ .•. ,_ .. .50

~·~;:Hw::ll. ..I:!!Mili iett'er, .60

..l-lDch Each lirtter .... _ _ 7 0

a-inch, E·!leh letfer, , . . _ . .85

n-ineh. Each Ip.ttw.... 1.00

Rock Fueed Raised ill Pan,,1 on Grnnite

THIS leteer C·8.0 be used .·;.nly (~Il it rock 6ni~b,,=d. :gyaDit~ monllrn~nt_ Thr. 3pinc_h

:~ t~~~~~ ~~l~d~rb;u;~~~i::~rW~hye :h:~:h:-:~na~n~~ ~l~~~rth~~I:/t:·g~~~taTI~:

Ieee of this letter ie roek finiehed,

253 K 8470-P...ock F!:...Cl:d Raised on.Grnnite.

~~rth:~~~~e~~ttc~~b- ~~Rl~~~~:: ~:$1 :~g

2!.1-jn~l1, ralsed J1-1T1('h. F.o}l uh Ji:l:l,cr •. _ 1.60 :3wit::l6..~ • nuscd ;{7ii!lch. Eaoh letter.. ., 2.60

'1-jtl~li~, rcteed U-imJh_ J:.::~j(:h Iuu,c ....... ,

,[j .. iueh.l·aised :!:-f-.illCb.. l:ad'l lett~r_... 4_50

Round Top Hammered Rrirsad nn Grurrite

THIS is th~ _m~1- ~a",=div~ let.tor fo .... a hnrurnered finisb st,".:. The 1 end 4~inch :-i:l.C1iI arc 9wta?le fOl" Tlilmr.. ~m~llc;-: I1.I:lA~~ f_ru -. E::iv[!11 J"i.<lniC:J1 and detee. Letter 1~ h:rlomm~r [lnl!l;h~l:I j n hammered panel. A poliahcd letter can n~v~r Le oedcred for EI. monument a rock 01: hammered ( •. uitfh.

253 K' 8471-Round Tconed Hammered 00. GraJllt.e ..

l.Y:;·in-:::h, rnlRl-!d %-inC!h. Ji:"!l.d, l..,l:t.eL. _ $1.1 0 2--iw.:h, raised J·ii-in·cll. Llcn J-ett.el'... 1_50 ~.+·~YiJl~h. raised !-f-inc.h .. Each Jetter _ _ _ 1.95 3-inch, raised :".i-it:e.b.. Each l€:ttl'!r.,. 2_95

4-1TIC·,h. r-aisod Ji--;;ndL I(" _ _ _ 3.95

&'i~,h, roi""d "·inoh. Each Ietter; .; 5,00

Gothic Raised In Panel on Granite

THIS letter is ..... cncrallv used only fer t!h~ f.J"tIi1~· name. but en large!" ruonu.mll"!nt~ may be tai~d [;',:r ~! in,,~:ril;:Hi~~l_ Made b)· c·uu~n:g. uwny th~ atone around the letter to e depth ot from h tQ ~'.i~l[u;:h_ W1.en ordered for a poliabed -etcrre., face 01

If'tt~T wi 11 h~ p[llh .. hed: fCir hammered stone .

It will be hammered.

253 K 847 2-Gu Iloic noi>od on Orani"'. l}f-ipch. r.rt\;:Ied ~;-inch, E.[1ch l.etv.:r, '. $ .90 2·ifl[~h, vd:·'IL:d ~,~-iJl[:ll. .fi:~i[!h kt.~.;r 1 .10 2~-jLJ(oIil. l'o.i~cd H-iru::.b, .LCLO.u lu~wr, , .. 1.35 i;Hnc;h. n.l.!:u::d }!-i.r:.<~h. E:wh lC!1:tf:lJ: .. _, 2.00 4-iuch. l"Msed %-iur"h. EMh tef·i.eT' •• ,. 3.00 5·incb .. tsi.9C'd !1i-illeho Each letter, _ . _ 4 .. 00

Old English Initials 01\ Marble

Cross Emblem.

A N ~n-l)"1'3.vE"d. traced or V~sunk CT0<5S.i5 iI. addition to' any fi BtQrr'C. ~p~~ji:llly ~ ~rn,*l1 IUCJJllA.CHtf:ut OJ' lliil..rL.e-l"_ V·~uul c..r[~~~ ~I~,,")uld b(!" mcd with Vweun.k lcrtenn:g 'Or h~IJ1.rneTl"d fi_Qi.ili. Ceiri.c Bud rai&ed c:~t"~ .,re m05t eiff:'!ctive QtI II. pc!IlL~hl!d finUih.

Old EnSJish ln1tials on Granite

IT IS (:uObJrnary to carve the: fa.mily. initie..l on the 100 t 01' c:o:rtlo~r ~ tone. -It k: Inos t .;:ffec:tivt 011 thi:: family Dlonun1-Gnt.

Tr~ ced without .Panol Traced in Pil.tIi!l

253 K 8474- 25'3 K 8476-

On Gru.uit6. (in Granite.

4~ineh. E[1.~:h. $1 .25 4-i!il~h_ E~dl.._ $2_50 .a-inch_ Far.h _ 1_00 ~-incih, Eaeh, 2_00

Epitaphs on Granite

THE regular VE!l"Be letter u.sed for epi~pbs OD

~:Jb= eO::e .. ~~t u~~': Wl:ll lJ:n (l;d:n:;

~pitaph or vers~ <I:".ngravM or tnn::td in Ii granite ~tQ.n"'. nUf ~r-_1,11pt(lTl!I "Will use a V-I5", or tr-.n;<:cd lette .... of a auitablc 8irC~ For ver-!W:s .. B.pproprilllt~ iGI" epita,·ph:s. ~1I:i Page 24.

Roman V-Sunk on Marble

, ETTEf{S like this m&y be: uecd fn,. family name and da.tee on either poliehcd or L lJnP["]l·i:~i1f:<l ~tni1r:. Thr.y .. Tt': iT~u~nt'llr' I,I,~~ flH. ¥j .... ~l1 :1I::~ji.I1~~ ,,-mil-" 4uJ (]ab~i: w!lt:'h family name is C.lIlothic Raised in Pil.n e l. Ma.kc!;I: effective Il'3ttc-ring for either Blue O~ Whi.t't:! Macbde Monument.

263 K S466-.H..oruu.u Y-Buuk ou )·f;>;;l'ble.

}~i~l.j~~;m. ~~~t~U~~~::::::::.:::: : ~ ~gt

::::!-lw:.:h, EfL(!h.leHet , , . 40 ¢

:2: ~f -Iech, Ibt"l:rt-!r . . 6.7 tf

a...iurh, Eneli IN.t.Cl, _ ,75¢

3~+i.nt:h_ F,Il{~h;:.,. .SSt

~-iw.:h. lttlch letter. , , 95t

Gothic Raised ill Panel Ol\ Marble

USL1ALL""( ! f_M .. the f!,,-!",L. !Iy n&m:c"· b,ut on a l;.\l'tte monument may be ue:ed tQr the enure iuecrumon. 1 hIS lctt~nng 18 made by- cu ttang a ....... ay the stone ercuod the letter, le~ving it raised from ~'r tc ~i inFh ill' =-- h"' panel. \Vher... used on polished 8.tDn'C, fece of letter will be polished.

253 K" 8467 -c-Gothic Raised (11:1 M nrble. f-inch, ruiscd hj-lb.Cib. Bach Jetter.,.$ .35

1 Y:i-inch. Tai~ed, Each lE-:rtte[,. .40

Z-ineh. raised Each 1ett-et=.. .50

27i!-inch, raised J.+iul::h, Ench lcbtcr .80

a-Jncb, rsdecd k·inc,h- F.[i(!:h 1f'!t.t(·1'_ _90

-t-ineh, 1'1.I,jsad ~i -lcch. Each k·LI.-ltl· .. _. 1.00

5·iuch. nW8(..J. ~-i.L:eh. Eaeh,lett'e.1",.,.' .20

Rei\u]ar Verse Letter on Marble

VERSE letters like th,s ure used un1y f .. ,! Ii:!piLl:I,phl5 err 'vcrece on marble mcnumenta, Such .... t::n;::I;:t: l:I. r- e 'VrEJ1_t f.r~(!U~~ltly ueed on m~1jble atones ~c"li'lJI~e th~ rnat:t!-r"bl \6 !loft

you ~~:~ :r~~~;~;-~:~;h~:::~:;bl~:~!n~Jll~l!~~~~~ith~l~Y~~~~l!J~hr:·~c~~K~t~~

will decide what size will he moet aui til bte and ~ffC(:ti¥c. For lhiB rl!i::i.l9I.ljL. w~ ~tClljL.e ollry oUt:'

if:: :fL ;u~~::ifo~~~~p~rt;,~lj~t,;:i~,,~~~~

~nc-l rorr[:t!: hu eaCh_ Thi~ letter is not suimblc (ar maeriptlonB. nnd Conn )1(.11 I_:.e ordered fol' names. d;a;tes. etl:~ In I;!.mall_sizconl:y,

253 K 8468-1{~~\l1.?,.l' V(~ra3 on :Ma.rble.

Euch letkr. .. .• _ , ... , __ ,. .. 8¢

THE family initial.i!l: aImoat a:lwnv.a. U!lcd O.h ,-'Ulner' lIl'lnt!~. i;l..m.l..:::1:I. r vt.llJ !JU the fam ilJ,.· nu·m I'~ . rnent_. adcbs :i!:J"L':"atl..,. to its o:Ugllily ~nd di.stinc· tlvene&H._

'rraced Witholit PaH~r 25.:3 K8473-

0:1 j\'lalbk

4*in~h, EMti, .. _ 75¢

S~indL. R:iI:~h 65¢.

Tnl ... ~ed In Pone1 253 K 8475-

011 MllI"blc.

4-ioclL Ea[']h"., 75c':h. Ear.b 6·5~

\1·Sun1r Cros.s~~ 253 K 8477-

On Jlf.farble.

fj-incli. E::!'!'!I ..•. 7& ~-inJ::h. l:!:~:j,ch~. , _ 95t 253 K 8478-

On Gr .. \n.itiC,

t1-iJ){~h_ Far-h, $3_00 S--io(Jit. l:!:,u..t;h _ 4.00

R:ajsp.d in Ponl'll 253 K 8461-

On .n.'1a.l'bJ~.

6-iuuh. E~.\Ch, $2.70 &-iudl. EUf':'l.l. 3.50 253 K8462-

On Gr.u.titc.

{Hr'I(!h, Ea{'it. $8.00 &--in~h_ EMCh, 7 .. 60

Ce I [ic CiO~Ses 253 K 8483-

Go. ~lal'l;t~,

t}-iflCli. E::1i.!lL $4.25 8-iudl. Earb. 5_35 253 K 8464- C~'fnri! e,

r~-in(":h .. B~.i"~h .. $8~OQ S-im:.h, ~~.h. 10.50

Figures Coot the Same lis Letters

FJGURES and dag.he...~ ,, tLfI! ~:1me prioo .8 Idl;4:rs r:Jf t"he Arne ai:z.c. and a. ... e- CtlUll tP.tI in the- ~a.Ul~ w;:I,y_ For r,:1;nnlll~S. periods and other pLlnr-.1;1lation tbere ill no cha..-g(:_

·F <K" SpeciaJ Let tet's. Wl:i te Us


P~g< Twenty-four


Suitable for Inscriptions

IT is an old an d beautiful ,f,; us ton,'" to carve a 'VI!~. e or q uotatio,n upon the Jpmb. expreeeive Qr uu r love 'and sorrow. In this list you may find the words which will moot fltlingly expre .. your own feelings. Granite is harder than marble u~ld ;s. con .. SCl]UCnIJy more expensive to carve. Im. marble, epf tapjr will be curved in rel!.ul" r verse letters only (shown on . Page 23). In granite. V.slink letters of ""irahle size will be used.

For your convenience. each quotation has an article number. wb tch i.'j f:111 you need to give when sending U9 your order. If you \v,iah to use a verse not given here, send U5 a copy of it and we will gladly tell you how much il. will cast.

For a Child

Our Littl(l One

~gg ~-~gg~-l};~~~~~·~- .. ~, -, ~ __ S 3:~~·

Our Beloved ".AabY

253 K 8302-),!"'bI8 $1.1 ~

253K8303~l'"t .. ojte.,.... 4.20 O( Sm:h is the Kitl.g.~ioftl-of Heaven

253 K B3(}.4;-:VJ8.ible $2'.08

263 K a:305-Cl·::-tl)t~~.. 7_80

To HI:!J:J\·(~.n lJU.:ie·,S one anile. Jl~OTE!! 253 K 83CS-Marbl"..... . . $2.16 253 K 8a07-C"W;'e·....... 8.10 Budded un. !:!I::rrf..h, tObloom in Heaven 253 K B308-~·t"bl...... . . $2.24 25:3 K 8309-GralLitc-.. .•. 8.40 Our Little. OllC; is 1iviUi in o"r Hear-ts 253 K 831 O-Marhle .•....... $2._ 253K8311-Or~nit<\.. .. 9.30

"rwae me Voice of J.~\l~ Dilled f.hee hom",

253 K S31 2-alu)i;Je $2.64

253 K 6313-0.-""i"' .•..•... 9.90 AnotheiHTtlt!J :d.~fore the

H caveurr- "I'hrone

253 K 8361 -IIJ"l'bI, $ 3.2.8

253 K 83e2~Ch::t.nit.[!. .. .. 12.30

He Whose Love e1PGeUetb our-s has

• 'akers our little chIld

253 K 8a1 5-),'.rl]l •....... $ 3.68

253 K 8316-Gl":.:t:nit..c 13.90

Sleep 00., Sweet .Dn be.

Altd t03lJc-e thy ("e"JoIt;

Cl1e c:~!~~J.~~t ~~~.1:;.

263 K 8317-M~,bl $ 4.9.6

253 K 8318-Gnmitt:.. 18.S0

Suffer littfe ~ren t:o come untoMIo!I~ and forbid (hem not, for- of such Is the Kl~dom of [leaven.

253 K 8319-Mal'"hlc. . ... $·6.115 253 K B320-Gra.nite- ....•. ,. 23.40

Lord. t.lI;!ach- [I)'c to !live back. to "l'hee The treasure l"1\ou~ did SIt Jcnd re mc

253 K 1'I.J21-J.:!alb)e _.$ 4.40

253.1< B32:2;-(;nl.rll~G "", 15..e.Q

N9t j u auger-, not in ~T"t,h


And took our flower :ltW3y~

253K8323· Machi" _.$ 6.56

263 K 8324--Gl'£lnitc.. . 24.6·0

Sleep. lit.tlc baby, steep.

No"t in t~y cradle bod.

Not on thy motb~l'tH. hreast1 H enccf Irth :-Iha 11 hL.!: lhy rest,

. But with the ·quiet dt,+ad.

253.K 8325-::'\'la.J:Wc $ 8.00

2Sa K BS2e-G:r~r.itE.. .. ,. 30.00

¥~:~::t!!'1:e~!w~~ 4t~hh~ ~~be:~'ay ~

Safely In Thy l""~l]d tv keep,

2~;KT83~7~tt~~~\~~~~ ~~. ~.$~. 72

253 K8a28-Omoij".. 27.20

For a Soldier

For an Adult

Soldier,""rest. 'l'h)' work Is done 253 K 8077-;\-\.',01 •.... _ .$1.92 253 K 8378-f';mnlw. 7.20

I have louChe a Iilood 6!<1;ht; I have ftulshed my courser I have kept tbe. faith.

253 K 8345-Mru-ble . ,$ 4.80 .253 K 834S-Cnl"liM. 18.00 Sb e rome to rajse our heaus to Hea ve n . She l:1oes to ca U U;9 there. 253 K 6347 -11,1,,1>10 ... .-$ 4.0B 25:3 K B348-Gr8.\lit(' •... 15.30

lj(e'~ work. wcj! done, lie rests i,..., .,.e:Ji9f!'.

253 K 8349-Marble '$2.48

253 K 8350-Gr.<:-.niM ~ 8.70

This t~!J.~~~ntl~;~h .s~l;:w'!!f.mory

253 Kc 8aS1-Ma,bk .... $ 3.52 253 K 8352--Cral>itec" 13;2.0 Dt:!'are,q t Ioved one.we have laid th~

In the peacetu l I(ra ve,~ 8 om bra CO.

Dut tbym.~mory-s.h::111 be(~hP.1'h.;.he,l

TOI we see thY h~lVcnly face. 253 K 8353-.M:a,ble. .s 8.56 263K8354 CnlTltt[·~.. 32.10 TheGoldenGates:wereoJK!Doowld{';

A ~ende voice said "Come. , • And an~eJs from rbe other side Welcomed our dear onf. hnm~ .. 253 K 9355 ... M~i;rhl~:. . $ 7.76 263 K 8356-Oranite .... 29.10

At Rest

253 ... 8329-Mf<,blc_ .•.. $ ._ 253 f< 8330~Gl'::ITlitl~... 1.BO

A brave£uay laU. bntcannnt}·ielc.f

253 KS379 Me.rblc ~ .. $2,40

.253 K 8380-·(:'l'.fI.njt.f!. 9.00

<;nf1~ to Rear

263 K 8331-hiu,Mo ..... $ .BO 253 K. 63:J.2~ ['a n it!:!'. • • 3.00

The area test ~10l"Y" of a fr-ee born p co ple Is 'eo tf:::lnsmit tbn t 1roodnrn tn nhetr e.hiJdre-.D..

253 K 8·a81-),lltrblo $ 5.68

253 t( 83:82-nr.;,nite.. 21 .30

RcatIn Peace

~gg ~ :g g:t=~~~~~~~~ ... ~ : ~ $ 3: ~~

Asleep ;'n J eaus

253 K 8~35-M"rbl" .. $1.04- .253 K 8336 -f:ra;nitr. 3.90

'[he morn"inA t~onl(!th

253 K 8337-Ma'ble ....• $1.28 253 K 83a8-G,",d'~ .... 4.80

Sweet be tm.. altrmber .

253 K 6339-M'Q·bJe ..... $1 .36 253 K 8340-Gr,ullte. . . .. 5 .... 10

26 ~C'(~3!a.h1 ~~f ~:l~ft~ed .s.l;e1" .. S4

253 K B342-Gl"fLi).il·e ..•.. 6.90

Not my wm. bnt Tbdne, be done 253 K 834·3-Ma,hl ...... $1.84 253 K 8:344-(~tu.nlw. ..• 6.90

From the Scriptures

Beloved France. keep tender- watch upon th __ } t q utct place

Where. rcsr. at Inat, +n dreafnfess sleep ehe bl;a"'Mt: I)f eu r race.

What: dearer- tie cuufd bind us fast 1.10t u aU tim" ig still.

Than the nerie 1't)\V of Grosses: low that" stand UIKJ1i n hlU?

253 K8389-:\iarblo ... , .. $16.12 253 K 8;J:90--{lr' tiEL10

1 am th~ Rcsu'rrectton and the

Life.. -100M :tlr 26

253 K 8367-'\(["01" .$2.24 ·253 K 8:l68-Gnl.uH.c..: .... ·0.40

1\'ho walkl:!'t:1i uprightly sbaD be

lIL.~v~d. -1'TUV1 .xx~'iii~ 18

253 K 8375-Ma,bJe .... $ 2.48 263 K 831'6--Gr;lnit.f!.. • 9.30

Fut.her , into 'lJJy nattds I com.mend my spirit. -Luke :va v, 46- 253 K" B 359- Marble .... $ ;3.5:2 253 K B360-Gi"ru)iW .. ~. 13.20

Weo~p nor. for ",hI! is not dead but

·"eep'~th.-Luk(!:. "\'111, &:l 253 K 836a-M.,bl ...... $ 3.44 253 K 8~6.4-G.r.-UljttL . .• 1 2.90

Tl,1em alsu th::.l sle(!p In Jesus wiU

C.ud br:io~ before bim..

- -1 Theas , Iv, 14

253KSa65-Mad,k .... $ 4.40 253 K 8366---G,ra,nite... 16.60

.'\11 thin~H ' ... ·o .. k l:ogclhcr1or- ~ood in them that 11)'L'·e {;1)11.

-Rom. v.iil. :ZS 253 K 83G9-M",bJ<. ... $ 4.40 "'2:53 K 8370--Gl·::-\lliLe.. 16.50

I eouabt the I ... ru-d and He beard

me find dellvceed rnJ;!: frum all

:mv f~ar~.-P!'i::J.lms xxxl:v." 263 K 8371-.\ia.l'ble .... $ 5 .. 36 253 K 8372-Gra.ui[.(I. .. 20.1 0

Be thf,Hl falthf·ulUfito death and I

Wi II gl vc rhee the cr-own of IIIE':.

-Rev.:w:·i,lO 253 K B367-11,,,·bl, ... $ 4.24 253 K 8~8-GT'::l.n~to..:... 16.90

lam rbcRcsurrectfon and tlteL1fe.

~n(1: he th}l1: believeth in, M8~ though he wer-e dead, yet sball

he live. -John d, 15

263 K 8373-M.,l]lo .•.. $ 7.04 253 K 8374-a1'~:mite... :26.40

lie: made the SlJPI'~''t.1~ ~~Tificil! on thu

::. Ita l' nf frecdoru,

263 K 8391-_\l",~j" $ 3.52

.253 J.( 8392-Gr~itc:.... .. 13.20

:~~nKc8b~~~~~:r1~:t.h.~.S. ~.i~;~.~~6

263 t<. 8394-Gru.nit'e ..• ,.. 9.40

We an!; tbe dead. Shor t d:a.Y~ ago

we lived, felt dawn, saw snnscrs glow:

I~m .. ~d and weeo loved; arut now we fie In li'lanrl~rf:lo "Fid!.ls.

~~g ~ :3~~~1~;r~~~·.: ~:~ ~ ~ $ ;,~.:~~

Tjrerc is u cutm Jor (hose who weep., A rcsr fur w eary D.ila.ri:.n~ :fcund.

Thf;".y ~lllly Ile and sweecrr- :!a11eep, Low in 'tbe ~lJod.

253 K 839 '-MaTbl •..... __ $ 6.00 2103 K 839B-O,. ... d..... . ... 28.60

There is aca'ImfOrthosew10\i\'.ell Aresthn:~pi~foonc!; ~~ teand~'ysl~ Low in the ground.


Sturdy Iron Furniture and Fencing

An Added Touch of Beauty on Your Cemetery Lot

"Lakewood" Lawn. Fencing

Orsiemeetal Fenclng tar lawn or cemetery lot. :P,oot~ ~tl hcriaorrtal :r-ai1;;:t~ eu.bldar. Font·ply braided-cable wire is:~-=-d above hcrisonted reil. Fa brtc 18 No... 11 steel wire, hea 'l7j;fy Sal""~jlj~ed am] 'firmly lnrerwoven. ;J;='~~ces- per f~ are fQ.l,kn~ilillC 'toI.dd Iiaepoeta, Conwr, eud OIJ'ld ~~ pos.t:!! extra. Shi-pp'ed from Central Indian_o,'7' _~ __

J~til~r I T~;~r;~}!.~~~ht I ()~lF~~]I~c I~Cf..~~ I pJ.::l}fZO!

25~ K B 1 8? 4:l ino:;i;!..::.s .3(~ ':ur-h~:9 , P'C>1:1.~1t!£ I ~1D • .40

l~3 :: 1 12 ~~ ~~.~~~~ !; 1~~~~~~ ~? ~~~~~~ :1f

When Ordering Iron Fencing

Send & d.i.."l.~ I::hOw1DlJ Ieeefiun uf ferl.Ce eud location ~ else of g3tC!:::I. ~:pn::~t:nt Ieace

~~~:::~ ~fi\!:u'M:~~e=

di.lltf'ooce between (!IJ.I~., <::0I'TItl'" ~J' I;:ltt"e P;U:!l1:;3. Gi ve width u:f ~ute Wid :!Itatt:'·wh~er to :::wi'ilg in 'Or out.

SUJl::i:ll, in:::;:o;.'Pt::nEivc:: V!:l.~fOl" luwn or g2n:ftn or for cemetery Iota. Suitable friJ: p[;);ntf; Q'£" ~i.owll!:f'.s. M;).de uf caar ; r-on ~nP yj,h~ p[~ioteu green or n.np1'lftltoo, State color wanted. Withr)!lt reeer v cir. Tom. Hp.i~h ( "10 f nnhea.

Rowl ~ I) Inches.iu diameter, 10 iunlu:s d~!*':H_ Bawr 0 Inch .. !-8 equare. :::':hi~?-i..n~ wl!'!i~ht. 30 ~J.::rLind-s. Shi~).ed 1'1"1.>\)1 \¥I..!~L.eiJ~ .N~ ....... York. 2.!ii3 K B ~3o----t::·a.sE.. Iro L! V:m~. 1 :np.:.l lntad _ ~.

I 263 K a22.~_-C~t ~~ vaae. J.i:altltC'll areea .,

The "Hilldale" Vase

An espeeiaHy ~ V~E! fur a..~m~ whete It

..... _~(:fu i. Lh.;:·oo.~njcnt to \4,.·aDrrpltm"l;t trecrueneh-. A l·}i-

gallon ["I:jser- v oir be<9-00th·tlle bowl I'I)O~ S\\p. yli.::d wj~h water fur- 'abeur. two "'i.\.~e~B's without ~filling. Made ot crat iron •. either coated with -nst-restsuee f@.inl or impetnred, Shipped from W~rn New ¥odt:

To.t~l lIe !~ht 20 irichoM

Dowl = Diameterat lnll 22: inetres. RC':::.C'tvo!r

1.% eauous.

naie:; U. inches wide, 14 iJL['..h[fA th [I":"k , ShL.0:Pl11i:,': wd.~ht abcu t. 81 pounds. 263 K82D7-

Cast Iron Vase. Pa"i[]r.f!O. zreen.. $10.65

268 "8208-

Cast Iron Vase. U npa~IL:tt~·n .. _ ••• , ,. &~ '$

Heigh, 1 foot 8iIL.;:h~ W[,h,..l-Ws~ip'

Bouquet Holder H%n<;Iy Eouq~ .HoIder or Ct.t::;.t irUII .. Bcwl ia 6 in iHamd..:=l'. Ml'ld~ With p;r-olli 1.:(;1 be ::;.tUl:ll: .fim::il;¥ in the ~und. Painted whi"tO o:r~.1.i;tC3!t~ color. wanted. Slri·l-'!Je..I from Focwr}" in W~tt=rn :N~'iV York,

~hiL! weight abuut, {!. ll(]!lT.lf];:l_


Cust I WIi Bouq ut,:t

Holder. .'l for 11.29


This sturdY, Settee i~ IT,Iad~ of Vi.'I"Ol..!!ght,~t~l,.and d~~d to provide a GOtLl· forta:bk~.l'c:g.t-~tn.~ scat , B-itck, arms and 1_ej:!;;are'firrnlJ.~ braced, and entlre seat is peinted dark ~~ .. _F~ 'lawITO.F C~El.1o: .. t-::ljr LJt it is ill pr::r,(ll;2nt=nt,.i.mrestment.,


from Western-New Y-ork.

Th<; "Knollwood" Um

Made feorn high a['41~e ~.Eat iron, pemted cu !::ill ~.ed eurfecea. Beneath the ,gtfl.t:ef[JIIy shaped bowl is a reservoir of I !-i ial. luna' ~c;t5' ~ wbich needs filling' ot)1y 0::=.cs:sionaily. Vi eter seeps "Up ll;!. to soil ami keeps recta ~Il watered. Bf.'wH~~t'C1'J.ed :!ie. curely to. :&.turtl.,v. wt=ll-prpporti.oncd.li1ede:!ta.L Mo{le tq set di:t"'eC'tly on·.gfound;, rcql.:i'j,~s. .;LO toundettcn,

i2.53 K 8223 ~ wreugtn SL eel Settee. Ll!:l:I~tl L ol

E'l~~1. 4 I l~o:'!t.,. . S11.S0

2.55 K 62.24 - Wf.ollgbt S(,_:d P.o;"1.V,;-;~. LrT)gt h of "::."'!i"l-t fi. f,"'~t_ $1:2~:5(1

The "Lorraine"

1 tnt

The "Ridgelawn" Vase

~u.ipped witl~ en jm~O"Ied reeervolr holding 1 M &all~_ The' water :::Ir:t:.p:t L..rQ- into the eiU'"tl\ (J.~ kecpe. the ecors moistened. ~~4U~n::~ flml"ILi ~ltt two Of' t.:hrer. times :3. ll100thr. VPlI;;~ i.E; m;3.J~ of cast ho~,

~~e:1 f~!~ F~~:j~tiI':~~i~tN_~~·~~~:,jlltec1.

Tocal He.i}1bt 29 J nchcs

B.o'1'"I.~ :Diamc~t ~H. ~o'p 2~ i nnhca. ·R[~:!it~I''I,'if"li.- 1 !.~ gallont.


253 K8210-

Ca~t 1 ron Vase. Pal tned :gT('lI~n . _ :$13.25

253 K.8211- ,

Cast Iron V~. Vn'Oair.:t~d. _.

Bouquet Holder

Coil'1erueIlt Vase fbr- plaera .fiow~. In ta.rg~t :size, howl Is 6 tn."":heE:: it'\ (I,ia-.:nek.r end 9 jDClk3 deep, with proo~ In !'.tic-.k in gmlutd. Made of

=n~onSta~inc.~ w~!~'

ShippP.rt(r()fI1 Wc:;:t eJ"U New York ..

Shi PI1:ng w~gnt 6pound~. 253 K8219

~: [nr~h bowl, . ,3. {iOf. $1~OO

21~~~t~l~f)~y~ t for 1.50 2531<:8221-

(3 illoC'\ bdwl . _ "."3 f ...... r ·1.95

Sturdy Garden Chair

This sturdy t ·-tDmfortahl~ Cbo:'\rr will <1.fid to YDlll" ~I~~

i~~:;i)~I~~~~c~'nd ~~~~k~c~i~~:tj~~~.~i!,

&raves. Ma de- or W['QlI2ht: etcel : W"TJl.S, back and lege ere wen bl'.q_~; :>i!l:lf8 are.rfveted firmly tQt:l;'~·and entlre chair peiinfcd wlth 1'l1:::lt.-re!I;i~ dark ~D petnt, ::;;:e&ilt ia M inr:n~ ~ojf!c, t\ good heigl1t; and is built -ill an eaay,

~~oc;~tJTI~~-e· ShipPed. rrom~~teni.Ncw York,

25::3 K 8227-\Vrc;ue;ht ..

StE'E-[ Cbulr. .... _-$1.0.50

Cemetery Vase

~ .. $4.:35 .. .- 5.15


BuUd raeune of blodta and pls.n.kiI tODd on WQ<Od :roUcn roll JD~ln block intO pU8.1UOll. on the base.

R~ove the crate. and I~k: :91 r: stone hUHI -e:very stde to be euee that it: S'ln!hils. lJi:!rlcc:=tIy Ievel ;and true on ba-se.

B£FO. R~ .. e .. """. tin!:" .a Menumen t ] t IS neces::;ary to pu E:

in a foundation from tilr~e to five feet deep. depending on the size 01 the s tone. 'Th e bes ~ fuun d rl t ion. especin lly fo r ,£t !iran i te or he" vy marble stone. IS of concrete; but for lightec mon ume.nte, b e i c k or 5t,ene foUl)da ti""" are sa tisfuctory.

Many cemeteries have their own rules govern ing tb 0 building 01 the Iounda tion, or prefer to do the work themselves for e staled price. 11 you desire to build the foundation yuu rself, 3Ild there Q re no speci, a 1 rules governing it. we su.ggc~t th e following m"thod:

Exea ve re a hole th ree to £ V" fee t deep, the size of the lower base,

Con(:l'ete Foundation, Mix concrete of one pa r t cemen t to feu r pants grot vel 01" crushed 01o"". and fill excavation .. Level olf the top abo" t two inches below the su rfa"" "f the' g+cun d. The aize at the to p should be two in ehes smaller than the base of the mcnum e n t.

Foundations should be built at least two weeks before the monument is sot: for if the base is pi aced on cemen t not en tire]y set. the eemen t will stain t beatone.


Setting a Granite Monument

p,LA<;:E th. e base in poaiticn 011 the foundation by means of wood bars end rollers. When it is in place put a. piece of wedge lead, which is "11ip~ with the atone. on each of the Jeer corners of the base, Set the main block on tI,,, be se hy tollio,g it up an inclined plane of blocks ·"nd pianka as shown in the illustra cion. The lead Ie!, yes a space 01 a bou t one-<:i<::hth of an inch between the bese en d the main block. Make sure that you have the stones perfectly level end ;1). perf e ct line w b"l) looking at it from all sides. I" case there is 'a cap. it is then set in place, first pu tting small lead on the corners of the. main block. just all you did on the four comers of the base.

Then cut' a efrip of wedgekad the tigbt kngth, puct the narrow edge into the joint be-tween the base and the me in block and drive it carefully and eyeply into the joint. Use "wood ",aU,,1: and a block of wood. Do not use an iron hammer. for it might damage the granite. Drive the wedge, lead into the joints on all Fcueeidea, Trim the lead ,o.if witl, a knife Or other'.sharp instrument,

00 ever eb e lead again with the mallet and wood block, se- u to seal all joints completely. Tbis fills up the small space s, remove. all uneven 8p012 in !:he lead, and preven ts water Irom entering and freezing, thereby avoiding the potlsibifity of any part of the ·olono shifting or cracking.

Whe" the monument is in place and the wedge lead h as been Ii ned to the join ta, the monument should be well washed with soap and water, It i. then complete and will nanq firmly for generations.

Slone Foundation, Put in a layer 01 severe] inches: o.f ,al:u[u:i g:ril. vel Or b ... ic.k; ·m.i:K: cernen t and sand tone Piut to t'Wc· ... V<lld run it: into the crevices until L e vel, Put in another [ayee of gmvd or srcne, pour in the cement: and continue putting- in COUt,9<CS of stone and eemen t in this manner un til wi th in two inches of top. TaP': top ~n about two inches a L1 around, so foundation will not show, Be: sure' to leave the top level,

Setting a Marble Monument

W!1EN. eree .. ting " Marble Monument as Hlusurated above, first move the b ese into position by means of wood bars and wood Tolle ra, taking ca.", th at no me tal touch". the marble, fer marble is ¥",y easily chipped or bruised. When the base ,. set , mix some of the cement which we .hip with the scone, to .. thkk, paste and spread it over the top and around the l'e<I tee, [f dowels are to be "sed you will find holes already drilled in. the marble and the dowel. will be packed in one of the crates, The dowels are .. bout one-half inch in die meter ancl several inches Ion g. They fi t into holes in the different -secticns of marble, Fill the dowel holes in the b a ee OJId the main block partially with cement and place the dowels, in the holes,

Now raise the main block into position by means ·of plan ks and rollers. Smaller stones can be lilted easily by one or mate meg. The eemen t will be fenced "P and around the dowels i when the cemen t baedena it holds the marble sections firmly together. When you set the main billa be sure that it is in perfect

line with the base. .

Wipe olf OJJY cement that the weight of the upper stone squeezes out of the joints. befo te the· cemene has Po chance to set and become hard. Repea t the", operation' if other section. o! msrbl e a re added. After the secfions are all set, 110 over the en.tir~ ~ne ana.crape off all BUr.pI us cemen t w h Lie II .I,S ·easy to remove.

Aft", the, secficna at" .. II .in place. w as b the monument thoroughly wltlh seep 'and water, Follow these "uggcstlons carci'ully and you will have a, "'OJIII.moo t which w"ill rem .. in erect permanently,


Ordering Monuments at Ward's Is Easy

USE.tbe special order blank in,er,ted in.this catalogue. or .any plain HOW TO SEND MONEY -c-State tile exact amount 01 money sent,

sheet oJ paper YOll prefer. Wnte your full name and address: ) r ou.r order. Send remittances in the form. of postofliceor express

give street and number, or route and boa. and oostofhce: also money order, ~"k droft, Or personal check. 11 cash, be. 'Ute to eend

,hipping pointjf different from postoffice. Each family should order by Tegi<teTed mail, securely folded in heavy paper.

under one name only, preferably. the head ol. the household. Give the

.... ,~ick Number of each item and tbe quantity you want. Print care- HOW TO RETURN COODS-Do not return anymetchandi""

fuily ~1l lettermg you desire on the monument andspecify the style. ordered from thi~ catalogue until you have written Us for .• hipping

and sizes of 1 etters. wanted. Information about lettering ia on Page 23. instructions. We will send yOCi i'n;ti;tnl(:.tiOI1~ pI:ornptly on receipt DE

F or Easy Payments use enclosed order blank. your requeat,

You Save Much More Than You Pay for Freight

oa R=:~j~:y ~f ~:urtbo~~h~~~~~~~:if :~I~!~aLl~J:~B~hQ~U orhd~~B i~ ~~~i~~d l~~~

In DIther words you buy di rec ~ rUT _yQtin;~lf end pccke ~ cll~ sa v.ing15 ....... b~.n yu I,J order hom Wi..lJ·~.

You iEL~ ceeily estimate the coat or shippi.n:g the atone you select. In the d,=,sm~p·

i;~_r~b! ~~~c~~~~h':~;~ ~~~ja ~h.-!i~i;gcw~~~:;;. ~ ~~i~~~~~t);U:~h!o;~~ find the

E._XA~~J_.E.~ fFrnL~ K ... ~~~;r ... Da.ven~rt •. Itt .. end yOu !!i~tect~d a C..:ra.nLt-e

dl~I~;m~h:~~~w[!~~~l~~u~M' h~ 2711!~~~h~e~~~~~;;~j!.1 ~~~~!J~b;h~f:l':~

r (.(:ill~~;!.::'Ui~ !~~~;n_t ~f: '}"nlU s t ... tion, do not ~~nd any mone y lor I-.reiSILl:,. U th~ri::: is no .l!l.gc.t-.t ,I!I.'~ yeur ete tion, write UA foj' ~ihc pci~ df the r-n..-.ntllTl~t YQJl select. delivered to your to w n,



ft~~~~a~.' : : ,

Huntsville , MobJF::;. MOllt'g01J'leF.f ~ .


Prescott. ,



F't: Smith ... , Helene .. " ..

ll~~1~l{~~~: :

f'ar;;~ld .. , T·e-:-ra.r.·'L ..


Fresno .

L~~ All,!!'ele~, .

"\h...r.~·v:ill(i,· ....• H:ltL Preccieeo. ..

COLORADO Denver ....

g;~~~\;~~1'1)~; ,

Gl~·Tlni:-:lI_H~, •. ~~,~ville ... , .. 1 dnided , .,

CONNF.G'l"Ir:!IT IIa.r~fl)J:u ... , New Ha ven.


D,, .

wtuntneaon .. lHSTRICT OF l;Ol.UMRTA lVa..'-!liil'Lgton ••• ,

FWRIDA Ja-cki!(lp,v.:ill_e, ... I'I:fiuml .... h·m[I,.Cl}l6-, ••• :r~~ll~Lh:i.."&!I1-! .

GEORGU At..Lar.ttl.,., Augu_"It:a. JI,.o[U('!1JU .. , ., ~'!"fiJUl.a'h •.. W~.yr.::ri}~,


Boise. " ,

Buh]. __ , , ,

Pocatello .

ILLINOIS Cairo .... J.;,J1hH., ..

k::~~~~:' ...

Bock Island .. ,. ~pti!l1g,HB[d •.


l:!:.Ll.:b.[1,'to ... F;'i.'"i.-:ille •.

li't, W.a"vn,c .. Indienapo lis , l,[)g:-:L!~v()r". Riehm ond. . Sbutrl Bend. . 'Terre Haute ...


Council Hlut1::. .. , ...

~~~'rci~~:' :

l't:, Th>rl"" .. W etcr leo, . ,

~\1.-:::I~bl-a .Pel' 100 Lb.~.

I Hlif"~)eij ff(.om Vertuont

si ,:J2 l.:8Z i,$ 1.45' L3~

.40 .ro

1.2<1 1.02 1.:17 l.l~

_Sf) 13B

• ,,}!) _1U

1.00 lAG 1.42

.. 13 . 27 ,)39 . 01.) .39

. r,,~ .10

.18 ,77 .45 .:JI

3_0U ~.DU '2.9.1

.ss .71 . 7~ , 'j'!j _S~ .~]

. ('!t .79 "M .66 ,~~ ,6~ .et _71

1.22 .~I LO:=; 1.11 .ns

KA."'SAS n()(l~;€ Cuv.

(~r1?U ~ 1~ t':JL~·i. ~(L1ihLl., •••• ,

S-CDtt Cit;y .

i;~ok:- ..


nL)wlirL_gr.r~n, •. Emuklcrt . ..... IIop]j"ur~:i lie, •. Louisville.

1 • .ClTHSI,INA ~11("_,xfindrift .. ~. ~ TA1 .. e:ChIlIICf:, .. , :.\lw.Lll!'Li. , ~.' .N·e.w Orjecns.


'R;1,.TL'g-:'~~ •• PO:ftl:-lild ....

MAl( tl..'lliV

Ml~~~~cftusEriS· ..

Boston: .. ,.

Fiochbll.l'r;_, .

Lownl! .

MI{;HIGA~ Jl€li'!;!Ien)er ••• , •. Cfi.dill~(: .... , Detroit .•. __ , .. ,


MlliNI>SOTA· Brainerd. ..... , Crookston. Dqlllth ..

F..t. Puul ... Wincriu .. , . , \\'tt.rLJein'!':!;l.flJl.

!>IISi;IllSI P1'I Columbus ... H:=Ir.tie~b1Jl"e::., .Io.c-1{son." . Nutuhea .. ~.,


;J efferaou Ci LV, .1onJi.."'J.. .. ' R.-iJ\&'"1.S Ci~J'" -tt,. Louia . , , . ~pl'illt[ruJd ... ,

:'>fONTANA .

llilli""" .... , .... ,

;D'rltb~, •• Glendive, . ~·fi.~"";(lllln,


r~~~;:;~l·'·.~: ~.:~., 8.~~~j(![L::=II~~~.,_',: '


-Elku .

Recc , .. , ,_...,.

NEW IIA!':[PSIIIRF, \-f anC'-rh~5~-t!" ..

"EW Jl'.RSEY NE:lW" .... rk ••. , Th!JJI~.EI .....


A lbuquerq ue. .. , Deming.; . Tllr.-um'~ri.,

Nt:W HIRK Alo.M"." Buffalo ... N:e .... 'l"or~

'LflL-:8. ,.

NORTH CAROLINA Ch~i.rlnt.k:! .. Grf!.1111~boru .. Wi1mi!1,gtQrL.,

.~2.02 l.~~ L67 ::J.O'..:! L4;J J .75

J .rs

. DO l.~o


1 g~J 2.0.,1 UO 1.45

,·'0 02

.. J7 .01 .31 .M



,56 .G15 ,8:1

"S .60 'm


.09 .21

1,31 J: .40 f.dil

1.).8 1.4[; 1.22

,S4 1.32

2._6<l 2.88 2.2·~ 'U)(I

l.rl7 2,,,, 1.0,4 1.2'2

2,87 BOO

.32 .40 ,1U

511lI'I'ED TO

Murbte Per llXl- I.L~ • ~hlpl~ed fn .. m VerlnOnt

,·10 "ill>

.17 .ai -~, .m

.13 ,(;U .54 .1)4 . ~~


1,00 .>53 ,41 A1 .10

,Pi< 21 .Hi . 21



.4Q _Ii<]

l.t>-i."i I.S:< 1--"0 1.3.0

.61. l.:,i.jj .95 .00

1.67 1.2$


.40 .1U

r.m 2,A~ 1.,77

NORTH DAKO'lA Hi ~nKlrdl~ , Dickinaon .

h.rjl\l"" , .. ,

Grand Forka. ,. , a"-U'r.i-Vil!Q. •• , •• ,


CinehUHl-ti _. c:tP.'\'(L~;:j,nrl. , • , • COh:.lrllm~ .

I.-im8..~., , , ,


:\1 Uf.:k Og~\oI~ ...• , Oklebomn (~i~'·, (.J!'-Ifu\OK Po-rdilUcl,.,.,. ,

Icoacburg .

1'1'>1>.'NfWI. VANfA ;\1~Q(JII.lJ ..

Erie .. , .....

Phi [~,d e lPhid . _,

.PiLMh~l. ., .,

RB1;i~"-'I~t'1ili" , .,

. Pro'i:id-enc-f:h,...... I SOUTH CAROLINA

8~~~~h~~1"1; .' ; .. : :

Sp.'!II.Ganbl.l'r;!! ....


Jlkl"e .

Slousc Fil.11;". Y.!I!J!lktol1 ...


j i~l::;'~~I:l~~' ..

H.H\!;u,jIJ-e., Meutphis .

~~i~l~-j~~'i .'

TE~-';'S '

El Peso .... r:U1'~ 'WOl'ttl, Galvcstuu .. ,

U'l'~H An.roni(.o,

~·~~tt~~~i~e(~it.:t:· ,

Toi"".ie, , ..... ,

VERMO!>.'T ..Bennin,irt(ln. .... Uur!ing:ton .. ~ , ., Montpelier ..

HUCINIA N(ll'f'J~ ..•. r:.ichn:I'I:·1"j.~ ••

Itoenoke .


~~~r;~l~ ~: : ,

~V::l1h "'r~.Jl-3 Wl>ST VI.RGI~IA

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WI-if;!t;':11nr. •• ,

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Everlasting-Beautiful on theMonum.ent

One of these weather-resisting likenesses of the departed loved one, cemented to the stone above the gruve, endows the resting plucc of the dead with a living personality, With the famihar face looking out at yout it seems as though with your visit there you hav-e indeed paid the intended homage of respect and remembrance to one who has gone.


Use It on the MOFlulI,zellt or ilt the Horne

l''''''HE reproduction of family portraits on porcelain is rapidly attaining great popularity. And with good reason. POr'- traits fhus reproduced are permanent. Protected by a perfectly transparent; flinty-hard glaze, they never fade or become torn or rumpled. 'When soiled, a damp doth will restore them to their original brightness. They are very attractive in the home, and their resistance to the weather permits them to be used on monuments without injury. We will have them mounted on your new monument at our workshops at small additional cost. See below.

Pl:esenre the Likeness of Loved Ones

Your family portraits are the tangible symbols of the love YOH bear for those who are your own. U nlike paper likenesses which are fragile, easily minlaid and seldom before your eyes, these porcelain panels are permanent. By this comparatively recent process of photographic reproduction. the features are brought out with unusually lifelike distinctness If we hsve a gooci. photograph frurn which to work.

Your Choice of Three Appropriate Styles

Style B-RQund

253 K 8993 Dtxmctcr 01 roklure.;{ .in('hr,:!J .. ,$6:.90' 253 K 8994-Diil.meter of l1kWH~'; indlt~~ . 7.S0 253 K 8895~J)iamct!;:.r of otcture U jn-cll~!'J ,. 9.75

Style A-O ... al

Style C-Rectollgular

253 K 8996 Piet,Hn~:3~ hy 4 M i!H~ito.:~. __ , S. 7.95

253 K 8S97-P[cLure 4. h)i fi illf:he~." 10.B5

25::;,l K 89S8-Pict.ure t'; b} 7 inch~}.'_ . _,. __ ll~SO

263 K 8990 'Plcturc 2~:§ by 3~ indies .. 253 K 89!U-ricHll"-e :3,~~ p.y 4}.i tnoncs 253 K 8992 -Pkt.lln, a~i hy f., irldti,~..;,_.

_$5.15 S.9S 1.tiO

Beautifully Paneled for Home

Extra charge of $3.00 for setting on Marble, and $5.00 for setting on Granite

Furnily portr aits on glistening plaques or panel, and tastefully framed and grouped, add gt'e.aily to the vhorninese" of the living room or paelm-, whether of those you will never aee again, or of living friends who are far away. You can bring cut these lovely, porcelain portraits on your waJl»:, into the :r0001 you occupy most, where all your family can seem to be always around you. They will retain their beauty unfaded. This costs eo little and means so much to you. We do not furnish frames, You!' Ieee! store can ca,dly frame them. Shipping 'Weight each. about, 2 pounds. Figure parcel post charges from Chicago, Illinois.


~ail Us Your Photograph Today

Tbe time to have your treasured photographs reproduced is NOW, Next month or next year they may be lost or faded rir destrcyed. The photograph to be reproduced ne.ed not be extraordinarily sharp Q!' clear. Even a "snapsbct" can be so retouched and other-wise treated by our artists thnt 3. surprisingly lifelike reproduction CUll be mall e. Or one individual's. photograph can be reproduced from a group picture, Send us your photographs and be assured \ hat the r,:"ul ta we obtain ,,~ll be enti:re1y satisfactory, and that tile original will be returned to you unmarred.

Chicago Portland

Kansas City Oakland

St. Paul Fort Worth

Hal tim ore Denver

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