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ow the fluttering lure of Nap- Intel’s backing of new technolo- of start-ups. Napster is not involved.
%_ ster’s peer-to-peer architecture gies that require higher-horsepower Intel also said it plans to invest in peer-
has hooked one of the world’s PCs, such as broadband and multi- to-peer start-ups.
largest technology companies. But media, has long been a key part of its What’s peer-to-peer good for?
Intel’s foray into the emerging area strategy. “Encouraging MIPS-eating One of the main applications Intel
has much more to do with selling is Intel’s business,” said Chris Le touted last week was distributed com-
microprocessors tlian swapping Tocq, research director at Gartner- puting, in which the idle processing
music on the Internet. Group Dataquest, referring to mil- power of thousands of Net-connected
Intel (www.intekom) last week lions of instructions per second, the PCs is used in concert on a computa-
floated a vague plan to develop and standard measure of computer pro- tion-intensive problem. Intel claimed
promote standards for- peer-to-peer cessing power. Indeed, the micro- it has saved $500 million in hardware
networking. Cornpan!- processor division of and management costs over the past
,xWn,t&a <l~r~l-.~arl *L-t T-r,., _....&l~__~ I. I__ ~~ 1,3 1.:1 1 P

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