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PART UI ‘This cise is entitled, The Waited Stites of Ameriés’v: Briau David Mitehell Brian Davia Mitchell is accused of kidnapping a 14-year-old girl, Elizabeth Smartand keeping her for nine months. Brian David Mitchell is charged with kidnapping and unlawfully transporting a minor across state lines with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, 22. Before today, have you heard, rez Elizabeth Smart, the finding of responsible for her kidnapping? © 23. Would you be more likely to find Brian David Mitchell responsible because there was news coverage about it? 9 No Unsure No effect 24. Which of the following do you feel describes your feelings about the accuracy of the news media? ir seen any news reports concerning the disappearance of izabeth Smart, or the proseciition of those allegedly Always acourate Sometimes accurate Rarely accurate Never acourate (ah 25, Which of the following best describes the degree to which you rely on the truthfulness of the news media? 6 Trely on the news 1 sometimes rely on the news, depending on the reporter. I do not rely on news reports alone, but use them as only one basis for forming my opinion. Other: 26. If the judge asked you to proinise not fo réad or watch any news about this case:or discuss this case with others, could you make and keep that promise? 69 No Ifnot, please explain: u 27. Please indicate the approximate number of written articles, television reports, etc., that you personally heard, read, or saw about Elizabeth Smart's disappearance just during the time when she was missing: None ® 6-10 10-20 More than 20 What do you remember about Elizabeth Smart’s disappearance? She wis taben from inci hor howe. Sow. thoryiee nr, Diet wwe wills Gomt nen Le enw Wor parents seed Financvalby wilt o€6, Lthayler sy bl he i a Acagytamnee, ‘What was your response, both emotionally and otherwise, when you leamed of Blizabeth Smart's disappearance? Le wae sad for hur Gad hor Loriba lobrried trot he. mala rot he found. 28, Please indicate the approximate number of written articles, television reports, etc, that you personally heard, read, or saw around the time Elizabeth Smart was found: None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 ‘What do you remember about Elizabeth Smart being found? (Ora) he 120s th ponwn ond Shewsae drescedl dad ke She yi Videwy er ideas. E “thoudlel Ae Seerud QUcsive- Moe pacelne than ha Shas le, ‘What was your response, both emotionally and otherwise, when you learned that Elizabeth Smart had been found? Rebel. GepecsDla Lor 29, Please indicate the approximate number of written articles, television reports, ete., that you personally heard, read, or saw about the prosecution of Brian David Mitchell as one person allegedly responsible for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart. ‘None & 6-10 10-20 More than 20 ‘What do you remember about the prosecution of Brian David Mitchell as one person allegedly responsible for the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart? lad tea found some owe who abducted G Smart, DE couse their suppesel 0 he innocent before gtoten Gaubn , “but Jb theuialt Hy Bnd Ho ‘let Sus, SS 30. Before today, have you attended any court proceedings associated with the prosecution of Brian David Mitchell? Yes 6) If yes, please describe what you have attended: B 31, Have you read any transcripts, court rulings or other documents associated with the prosecution of Brian David Mitchell? Yes ®) Ifyos, please describe what have you read: 32. Have you read any books or scen any movies or television programs that were based upon or similar to the events concerning Elizabeth Smart or Brien Mitchell? Yes & Leyes, please describe whal you remember: 33, Have you gone to any meetings or gatherings where this case or similar cases have been discussed or mentioned? Yes &*) 1 yes, please explain: 34, Have you had any conversations with other people about Blizabeth Smart or Brian David Mitchell? cas Just a few Several Meny Unsure If 80, did you or anyone else express an opinion about this case? Yes No . Ifyes, what was said: “4 “wt cy. : 36. What have you heard about Elizabeth Smart that you think is true? She is hen 37. Did you or any close friend or family member ‘participate in community search effort ‘when Elizabeth Smart was missing? Self Familynember Close friend Yes ® Yes /(No) Yes (No, Ifyou personally participated, please describe your experience. Ifsomeone close to you participated, please describe anything you have heard about their experience. 15 38. Are you or have you ever been personally acquainted with Brian David Mitchell or his family (including his ex-wife Wanda Barzee)? «© If yes, please indicate the person with whom you are/were associated and the nature of that relationship: 39, Are you or have you ever been personally acquainted with Elizabeth Smart or her family? If yes, please indicate the person with whom you are/were associated and the nature of that relationship: 16 PARTIV 40, What would you sayis your major source of news on a day to day basis? Radio Newspapers Magazines: Intemet. Other. (a) Do you read the Salt Lake Tribune? Yes @ 41. Do you tead enna? ‘Yes If yes, circle whether you are: A subscriber Aregularreader An occasional reader (3 timesa week) (<3 times a week) Do you read the Salt Lake Tribune’s editorial/opinion section? © Yes No (b) Do you read the Deseret News? Yes (s) If yes, circle whether you are: A subscriber “A fegularreader An occasional reader (© 3 times aweek) (<3 times a week) ‘Do you read the Deseret News editoria/opinion section? Yes No (©) Please tit aay cer local, regio “Whether you are & Subscriber, ae; (@) Do you regularly read any particular columnists? Yes g If so, which ones: 42. Do you read any magazines? Yes ‘S) Ifyes, please lst all magazines that you read and chock whether you are a subseriber, & regular reader or an occasional reader: 43, Do you listen to talk radio or radio news programs? © No If yes, please list any radio shows or personalities that you listen to and check how often you tune in: (OZ, - A Sue pf Mime Acie tude 44, How often do you watch television news or news documentaries? Daily More than Once a Less than Never once a week week once a week Jfappticable, what stations or programs do you normally watch? 18 45. Do you regularly watch any television personalities? Yes a If yes; please list any television personalities you watch and chéck how ofteri'you watch: Please list any other television programs that you normally watch; Huge Lieto Me- Crags Anthony firvencan tol Dinas with We Hove The Prichelov How frequently do you watch television (please circle the best description)? ‘More than six 70 to si Lessthantwo Onceortwice Rarely Never hours a day jours a gay hours a day aweek 46. Do you get news and information from the Internet on a regular basis? Yes SD) If yes, which sites: (2) Do you visit blogs? Yes (%) Ifyes, which ones: 19 (b) Do you listen to podcasts? Yes 3) Ifyes, which ones: BH eeeaee (©) Do you have a website? Yes &) If yes, what is the address? www. (@) Do you have a soeial or professional networking account? No Ifyes, circle all that apply: i) MySpace Twitter LinkedIn Other: If 0, spproximately how often do you use your account(s)? Rarely cational) Weekly Daily Moore than once a day 20 66. Do you believe that mentally ill people should be able to recover without help or treatment? Yes “2 No Why or why not? Tim not Suet on Hus LHe Aopeudls On te peson and he serio ths proba, \S. 67. Do you believe that a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity is ever an appropriate verdict? Yes 7 No — Why or why not? How can veou_coall u tet if they're \Sejre,? 68. Do you have strong enough feelings about the insanity defense that you have either written or spoken to others about those feelings? Yes If yes, what are those feclings and when were they communicated? 69, Do you know what will happen to Defendant if the jury reaches a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity? Yes fyes, please explain what you think will happen: 29 70, If you become a juror in this case and the court instructs you that in your deliberations of proper verdict you may not consider what will happen to Defendant if the jury reaches a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity, would you have difficulty complying with that instruction? Yes >) Ifyes, please explai 71. If the facts at trial show that Defendant was insane at the time of the crime, could you follow the court’s instructions and find him not guilty by reason of insanity? No Ifno, please explain:

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