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If you love science and want to share your expertise with high school students then Dayton Christian

High School could really use your help as a judge for our Science Fair on Tuesday, November 16th.
Judging traditionally lasts from 3:00-5:30 pm. If you would be willing to help encourage our students
in their scientific endeavors by volunteering as a science fair judge, please fill out the information
below and email it to Cathy Rough at Please reply as soon as possible
(I apologize for this late communication). Thank you for your consideration.


Cathy Rough
Teacher Aide
Dayton Christian High School

DCHS Science Fair Judge Response Form

Name ___________________________________ Phone ____________________

email: ___________________________________

 Area(s) of Science - please check any you would be willing to judge:

            _____ Behavioral    _____ Biochemistry _____ Botany        

          _____ Chemistry     _____ Computer      _____ Earth/Space

          _____ Engineering  _____ Environmental        ____Mathematics

_____ Medicine/Health _____ Microbiology ____ Physics

         _____ Zoology       

Depending on the number and nature of judges who volunteer, we may need your help judging
some projects outside your direct area of expertise.

_____YES, I will help judge the High School Science Fair, Tuesday Nov 16th

_____ NO, I cannot help this year.  Please take my name off of your mailing list

_____ NO, I cannot help this year.  Please write again next year

If you know of another person who might be willing to judge, please ask him/her to email Cathy
Rough at

***All information provided will only be used for science fair judging purposes***

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