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UNITES STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEMAND TO BE MY OWN COUNSEL v JURIS SUPRIOUS DANIEL RILEY 1:07-¢r-189-UNKNOWN COMES NOW, making a special appearance, Daniel Riley, acting in a sovereign capacity, juris spurious, representing the fiction DANIFL RILEY, and makes this motion, prima facie, In no-way does this motion imply the surrender of jurisdiction to the plaintiff, the counsel for the defendant still maintains the plaintiff has no jurisdiction over the defendant. 1. On October 2, 2007 the defendant fired his lawyer for lying, misrepresentation and refusing to file paperwork on behalf of the defendant, thus causing the defendant to have an inadequate eounsel. In addition, the court has been notified that the defendant has fired his lawyer. The defendant has a Sixth Amendment right to counsel of his chosen not what the court has chosen. 2. Since the dismissing of the court appointed lawyer, which the defendant never accepted in the first place, and never signed nothing to that effect, this BAR esquire attorney has called repeatedly to the jail and the defendant keeps telling him to stop calling him. 3. On October 17, 2007 the BAR esquire attomey again called the jail trying to contact the defendant. The defendant told him again to stop calling. The defendant met with the jail superintendent, Dowaliby, and explained the jail keeps putting through the calls of a person claiming to be the defendant's lawyer, but he is not such. 4, The superintendent said he would stop all calls from a one Mark Howard. Later that afternoon the jail notified the defendant that a lawyer was coming to see him. The defendant, explained to the correction officer, that he did not have a lawyer, and to notify the superintendent, that the imposter was still trying to contact him, 5. I will never accept a British Accreditation Registry esquire attorney because the defndant’s belief is they just cannot be trusted. 6. The defendant’s counsel Daniel Riley has already made special appearances and filed motions on behalf of the fiction DANIEL RILEY so regardless if ‘the cour still thinks their court appointed BAR esquire attorney is still the defendant’s counsel, that is not so. The court has no right to tell the defendant who his counsel must be and cannot force a defendant to take a court appointed attomey. 7. I demand the court to stop having their court appointed BAR esquire attorney from harassing the defendant; itis to the point where it is almost stalking. MOTION FOR A JUDGE IN THE, DISTRICT OF THE OFFENSE & The defendant through his counsel Daniel Riley, juris spurious, makes this motion on the belief and understanding that Paul Barbadoro has withdrawn from this case. 9, Its the belief and understanding, from what the defense counsel has read in the newspapers and on television, that the court is going to assign a judge from out of state, Maine or Rhode Island, is the belief. 10. Counsel for the defendant will argue that this is a violation of his Sixth Amendment right. There is still another judge. Declirico, left to try this case. He should be allowed to try this case because he is in the district where the alleged offense occurred. 11, Ifthe court is allowed to bring in other judges fiom different districts, what is to say the administration isn’t fishing for the perfect judge to be biased against the dcfendant, when they have a judge already in place to hear the case. 12. Ifthis is allowed, then why don’t they bring in a judge from lets say Alaska ot Hawaii. This sets a very dangerous precedent. The founding fathers wanted the trials to be heard in the same district as the alleged offense, because it is supposed to be tried by a jury of their peers, people who know the defendant, or know of him. A judge is a juror just as much as the selected jury is. The word judge comes from the word jury. 13, Any judge brought from out of state is not familiar with the case and cannot possibly know all the aspects involved in such an extravagant case as this one. A Jjudge who has been in the district has an overall knowing of the case and the issues at hand to give a more unbiased and well thought out decision. 14. The counsel for the defendant asserts his client’s Sixth Amendment right for a jury and judge in the district to which the alleged offense has occurred. Anything to the contrary is a violation of the defendant's civil rights. 3 DEMAND FOR A SPEEDY JURY TRIAL, 15. The defendant througi hid counsel Daniel Riley demands his Sixth Amendment Right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed. we nek in, Cet availabe Riley (jueif spurious) DATED: October 19, 2007 Indigent inmate SCDC 266 County Farm Rd Dover NH, 03820 CC: UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE AUSA Robert Kinsella

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