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Planting of soybean advances and reaches 71% in Mato Grosso 12/11/2010-15h14

A planting survey done by Imea in all major regions of Mato Grosso, have already been sown 71% of the area intended for
planting soybeans, an evolution of 21.8% compared with last week. The delay planting this crop in relation to previous
harvest decreased due to the intensification of rains, so producers had better performance in the planting of grain. This
week the delay planting in relation to previous crop fell to the home of 10 percentage points and no more 20 percentage
points as in the last three weeks. The region earlier in the State is the West with 80.4% of the area sown, an evolution in
week 21.4 p.p. compared to last week.


Bing Translated 11/13/2010 by Wayne T. Parman

© 2010 Grain of Truth, LLC

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