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So we meet again under different lighting

our shadows cut against the wind between

our campfire’s fingers.

The illusion of youth shattering into adulthood

like all those wine glasses tossed against apartment
walls. Long silences in apartment halls.

Watching the waddle of your departure

wave like mission bells atop
our war ravaged church.

How many prayers lost to the cacophony of heartbreak?

Of verbal gunfire?

The secret to this happiness is loneliness.

Bravery is allowing oneself to be close
to another without consequence.
Is standing eye to eye with lips
a centimeter apart without kissing.
Is dancing without touching.
Laughing without joke or reason.

Bravery is allowing what you love to leave

knowing that there is no real departure in life.
Goodness is inherent but most often forgotten.
So we meet again under different lighting.
Eyes still bright but easier to see as the swelling
of our heads has subsided.

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