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Shore intake is used in shallow, narrow & navigable rivers or

waterways. They are constructed on the shore with the necessary parts
for entrance of water and retaining walls. Shore intakes may be suitable
for industrial plants where water quality is not of primary consideration
or for public water supplies where water quality and other conditions

Are those in which the water flows under hydraulic pressure these
include pipelines of such materials as cast iron, steel, ductile, reinforced
concrete, asbestos cement etc.
The type of conduit to be selected depends on such factors as
topography type of soil to, volume of water to be carried and
comparative costs. A velocity of 0.8 to, 1.2 meter per second in the
intake conduit will give satisfactory performance. The head loss due to
friction in such conduit is calculated from Darry- Weisbach formula:
4 f 1 v2
hf =
2 gd


It is preferably located as near as possible to the intake structure
and the following conditions must be fulfilled:
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

One the size of the building should be sufficient for the erection of the
total number of pumps including the pumps, which will be needed for
future use.
Two- the building should be beautiful and from the engineering point of
view in order to increase the credit of people about the water supply
works in their city.
Three the pipe lines and electric cables inside the building should be
located in places, where easy maintenance and operation are available.
The function of the low lift pumps is to raise water from its level in the
adjoined raw water pump up to the manometric head of these pumps do
not exceed 10ms and that is why it is called low lift pumps.


The design flow of the low lift pumps depends mainly on:
One – the population served by the project.
Two- average annual consumption.
Three- the variation from this average.
Four – the capacity of the filtered water reservoir
Five- the number of working hours of the low lift pumps per day
sometimes is less than 24 hours.
In case of decreasing the storage capacity of the filtered water
reservoirs, the design discharge should be increased to meet the
variations of the rate of consumption. In case of canceling the reservoirs,
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

the design discharge reaches its optimum value, which derh is

determined by the peak demand load and this rarely happens. It is
always preferable to consider the design discharge for the low lift pumps
as the maximum monthly consumption, but additional reserve units
should be taken into account as stand – by and under preparing units.
In such a case the design of the filtered water reservoits should
meet the daily change and on the current of one day (from hour to hour
at the same day).

Incrustation may be caused by the direct deposition of suspend
matter from the water on the screen, by the release of dissolved minerals
from solution due either to change in pressure at the screen or to
chemical reaches, and to biological activities resulting in the deposition
of gelatinous material on the screen.
The principal incrustant is calcium carbonate, which both forms a
scale on the screen and cements depose particles. Wells are acidized or
chlorinated for the purpose of dissolving or dislodging clogging material
or incrustation on the screen or in the sand around the screen. Acids may
be used only where the metal of the screen will not be attached by them
Brass or bronze may be treated with muriatic acid, HCL, while
iron requires nitric acid. Chlorine has been added to wells, remove
sincrustants resulting from the activities of the So- called iron bacteria.
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Many type of well pumps are on the market to suit the wide variety
of capacity requirements depths to water and sources of power domestic
systems commonly employ one of the following pumps:
- for lifts under 10ms:
a small reciprocating or piston pump
- for lifts up to 50ms :
A centrifugal pimp to which water is lifted by recalculating part of the
discharge to a jet or ejector
- for lifts that cannot be managed by jet pumps:
Installed in the well and driven by pump rods through a jack mounted
the well head large capacity system is normally equipped with
centrifugal or turbine pumps driven by electric motor. A sufficient
number of pump bowls are connected in series to provide the
necessary to overcome static heads at lowest levels.
Pump installation with submersible pumps above and below floor
and pumps installation with borehole pumps-hollow shaft motor.

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Physical & chemical and bacteriological imparities in water their

causes and effect:
Some desirable and undesirable constituente of water for various
purposes are listed the amounts stated are in parts per million p.p.m
they are to be taken as suggestive only.
Table Desirable and undesirable mineral matter in water

Hardness p.p.m. 0-55 56-100 101-200 201-500

Degree of hardness Soft Slightly Hard Very
The effect of hardness in water is the prevention of lathering by soap
and the formation of scales in boilers

Alkalinity of natural water represents its contents of carbonates
bicarbonates and hydroxides caustic alkalinity caused by hydroxides is
an undesirable characteristic seldom found in natural water.

chlorides are present in natural water mainly as salts of sodium
may indicate pollution by certain industrial wastes.


they are objectionable in public water supply because they cause
stains on plumbing fixtures and on clothes, they may cause tastes and
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odors and they offer difficulties to some manufacturing process. The

presence of iron is common in ground water, resulting from contact of
water coal and iron ores.
Manganese behaves similarly to iron in its reactions in natural
water in general, the maximum concentration of iron or of manganese or
the combination of iron and manganese, which is permissible in a water
supply is about 0.2 to 0.55 p.p.m.


Lead is considered undesirable in water because of its tendency to
accumulate in the human body, resulting in lead poisoning. The amount
of leas and copper found in natural water are negligible. However, water
flowing through or standing in conduits or reservoirs containing these
materials may absorb traces of these metals. Maximum concentration of
lead permitted is 0.1 p.p.m. Concentrations greater than 0.3 p.p.m. Of
copper are undesirable.


The concentration of carbon dixide is of importance in a water
supply because of
(One) the desirable taste that it imparts to water
(Two) its effect in increasing the solubility of many minerals water
(Three) the corrosiveness of water from its presence
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


living organisms can be divided into three classes according to
their size, as macroscopic, microscopic, and bacteria.
Macroscopic organisms are so large that they can be distinguished by
the eye, e.g. fish. Microscopic organisms are small so that the aid of
microscope is necessary to see them. Bacteria are so small that even the
aid of microscope is insufficient. They can only be identified by their
reaction to certain media, natural waters, particularly surface waters,
contain various kinds of organic life.

Bacteria are on cell organisms of size varing from 60 to 0.3 u.(one
u , called a micron , I.e. 1/10,00 cm ) these bacteria which cause diseases
to man are know as pathogenic. Practically all-pathogenic bacteria
which cause diseases to man are know as pathogenic. Practically all
pathogenic bacteria that can be born by water are related to the intestinal
tract of warm blooded animals, particularly man. Water- borne
pathogenic bacteria will not multiply in natural water, also their isolation
identification is difficult by laboratory means. There is, however, a
harmless bacteria, know, as escherichis coil, that is relatively easily
isolated and identified the presence of this organism in a sample of water
is taken to Indic. The presence of fecal matter in the water and is a
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

warning that pathogenic bacteria may also be present. Hence, upon the
presence or absence of the E. coli is often based the option of the safety
of the safety of water for drinking purposes. Main diseases caused by
water- borne organisms are typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery and

Microscopic organisms are found principally in surface waters e.g.
fungi. The principal objection to the presence of microscopic organisms
in a public water supply are the tastes and odors they produce.

the macroscopic organisms most commonly causing difficulties in
natural water include cattails eel grass and dea weeds. Non of these
organisms is desirable in water supply sources. But they are difficult to
remove. Tastes, odors, and color caused by them may be removed in the
process of purification macroscopic animals include fish, worms and



Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


most of these substances are toxic or of harmful effect as they are

accumulated in the human body.


In the option of those who are familiae with the developments of
water supply standards, the following may be guide for the requirements
of water quality:

The water must be free from pathogenic or disease producing
organisms. This condition of safety must prevail continually and the
supply must not be subjected to what may be termed “ accidental”

One water should be sparkling clear and colourless (not turbid
neither form inorganic nor organic materials)
Two – water should be free from objectionable gases, iron and
Three- water should be neither corrosive nor scale forming.
Four – water should be plentiful and low in cost.

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This should be safe for human consumption as determined by lab
tests, sanitary survey and continued use. It should be attractive and
appealing to the human sense of odour and taste.
This is water that has suffered impairment of physical qualities through
the addition of substances causing turbidity, color, odor, or taste.

This is water that carries potential infection by reason of the
polluted and contaminated and therefor unsatisfactory for human
consumption until properly treated.

One - some municipalities discharge sewage into a water source
that is used as a public water supply for some other cities this is perhaps
the most dangerous source of contamination.
Two – soil washing may carry leaves mud, decayed vegetation,
human and animal refuse into the water supply, thus rendering it turbid
and unclean in appearances. The turbidity of muddiness and mineral
contents of water in a stream vary from day to day following heavy rain
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

streams are often extremely muddy and low in mineral content, while
during dry seasons, it may be relatively clear and more highly
mineralized organic matter such as decayed leaves and vegetation and
wastes furnish food for micro organisms such as algae and lower forms
of animals life. These micro- organisms may impose to the water
disagreeable taste and odour.
Three – industrial wastes discharges into streams may be
objectionable because they are acid in nature, in which case they render
the water unfit for use, or too corrosive for distribution through the
ordinary cast iron pips, industrial wastes also may cotain excessive
organic matter which after decomposition cause the water to be
Four- subsoil filtration into streams of water from mannered land
on banks.
Five – washing of clothes and bathing of man and animal in canlas
and streams.
Six – throwing of dead bodies into rivers and streams. A dead
animal is not so dangerous as a human body, because the formers dose
not necessarily harber bacteria that are pathogenic to man.
Seven - navigation, this can be divided into two parts:
• Moving Boats
Pollution is brought about through the sailers and passengers wastes
the problem become more serious within the boundaries of the cities
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

because of the forced stay of several hours waiting for bridges to

open. This problem is clear in Alexandria where it may take days for
a bout to pass through the numerous mahmoudia canal bridges.

• stationary boats
As in Cairo this boats spread being inside the city may causes excessive
pollution and spread into the river water seeds of typhoid dysentery and
other disease.
For all the above reason, river, canal, lakes water should go
through comprehensive purification works before its use by the
There is a popular motion that streams purify themselves since
there are natural processes that to lessen the impurities in contaminated
streams, lakes and reservoirs. The study of the various factors
contributing to the self- purification of streams has been lead into
dividing them in 3 main parts:
One – settling:
Unless the velocity of flow is too great mud and suspended matter
naturally settle out of suspension sweeping with them vast
numbers of bacteria.
Two – Dilution
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This means that the polluting substances get diluted by means of

water in river and canal and their danger, thus becoming less in
concentration and the chances of infection through the polluted
water is diminished.
Three – sunlight:
Sunlight has come germicidal effect due to its ultraviolet rays but it
penetrates only a little below the water surface and is not constant in
action because at night and on some days the sun dose not shine at all.
Also this action depend upon the strength of the rays, dust and humidity
in the atmosphere reduce the amount of rays reaching the surface of the

oxygenation is the main purifying chemical action, there are two
sources of oxygen in rivers and canals, those are:

One – Atinospheric oxygen:

(Absorbed by the water from atmosphere) this is accomplished
more quickly and effectively if the stream passes over rough beds
Two- the oxygen given off by aquatic plants:
The plants ( like all others ) under the effect of sun rays break
down co2 in the water by photosynthesis giving off oxygen which is
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

used in the oxygenation process. It should be noted that this oxygenation

process is accomplished through the activity of certain types of bacteria.

the bacteria in the water are mostly derived from the bodies of man
and the removal from their natural habitat and food supply naturally
turns them down and exposes them to unfavorable environment under
which it is not possible for them to multiply, i.e, the exposure of bacteria
to other organisms present in the water would materially hasten
purification process.


Table gives details of the world health organization
(W.H.O) Standard for drinking water. It is followed in Egypt without
much variations

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Table: world health organization drinking water standard (Geneva)

Characteristics Permissible Excessive

Physical Characteristics.
• Turbidity units. 5
• Color (Hazen). 25
• Taste. 5
• Odour. 50
Chemical Characteristics. Unobjectionable
• PH rang units.
• Arsenic (as As).
• Calcium (Cas).
7.0- 8.5. 6.5
• Chloride (CI).
or 9.2.
• Chromium (as Cr hexavalent)
• Copper.
• Cyanide (CN).
• Fluorine.
• Iron (Fe).
• Lead (Pb).
• Manganese (Mn).
• Magnesium (Mg).
• Magnesium + Sodium sulfate
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

• Phenolic substances (as 0.1

phenol). 1.5
• Selenium.
• Sulfate (SO4). 0.01
• Zinc (Zn). 1
• Total solids. 1.5
• Nitrates (No3). 0.3

Rapid mixing to distributed the coagualant throughout the water being
treated is frequently called “flahing mixing”. This rapid agitation may be
provided in special basines with capacities equivalent to about 20-60
seconds of flow, in which small propellers are driven by electric motors.
Sometimes the hydraulic jump, or sttanding wave, is used for flows
down the channel at high velocity – velocity > 1m/sec- to enter a level
portion of the channel, where the energy of rapid flow is suddenly
transformed into static head of deeper water. In other instances,
turbulence is provided by aerators, weirs, or spiral flow tanks, but flow
in channels used to conduct the coagulant treated water to flocculation

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basins is not sufficiently tubulent for flash mixing unless obstruction are
placed in the channels is applied.
Efficient low lift centrifugal pumps do not provide turbulent flow
and thus do not serve as flash mixers. If the mixing chambers are used,
benefit can be obtained by having more than one and making the water
pass through them all. Where this is done, inadequate mixing and short
circuiting will be eliminated.

Flocculation basins are of various types:
1- the first type is the baffled mixing basins, which also there in two
types the first is the basins were fitted with a series of baffles around the
end of which the flowing water was reversed in direction.
Thus causing gentler tubulence in the channels formed between the
baffles, and more violent agitation at each point of reversed flow.
Such basins are cheap to buid, as the baffles may be of ordinary
lumber placed in concrete basins. They are only mederately successful,
however, because of the degree of agitation is determind by the space
between baffles, the total length of the channels so produced, and
volume of flow. While the spacing of the baffles may be altered, this a
major operation and usually is restricted to the correction of initially
faulty design. Furthermore, as the degree of agitation decreases with the
volume of flow, the water is less effectively flowcculated during the
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

period of low flow and serious loss of heas results from turbulence at
each point of change direction together with friction due to the area of
the baffles and of thebottom of each channel between the baffles in
contact with the flowig water. A basin of this type with an average
velocity of 0.3m /s would require a channel length of 18 m each minuet
of flocculation periods of 5 min. provided by channels.
90 m long, would entail serious loss of head, especially at smaller plants
where the friction losses are proportionately higher due to a larger
surface the edges of the paddles and thus imparting. The Speed-
reducing units usually provide for variable speed, so that degree of
agitation is thus controlled, independent of the rate of flow of water.

The basic of design of mixing tanks rotating paddles :

- the retention period ranges from 20- 30 minutes and depth of basin is
2-4 meters. The diameter of paddle with horizontal axisis less than the
depth by 0.3 meter and the height of the paddles with vertical axis is
less than the depth of the basin by 0.30 meter. The number of rows
which basin must contain do not less than three rows, where the net
area of paddles in the first raw is about.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

In the very earliest filter installation a mass of sand was used as the
filtering material, and this was done by copying nature where infiltering
water is purified by passing through the ground. It was soon found that
sand was, indeed the most suitable medium for the filtration of water.
Screening and sedimentation – with or without coagulant removes
a large proportion of suspended solids and colloidal matter will fine
floce particles, bacteria and other colloidal may stili be present in settled
water. Filtration must be used to remove these nudesirable impurities
from water. Basically , filtration involves passing of water through a
porous such as sand, which in effect, strains out most of the suspended
particles found in it.

The substances suspended in water and which are there either naturally
or as a result of previous flocculation treatment. Are most frequently of
a gelatinous or sticky nature.
If an attempt were made to eliminate these substances by filtration
through a bed of a very slight porosity the filter would be found to clog
very quickly and would no longer allow the water to pass because of the
formation of an impermeable layer on the bed surface caused by
accumulation of the impurities retained.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


On the other hand, when filtering is effected through a mass of

sand, the impurities penetrate the bed to a greater or lesser extent.
At the start, when the filter is clean, these impurities are naturally
retained by the layer which first come into contact colg the bed, the
resulting head loss causes these impurities to penetrate through the
minute channels formed by the interstices between the grains of sand,
and they lodge, in practice, in spaces formed between the grains of sand,
and they lodge, in practice, in spaces formed between the surfaces of the

It has been found by experience that by passing water through

sand, suspended and colloidal matter are partially removed, the quantity
of bacteria is materially reduced. These phenomena are explained on the
basis of the following actions:

One – Mechanical Straining:

Which removes the particles of suspended matter that are too large
to pass through the pores of sand grains.

Two: Sedimentation Action:

Account for the removal of colloids, small particles of suspended
matter and bacteria. The interstices between the sand grains act as

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mint sedimentation basins in which the suspended particles settle

upon the sides of sand grains.

Three: Adsorption Action:

These particles form a gelatinous coating on the sand grains. This
gelatinous mass attracts other particles and settles down more

Four: Electrolytic Action:

Acertain amount of suspended and dissolved matter in water is
ionized. Some of the particles of sand are also ionized in the filter
and posses electric charges of opposite polarity. When these are
neutralized, the character of water is changed. This action shares in
the removal of some dissolved solids in water like as iron and
Five: Biological Action:
As a result of the gelatinous or stiky nature of impurities and the
aggumerelated flocs, grains are coated with zooglind film, which
contains living organisms. These organisms feed on the organic
impurities and dissolved salts in water and change them to state easy to
be removed by washing. This action and taste are removed by this

Conventional water treatment plants generally use unit operations such
as rapid mixing, flocoulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.
Depending on the quality of the water, one or more uint operations can
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

be eliminated, thereby achieving a cost- effective water treatment. Direct

filtration is one such method. Filters used in direct filtration thus differ
little from those for conventional treatment in construction. The primary
difference in the operation of the two systems is related to solids storage
capacity and backwashing requirements. Different direct filtration flow
schemes are presented in Figur 6.12.
Direct filtration was first explored during the early 1900s, but these
attempts were not successful, due to the rapid clogging of the sand beds.
The development of coarse- send filters and dual – media filtershas
made it possible to store grreater amounts of floc within the filterbed
without excessive headloss, and has thus increased the feasibility of the
direct filtration process. Futher advances in filter design and the
availability of a wider selection of chemical coagulants and poly-
electrolytes have resulted in a variety of filtration systems being
designed in which coagulating chmicals are employed. The flocculation
basin is either eliminated or reduced in size, and the sedimentation basin
is not utilized. Such processes thus have only screening, rapid mixing,
and a short time of flocculation prior to filtration. All suspended solids
and flocs formedare deposited in the filter, which is usually a multi –
media, granular bed containing coal, sand, and perhaps other media.

The American Water works Association (AWWA) Filtration

Committee’s report (1980) on a worldwide survey of 70 operating and
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

pilot plants has indicated that waters with less than 40 units of color,
turbidity consistently below 5 NTU, iron and manganese concentrations
less than 0.3 mg/L and 0.05mg/L, respectively, and algal counts of up to
2000 Per mL (measured in absorption units at 100 nm) appear to be
perfect candidates for direct filtration. Turbidity and color removals are
consistently attained in this process. By efficient postchlorination,
bacteria and virus removal problems can be eliminated. Most of the
literature favors the use of dual or mixed medial for direct filtration.

Direct filtration can successfully be used for low – turbid waters,

because of its lower capital and operational cost. It does not require any
sophisticated equipment, although skilled operators are needed in order
to monitor the filers. Attention should be paid to the possibility of poor
bacterioogical quality of the filters in case of highly polluted raw water.

Design Principles
Since optimum design parameters depend greatly on the nature of the
water to be treated, pilot studies are required to determine the
appropriate type of coagulant and coagulant – aid, and the media
composition, size, and depth. Some guidelines are given below.
Filter media: Can be single, dual, or mixed media, but usually dual
and mixed media are preferred in direct filtration. Gadkari et al. (1980)
recommend dual – media with bituminous coal or anthacite coal. Here
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

dedper filters with greater filter medium depths are preferred (king and
Amy, 1979). The finest media possible should be selected to minimize
chemical dosages. Within reasonable limits, coarse filter beds can
produce the same quality filtrate as finer beds, but more polymer is
required. Fine filter media are supported on a gravel bed. This
ispreferred to direct support on bottoms equipped with mechanical
strainersor nozzles, which are not recommended (Culp, 1977).
• Rapid mixing: The rapid mixing process for direct filtration usually
does not differ much from that used for conventional plants.
• Filtration rate: 10-15 m3/m2.h (constant- rate operation). A rate of 12
m3/m2. h is usually adopted. Recent studies have shown that higher
filtration rates are possible (up to 20 m3/m2. H) with low turbid
waters (Murray and Roddy, 1993a).
• Flocculent: The type of flocculent is the most important parameter
and should be experimentally evaluated initially. Alum has been
utilized with direct filtration of waters of various turbidities (Adin et
al., 1979). However, more recently it has become apparent that a
carefully selected cationic polymer may have considerable
advantages in some situations. Polyelectrolyte doses for uncolored
water may frequently vary from 0.05-1.0 mg/L when used in addition
to alum for the treatment of organic contaminated water (Adin et al.,
1979). The general range of cationic polymer dosage used as the
primary coagulant is 0.1-5mg/L (culp, 1977). A detailed study
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

conducted in sydney, australia (Murray and Roddy, 1993b) indicated

that cationic polymer together with alum will not only increase flow
rate, but also significantly increases the filter run time. A NONIONIC
Lag time between additions of alum ad cationic polymer and
flocculation time ware found to be very important. This is discussed
in detail in Section 6.5.4. backwash method: any conventional
washing procedure can be used. The multi- media filters, the
backwashing rate should be chosen in such a way as to minimize the
intermixing of media. Details are given elsewhere (Bamann, 1978;
Kawamura, 1975). The total backwash water volume can be reduced
by a combined air – water backwash method. Direct filtration needs
frequent backdating. When a plant contains more than four direct
filtration units, interfilter backdating can used. Cleasby (1993)
recommends an inlet restriction as the method of flow control when
interfilter backwashing is used tics, the coagulant dose, the mixing
energy input for floc formation (extent of pretreatment), the media
size, the filtration rate, etc. as a guideline for design, the design
parameters should be chosen in such a way that the filter run is at
least 12 hours.
• Head requirement: since the filtration rate declines with time in a
direct filtration plant, the total head requirement for a direct filtration
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

plant is less than that for a constant- rate filtration plant with the same
flow rate. The head previously consumed in underdrains and piping
during the early high – rate part of the filter cycle decreases with the
square of the filtration rate, and becomes available to overcome the
clogging headloss late in the cycle. Also , the headloss due to dirt
accumulation is reduced as the rate declines. The total head
requirement is typically about two – thirds of that required for a
constant – rate plant (Ceasby, 1993).
• Use of a standby filter: United States regulations often require the use
of a standby filter in a bank of declining rate filters. This one filter
remains off – line after it is backwashed and is brought on – line as
the next dirty filters to the clear well. This may even take more than
an hour in some cases. By doing this , the pretreated water above the
filter is not wasteed in the desire to finish the backwash operation in a
hurry. Also, due to the reduction in spike, the filter box depth can be
reduced. The clean filter will come online with a lower total head and
therefore will start at a lower filtration rate. Shch use of a standby
filter means that the extra filter is not truly redundant )standby) as
intended by the regulations (Cleasby, 1993).

Cost data for direct filtration in the united states have been reported by
culp (1977); logsdon et al. (1980); Mc Cormick and king (1980); and
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

tate et al. (1977). Culp (1977) states that the capital cost saving in direct
filtration could be as high as 30%, and that a saving of 10-30% in
chemical cost could be achieved. The costs for polymer may be higher
than in conventional plants, but these costs are more than offset by the
lower costs for the coagulant. Monscvitz et al. (1977) also report capital
cost savings of approximately 30% for the utah valley water treatment
plant. When the 272, 500 m3/d Toronto water treatment plant was
doubled in capacity by adopting direct filtration, the cost saving was 4.8
million (or 35%) as compared with conventional treatment (Tredgett,
1974). Similarly, studies in Virginia, indicate that the use of direct
filtration for waters of turbidity less than 10 NTU should result in
savings of 10-30% in total annual costs (Mccormick and king, 1980,

It should be noted that the capital savings from omission of settlig

basins can be slightly offset by the reduction in the length of the filter
runs (Logsdon, 1978). Cost comparisons of conventional and direct
filtration plants should be made on the basis of designs that permit
optimum economy for each mode, rather than assuming fixed filter – run
lengths for both modes. Figures 6.13 and 6.14 show the estimated curves
for total capital costs and operation an maintenance costs, respectively.
A cost comparison made by Mueller and Conley (1981) indicated that
the smaller the plant, the more the direct filteration process should be
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

given prefetence over the conventional system. For instance, at a

capacity of 200 m3/d, it is twice as cheap. In each instance, the capital
cost includes an allowance for the equipment, its installation, and its
foundations and housing. Intake structures, filtered water storage, high –
service pumps, and distribution systems wereexcluded in this analysis.

Clark and morand (1981) reached a similar conclusion when they

compared the three treatment options available for small water supply
systems, namely (1) conventional treatment (Flocculation,
sedimentation, filtration), (2) direct filtration, and (3) package treatment
plants. Costs for annual operation and maintenance and capital costs
over a range of specific flow levels were calculated, and cost equations
developed. Total production costs for the three treatment alternatives are
plotted versusplant capacity flow. All of the costs have been
standardized with 1979 as a base year. It can be seen that in the
production range below 2 mgd (7600 m3/d), package treatment
representsa lower cost alternative than do conventional or direct
filtration. With plant capacities over 7600 m3/d, direct filtration is
significantly cheaper than the other two methods.

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Advantages and limitations.

• Direct filtration processes are normally found to be efficient and cost
effective for raw waters of relatively high quality (with turbidity less
than 25 NTU).
• Direct filtration requires only that the colloids in raw water be
destabilized into a small filterable floc. it is unnecessary to produce a
settleable floc, which is more difficult to filter and far more expensive
both in terms of chemicals and plant operation. Thus, a shorter
flocculation time is required to form small flocs, and this reduces the
power cost.
• Consequently, there is a substantial reduction in chemical dosages, of
about 20- 30%. This also results in decreased sludge prodction and
thus less maintenance.
• The key benefit of direct filtration is cost savings. The omission of
large sedimentation basins results in lower plant construction costs,
and possile savings onland cost.
• Likewise, a reduction in operational andcosts is obtained because less
equipment is involved.
• The operation and maintenance of a direct filtration plant is simpler
and easier, as compared with operating andmaintaining a
conventional plant.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


• Due to the elimination of the sedimentation process, the backwashing
of the filter becomes more frequent.also, since all the impurities are
removed in the filter, more suspended solids are retained in the pores
or the filter media, which requires a large amount of backwash water.
Some of the experiences indicate that the backwash water used in
direct filtration is as high as 6% of the water volume produced (culp,
1977). Therefore, this shortcoming has to be taken into cost
calculations before selecting an appropriate filtration method.
• Due to the shorter retention time between the application of
coagulants and filtration and the greater loading a pplied to the filter,
a significant amount of contaminated water enters the distribution
system before the problem is discovered.
• For the same reson, more operator’s vigilance is required. The chance
of operational error is also greater than with the conventional
treatment method. In order to mitigate this effect, continuous
monitoring of effluent turbidity at each filter is a must (Logsdon,
• In the treatment of raw water containing a high concentration of
coliform organisms, the bacteriological quality of the product water
may not satisfy the public health requirements.

Application status.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


As early as 1964, direct filtration was used in toronto, when an existing
plant with the maximum capacity of 72 mgd (272, 520m3/d) on Lake
Ontario was converted to direct filtration (Hutchishon and Foley, 1974;
tredgett, 1974). The use of alum plus polyelectrolyte when needed,
followed by filtration through a dual – media filter with 18 (46 cm) of
coal and 12 (30 cm) of sand produced high – quality effluent (less than
0.3 NTU). There was little change in the effluent turbidity for the
filtration rates of 2.4- 7.2 gpm/sq ft (5.9-17.6 m3/m2.h). diatoms in the
raw water had amarked influence on the length of the filter runs, but this
problem could be overccome by using a coarse medium (sch as coal) in
the dual- media filters. As of 1976, seven direct-filtation plants existed
in ontario, and plans were underway for the construction of up to six
additional plants to serve localities on Lake ontario, lake huron, and lake
superior (Hutchison, 1976).
United States
Diatomaceous earth and granular media direct filtration has been used at
a number of full – scale plants with capacities from less than 1 mgd
(3780 m3/d) to above 100 mgd (378, 000 m3/d). generally,
diatomaceous earth plants are smaller, on the oredr of to 10 mgd (3780-
37, 800 m3/d Logsdon, 1978). Biggest plants include a 200-mgd (757,
000 m3/d) plant at Las Vegas, Nevada, Nevada, constructed in 1971, a
60 – mgd (227, 100 m3/d) plant for springfield, Massachusetts, and a

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


30-mgd (113, 550 m3/d) plant at Duluth, Minnesota, completed in 1976.

After several years of operation, the plant at Duluth demonstrated that
the process can be an effective and efficientmeans of providing high –
quality treated water when proper design and operation parameters are
adhered to (Hagar and Elder, 1981).

At the springfield plant, raw water is conducted to the headwoks of

the conditioning basins. A channel running down the center of the
conditioning structure feeds 14 sets of basins, 7 sets on each side. Each
set of basins consists of two rapidmix chambers in series, followed by
two slow – mix chambers. A detention time of 30 minutes, believed
conservative, is provided in the conditioning basins. Alum or iron
saltsmay be used as the prime coagulants. The filter media consist of 24
(61 cm of 1.0-1.1 mm effective size anthracite coal and 12” (30 cm) of
0.45 mm effective size silica sand. It also operates at a filtration rate of
12.5 m3/m2.h (sweeney and prendiville, 1974). The plant at las vegas
operates at a filteration rate of 12.2 m3/m2.h and the filter media consist
of 20 “(51cm) effective size silicasand (spink and Monscvitz, 1974;
Monsvitz et al., 1978). Odor problems occur in tow distinct periods – the
spring and the fall due to algal blooms. Activated carbon is added in the
mixing chamber immediately ahead of the filters to remedy this problem
(Spink and Monscviz, 1974).

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


West Africa.
Direct filtration can offer an economic advantage in west africa, owing
to the economy of a low alum dosage. The most striking examples are
in Bamako, Mali, and kano, Nigeria, (Wagner and Hudson, 1982). Both
pay a high price for acquiring alum and hauling it to the treatment plant.
The price of alum in kano is over US 400/ ton and in Bamako it is over
U.S. 700 /ton.

The alum dose at the time of testing at kano was 20 mg/L to treat
water of turbidities in the range of 20-24 NTU. The water at kano has
turbidities of 30-40 NTU at its peak, and is clear during most part of the
year. The average alum dose during the wet seasonis 26 mg/L, whereas
in the fry season it is 15 mg/l.
both of these water sources have been shown to be good candidates for
direct filtration, and both cities are proceeding toward pilot filter testing.
the effluent produced by the bench- scale work was well below the
world health organization turbidity limit of 5 NTU.
Hard water is softened by treatment methods which change calcium and
magnesium compounds from a soluble to an insoluble form, and then by
removing the insoluble compounds by sedimentation and filtration, or by
an ion exchange process which replace the calcium and magnesium with

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


sodium. The first process is known as the lime- sode process, and the
second the zeolife (ion exchange) process.


During recent years, the softenting process has been used in many new
municipal water treatment plants, especially where the hardness of the
water exceeded 150 mg/1. This process has been adopted primarily to
obtain the comforts and benefits from soft water, but in some instances,
the process has increased the efficiency of the filtration plant. Also
better coagulation is effected because the bulk of the precipitate formed
in lime softening can be from ten or twenty times greater than what the
ordinary coagulation process could obtain still other advantages include:
One – A25 percent saving is realized on fuel for heating soft water by
the elimination of deposits of scale that retard heat flow.
Two- An 18 percent saving is obtained on cleaning, and replacing
plumbing that is caked.
Three – Fabrics show 25 percent less wear and tear in soft water.
Four – Soft water saves 16 percent wear and temtemsils.
Five- Food cooked in soft water retains is natural color and appearance,
and its digestive properties. In making tea and coffee, 50 percent less
leaves and grounds are used in soft than in hard water.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Six – soft water provides for better skin care, and eliminates the need for
expensive bubble bath preparations. There is no bathtub ring . Shaving
blades last 20 percent longer.

Hared water should be softened because:

One – it consumes soaps and detergents.
Two – it has an adverse effect on clothing and being cleaned.
Three- It shortens the life of pipes and fixtures, heating system, and
boiler shells and tubes.
Four – It is unsuitable for industrial uses.

In the lime soda ash process the steps of treatment in most
elementary water softening plants are:
1- Addition of softening and coagulating chemicals.
2- Mixing.
3- Settling.
4- Carbonation (when lime softening).
5- Filtration.
When chemically treated water is mixed and settled in separate tanks,
the plant usually is referred to as a conventional type plant. However,
when the softing occur in the presence of a large quantity of soda
reactions are shown below:
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

Ca (OH)2 + Ca (HCO3)2 2CaCO2 + 2H2O

2Ca (OH)2 + Mg (HCO3)2 Mg (OH)2 + 2 CaCO2

Ca (OH)2 + MgSO4 Mg (OH)2 + CaSO4.

Ca (OH)2 + MgCL2 Mg(OH)2 + CaCL2.

Water Disinfecated to bacteria and thus prevent water-bourn diseases.
Chlorination, ozonization, ultra – violet ray method, excess line
process and spplication of silver or iodine sand bromine method are
the principal methods used for disinfection of water.
Sterilization by heating is suitable only for household use.

The use of chlorine has become universal in the disinfection of
water supplies. Although chlorine is used principally for the killing of
bacteria, it may be applied to water also to aide the removal of iron and
manganese, for the cleaning of sand filter, for the sterilization of water
mains, and for other purposes. Chlorine may be applied to water in the
form of a gas or in one of its compounds, the dry gas under pressure is
liquified and sorted in steel cylinders. Care must be taken to prevent the

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


escape of chlorine, because of its highly toxic nature, except in high


Chlorine gas may be fed directly to the water supply, or preferably

the gas may be first dissolved in a small flow of water and the solution
fed to the point of application.

The amount of chlorine used depends on several factors :

One – Turbidity of the water which protects the bacteria from the
action of Chlorine.
b- The temperature of the water.
c- Amount of dissolved oxidisable organic matter in water.

The ground surface reservoirs always located after the treatment
works the main function of ground storage are as follows.
One – To equilize the difference between the maximum demand
through a day (max. daily consumption) and the maximum production of
the water plant (max. mounthly flow).
Two – to carry the emergency reserve storagisgany damage may
happen to the treatment plant.
Three – to equilize the required time for disinfection to take place.
They may also be used as distributer reservoirs if they are
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

Calculation for future population for Benha

Logistic Method

1978 87000
1986 115571
1994 144143
1998 152000

2P0 P1 P2 – P12 (P0+P2)
POPn (S) =
P0 P2 – P12

P0 =8700 P1=11571 P2=144143

(S) = 231158 Capita.

S - PO
M= =1.657 n = 8 Years

B= 1 Ln P0 (S – P1)
= - 0.063
N P1 (S-P0)

1+mebt t = cal. Year – 1978

P2000 = 163435 capita

P2025 = 212896 capita
P2050 = 227125 capita

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Arithmetic Method

YEAR POP. dp dt K
1978 87000
1986 115571 28571 8 3571.375
1994 144143 28572 8 3571.5
1998 152000 7857 4 1964.25

K a = 9107 / 3 = 3035.7

P2000 = P1998 + K a ( 2000 – 1998 ) = 158072 capita

P2025 = P1998 + K a ( 2025 – 1998 ) = 233964 capita
P2050 = P1998 + K a ( 2050 – 1998 ) = 309857 capita

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Decreasing of Increase Method

YEAR POP. (S – P) dt dp K
1978 87000 163000
1986 115571 134429 8 28571 0.024
1994 144143 105857 8 28572 0.0297
1998 152000 98000 4 7857 0.0193

Assume saturation population is 250000 capita

dp/dt = kd * ( S – P )
Kd = 0.02433

P2000 = 250000 – (250000 – 152000) e – 0.02433 * (2)

= 156655 capita

P2025 = 250000 – ( 250000 – 152000 ) e – 0.02433 * (27)

= 199192 capita

P2050 = 250000 – ( 250000 – 152000 ) e – 0.02433 * (52)

= 222345capita

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Geometric Method

YEAR POP. Ln pop. dp dt K

1978 87000 11.374
1986 115571 11.658 0.284 8 0.0355
1994 144143 11.879 0.221 8 0.0276
1998 152000 11.932 0.053 4 0.0133
Kg =0.0255

Ln P2000 = Ln P1998 + Kg (2000 – 1998 )

= 11.932 + ( 0.02547 * 2 ) = 11.983
P2000 = 160002 capita

Ln P2025 = Ln P1998 + Kg (2025 – 1998)

= 11.932 + (0.02547 * 27) = 12.63
P2025 = 302456 capita

Ln P2050= Ln P1998 + Kg (2050 – 1998)

= 11.932 + (0.02547 * 52) = 13.256
P2050 = 571741 capita

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).



P0 (1998) = 152000 capita , W.C. (1998) =190 L/C/d

% Increase = [ ( Pn / P0 ) – 1 ] * 100

“ Geometric Method “
W.C. (2000) = 191.3 L/C/d
W.C. (2025) = 200.5 L/C/d
W.C. (2050) = 207.7 L/C/d

“ Arithmetic Method “
W.C. (2000) = 190.9 L/C/d
W.C. (2025) = 200.5 L/C/d
W.C. (2050) = 207.7 L/C/d

“ Logistic Method “
W.C. (2000) = 191.8 L/C/d
W.C. (2025) = 198.2 L/C/d
W.C. (2050) = 199.8 L/C/d

“ Graphical Comparison Method “

W.C. (2000) = 191.1 L/C/d
W.C. (2025) = 201.7 L/C/d
W.C. (2050) = 210.1 L/C/d

Qavg. =POP. * W.C.

Qdes. =1.5 Qavg
Qmax.daily=1.8 Qavg.
Qmax.hourly=2.5 Qavg

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Calculations of the water flow for year 2000.

Population =160000 capita

Water Consumption =190 l/c/d

Qavg. Qdes. Qmax.daily Qmax.hourl

L/SEC. 351.852 527.778 633.334 879.63
M3/SEC 0.351852 0.52777 0.633334 0.87963
M3/DAY 30400 45600 54720 76000
M3/HOUR 1266.667 1900 2280 3166.66
M3/MIN 21.111 31.667 38 52.778

Calculations of the water flow for year2025.

Population =280000 capita
Water Consumption =200 l/c/d

Qavg. Qdes. Qmax.daily Qmax.hourl

L/SEC. 648.148 972.222 1166.66 1620.37
M3/SEC 0.064815 0.97222 1.16666 1.62037
M3/DAY 56000 84000 100800 140000
M3/HOUR 2333.333 3500 4200 5833.333
M3/MIN 38.8889 58.333 70 97.2222

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Calculations of the water flow for year 2050.

Population =400000 capita
Water Consumption =205 l/c/d

Qavg. Qdes. Qmax.daily Qmax.hourl

L/SEC. 949.074 1423.61 1708.333 2372.685
M3/SEC 0.949074 1.42361 1.708333 2.372685
M3/DAY 82000 123000 147600 205000
M3/HOUR 3416.667 5125 6150 8541.667
M3/MIN 56.9444 85.4167 102.5 142.361

Design of water treatment plant

Design of intake

Qd (2050) = 1.42361 m3 / s
Choose V=1 m/s
Total area of pipes = = 1.4236 m 2
Use 3 pipes
A pipe = 0.475 m2
φ pipe = 0.777 m
≅ 0.762 m (30 inch)

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


 0.762 
ATotal actial = 3 ∗π ∗   = 1.368 m

 2 
V actual = 1.04 m / s < 1.5 m / s o. k .

Qd (2025) = 0.97222 m3 / s
Use 2 pipes only in current and additional pipe in future
A 2 pipes = 0.912 m/s

V= = 1.066 m / s < (1.5 m / s ) o.k .
( V = 0.8 – 1.5 m / s )
Q min (2025) = 0.8 Q av = 0.8 * 0.64815 = 0.51852 m3 / s
Use 1 pipe from 2 . pipes at Q min (2025).

Q 0.51852
Vact = = = 1.0916 m / s
A 0.475
(V = 0.8 – 1.5 m / s) o.k.

• Design of low lift pump:-

- Q max = 1.42361 m3 / s = 1423.61 l / s ≅ 1500 l / s
- Q min = 0.7593 m3 / s = 759.3 l / s ≅ 800 l / s

• Pump system:-
Main reserved
300 300
300 300
300 300
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

No of pumps = 8
8 * 300 = 2400 L / s

- Total static head for pump:-

• HT = HS + h f 1 + h f 2
• (G.L – L.W.L) + (5 + 6 m)
= (12.5 – 9) + 5.5 = 9 m
- Length of conduit pipe = 360 m
- Length of pump pipe = (12 – 7.8) + 9
= 13.2 m

0.032 ∗373.2 ∗(1.04)

f LV 2
h f1 = = = 0.86 m
2g d 2 ∗9.81∗ 0.762
h f 2 =10 % ( HS + h f1 ) = 0.1 ( 9 + 0.8 ) = 0.986 m
H T = 10.85 m

• Slope of pipes
2 1
V = 1.04 = R 3 S 2
 0.726  3
1.04 =   (S ) 2

 4 
S = 0.0016 =

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


• Calculation of HP
HP = ζ1 ζ 2 = 0.7
75ζ 1 ζ 2
1 ∗ 300 ∗10.85
(Q = 300 l / s ) HP = = 61.98
75 ∗ 0.7
≅ 65 HP
• Design of sump:-
Retention period t 1 = 2 minutes for max flow
t2 = 5 minutes for mini flow
Take S = 2 m (1.5 – 3 m)
W=3m (1 – 3 m)
L = 8 * 2 = 16 m
* Volume of sump C=Q*t
C 1 = 1.4236 * 2 * 60 = 170.832 m3
C 2 = 0.5793 * 5 * 60 = 227.79 m3
d1 = = 3.6 m > (9 − 5.5 = 3.5 m)
w ∗l
d2 = = 4.75 m > (9 − 5.5 = 3.5 m )
w ∗l
Take d = 4.5 m
The level of sump bed = 9 – 4.5 = 4.5 m
d ≥ (low water level – bed level) + h f 1
≥ (9 – 5.5 + 0.82)
≥ 4.32 m o.k.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


• Design of screen
D = 12 – 6.5 = 5.5 m
Where the screen over 1 m of channel bed.
Assume spacing between bars = 1.5 cm , diameter of bar = 2.5 cm
∴ A = spacing * (1 à 2) = 0.015 * 1.75 = 0.02625 m2

Qmax 1.42361
∑ area
= n .A =
= 1.7795 m 2

Θ n= = 67.79
Take n = 68 space

Width of one pipe =

(0.015 ∗ 68) + 0.025 (68 + 1)
= 0.915 m
Q 1.42361
Velocity through the bars (V1 ) = =
A 1.75 ∗ 0.015 ∗ 68

= 0.7975 m / s > 0.6 o.k.

Velocity down stream the bars (V2 ) =
3 ∗1.75 ∗ 0.762
= 0.356 m / sec
Where 0.45 à the inner pipe diameter of conduit pipe

V12 − V 22 (0.7975) 2 − (0.356) 2

Head loss = 1.44 = 1.4
2g 2 ∗ 9.81
= 0.0363 m < 0.15 o.k

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Design of distribution Chamber

Assume detention time = 30 sec.
Volume = Q * T.
= 1.424 * 25 = 35.6 m3.
Assume depth = 3m.
∴φ ≈ 4.00 m.

• Design of weir
Design of rapid mixing tank
Qd 2050 = 123000 m3 /d
Qd2025 = 84000 m3/d
For year 2050
V = Q .d *T = * 40 = 56.94 m3
24 * 60 * 60

Assuming detention time = 40 sec. (20- 60 sec).

Choose diameter for tank = 3m.
Choose 3 tanks

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


depth of one tan k =
π r2

56 .94
= 2
= 2.68 ≈ 2 .7 m.
3*π *  

in rang (1 − 3) m O .K

Take free board = 0.3 m.

Over all depth = 3m.
Take width of power.
Power (p) = π VG 2

Take (G = 790 S-1) From table For t = 40 sec.

-3 π   = 2.68 ≈ 2.7 m
P = 1.14 * 10 * 2
in rang (1 − 3)m O.K .

Take free board = 0.3 m.

Over all depth = 3m.
Take width of baffle = 0.1 φ = 0.1* 3 = 0. 3 m

Requirement of power
Power (p) = π VG 2
Take (G = 790 S-1) from table for t = 40 sec.

∴ ρ = 1.14 *10 −3 *π   * 2.68 * (790) 2 = 13478

Assume effeciervy of motor = 90%.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Power of motor = =14.976 kw.
0.9 *1000

Use standerd motor of p = 14.976 kw, off = 90%

, rpm = 1000.

Power requirment (p) = WN 3 D

1/ 3
 p* g 
∴ N =  
5 
 k * w * D 

use bladed disk turbine with 6 curved blades from table K = 4.8.
, Diameter of impeller (D) = 0.25* 3 = 0.75 M.

1/ 3
 13478* 9.81 
N =  5
 = 2.279 Re v / sec .
 4.8 * 9810* 0.75)) 
=136.72 rpm
in Rang (10 − 150) rpm. O.K .

use gear box to convert 1000 rpm to 136. 72 rpm.

Dimention Of impeller.
D = 0.75 m.

D 0.75
B= = = 0.15 m
5 5

D 0.75
H= = = 0.15 m.
5 5

Design of weir:
Qd= C.B.H3/2

for breadth of weir (B) = 1m weir const (C) = 1.8

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


2/3 2/3
 Qd   123000 
∴H =   =   = 0.41 m.
 C *B   3 *1.8 *1*1 * 24 * 60 * 60 

check for year 2025

was 2 tan ks only

V 2 * 2.68 *π * (1.5) 2
t= = * 24 * 60 60 = 38.97 sec π 40 O.K
Q 84000

Design of flocculation chamber

take detention time = 15 min
less than normal detention time in order to produce small filterable floc
not settleable floc.

Velocity of flow between baffles (V) = 0.4 m/s. (0.25-0.85)

distance between baffles = 0.5 m.
Velocity of flow between baffles and the wall = 1.5* 0.5 = 0.75m.
Thickness of Baffle = 7 cm.
Use three flocculators.
Qd (2050) = 123000 m3/d

Qd 123000
Flocculator volume = *t = *15
3 3* 24 * 60

= 427.1 m3.

Length of flow = V*T

= 0.4 * 15 * 60 = 360 m.

Volume 427.1
water depth = L * 0.5 360 * 0.5 = 2.37m π 3m O.K

Take width of flocculator = 6m.

Effective length of each baffle = 6- 0.75 = 5.25 m.
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

No. Of channels required = ≈ 70 channel

overall length of the flocculator = clear length + total wall width.

= (35 * 0.5) + (344 * 0.07)= 19.88 m.

Check velocrty
Velocity of flow through channels.

Q 123000
V= =
Across 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 2.37 * 0.5

= 0.4 m/sec. (0.25- 0.85) in Rang O.k

• check for year 2025

Use 2 flocculators only

V 0.41 m / s With in the range (0.25-
2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 2.37 * 0.5

Length of flow = V * T.
= 0.41 * 15 * 60 = 369 m.

volume 84000 *15

water depth = =
l * 0.5 24 * 60 * 2 * 369 * 0.5

= 2.37 m < 3m O.K.

Overall length of the flocculator = clear length + total width

= (35 * 0.5) + (34 * 0.07)=19.88. m.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Design of under ground Tank

Design procedures consider maximum discharge for year 2050.

- Qav (2050) = 0.949 m3 / sec
- Q max (daily) = 1.8 Q ave = 1.71 m3 / sec
- Q max (monthly) = 1.5 Q ave = 1.43 m3 /sec

Pop ( 2050) ∗120 ∗ 0.8 400000 ∗ 120 0.8

C fire = =
10000 10000
= 3840 m 3 / fire
V1 = Qd ∗ 0.5 hr =1.33 ∗ 0.5 ∗ 60 ∗ 60 = 2394 m 3
V2 = (Qdaily − Qmax monthly ) ∗1 ∗ 24 ∗ 60 ∗ 60
= (1.71 −1.43) ∗1 ∗ 24 ∗ 60 ∗ 60 = 24192 m 3
V3 = Qd * 5.5 hr =1.43 ∗ 5.5 ∗ 60 ∗ 60 = 28314 m 3
⇒ The volume of water in the ground tan k
V = V3 + C fire = 28314 + 3840 = 32154 m 3
Volume 32154
* Contact time = =
Qd 1.43 ∗ 60
= 374.75524 min ute o.k . safe > 40 min ute contact time
• Use 3 Tank of depth = 6.5 m
• Length = 50 m
• width of the tank = 33 m

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Design of direct filter

Q d
(2050) = 123000 m3 /d
R.O.F = 10-15 m3/m2/h
Take R.O.F = 12 m3/m2/h
Q 123000
Total area required for the filters = = = 427.08 m 2
ROF 12 * 24
Take length of filter = 7 m (5-8) m. O.k
Take width of filter = 5 m (5-8) m. O.k
AT 427 . 08
No. of filters = = ≈ 12 filters
A filter 7*5

Total no. of filters = 12+6 ( for mashing ) = 18 filter

Use 18 filter as three units each Unit contains (6 filters)
• actual R.O.F= = 292.857 m 3 / m 2 / d
12 * 7 * 5
= 12.2 m3/m2/hr ( 10- 15) with range o.k
• Rate of wshing = 50 m3/m2/hr ( 37.5-60) m3/m2/hr
Time of washing = 15 min (8-15) min
15 * 50 * 5 * 7
Amount of wash water /filter = = 437 . 5 m 3 / filter
• wash water gutter
Spacing = (1- 2) m, width = (25-50) cm
Assume spacing = 2 m
No. Of gutters = = 2 .5
Take 3 gutters

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


rate of washing * area 50 * 5 * 7 *1000

Q gutter = *1000 = = 9722.22 lit / min
no. gutter 3 * 60

Assume width of gutter = 50 cm

Q gutter (lit/min) = 0.76 B (cm) *H 3 2 (cm)
9722.22= 0.76 *50 *H 3 2
∴ H= 40.3 cm
Take H=40.5 cm
*Under drainage system
. Lateral
spacing = (15-30 )cm
Length = 60* diameter
Assume spacing = 15 cm
Length = 5 − 0.5 − (2 * 0.1) = 2.15 m
length 215
Length = = ≈ 3.6 cm
60 60
lengyh of filter 700
No. of lateral =2 * = * 2 = 94
spacing of lateral 15
Total area of main fold =( 1.75 2) total cross section area of toteral
= 1.75* 94* π * (3.6) 2
= 1674,41 cm2

Take mainfold = 50 cm , hight = = 33.49cm
≈ 40cm
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

50 * 5 * 7
Q wash = = 0 . 486 m 3 / sec .
60 * 60

Q 0.486
V= = = 2.43 m / sec ≤ 2 .5 O.K
A 0. 5 * 0. 4

- perforation
Spacing = (7.5 -20) cm, diameter = (6-13) mm.
Take spaclrg = 20 cm, diameter – 7 mm.
lateral length 215
No. of pefforazon in on lateral = = =11
spacirg 20
Total no. of perforation = 94-11 = 1034.

total orea of perforation
= 0.25 ⇒ 0.5
total area of loteral

1034 * (0.7) 2
4 = 0.416 whthe the vavge (0.25 − 0.5)
π 2
94 * (3.6)

Design of pipes.

One) Inlet pipe.

Assume V= 0.8 m/sec (0.8-1.2 m/sec)

Q / ore filter = = 0.11863 m3 / sec .
60 * 60 * 24 *12

π 0.11863
= φ 12 = ⇒ φ 1 = 0.435 m
4 0.8

Takeφ 1 = 45 mm.
Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

V = = 0.75 m / sec O.K
π 2

Two)Outlet pipe

V = (0.9-1.8) m/sec

Assume V= 1.5 m/sec.

π 0.11863
(φ 2 ) 2 = ⇒ φ 2 = 0.317 m.
4 1.5

Take φ 2 = 0.35 m Vact = 1.233 m/s o.k.

Three) Wash pipe.

V= (1.5-3) m/s, take v= 2 m/s

50 * 5 * 7
Q= = 0 . 4861 m 3 / s.
60 * 60

0 . 7861
2= ⇒ φ 3 = 0 . 556 m.
(φ 3 ) 2

Take φ 3 = 600 mm Vact = 1.72 m/s o.k

Four) Wash drain

V=(0.9-2.4) m/s, take v = 1.5 m/s.
1.5 = ⇒φ = 0.64 m take it φ 4 = 600 mm
π 4
(φ 4 ) 2

∴V act = 1.72.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


*dosage of Alum & polymer

- dosage of alum = 5-10 mg/l
- Q2050 = 123000 m3/d

7 *1000
Quantity of alum = * 123000 = 861 ky / day.
1000 *1000

Dosage of polymer = 0.03- 0.05 mgll.

Quantity of polymer = * 123000 = 4.92 kg / day

*Quantity of Chlorine.
Chlorire dose = 0.3- 0.5 ppm (gm/m3).
0 .4
Quantity of chlorire required = * 123000
= 49.2 kg / day

• Quantity of Chlorine
- Chlorine dose = 0.3 – 0.5 p p m (gm / m3)

∴ Quantity of chlorinerequired = ∗123000
= 49.2 kg / day

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Design of Elevated tank

Water consumption (2050) = 205 l / c / d
To hour Consumption (lit) Commutative
12 2 4 4
2 4 8 12
4 6 12 24
6 8 21 45
8 10 25 70
10 12 33 103
12 2 41 144
2 4 29 173
4 6 16 189
6 8 8 197
8 10 4 201
10 12 4 205

P oP 6 ∗ 400 000
V1 = = = 2400 m 3
1000 1000
V2 = (max hourly consump. – max daily consump.) * one hour

 400000 ∗205 1
= (2.5 −1.8)   ∗ = 4783.33
 1000  12
V 1
design=V2 + fire
 1 400000∗120
= 4783.33+  ∗  = 5743.33 m
5 10000 
Max capacity of elevated tank = 1000 à 2000 m3

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Use 4 tanks

Vt 5743.33
Vtan k = = =1435.833 m 3
4 4
Assume int ernal diameter φ1 =1.5 m d= φο
Volume =
(φ 2
ο − φ12 d)
1435.833 =
(φ 2
ο − 1. 5 ) 23 φ ο

φ ο =14 m
∴d = φ ο = 9.4 m
φ1 =1.5 m

• Assume velocity in pipes =1m/s

Volume 5743.33
Q= = = 0.0332 m 3 / s
t 12 ∗ 60 ∗ 60 ∗ 4
Q 0.033
A= = = 0.332 m 2
V 1
φ = 20.32 cm (8 inch)
Take φ = 20.32 cm (8 inch )
Vact = 1.025 m /s (0.8 – 1.5) o.k.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Design of pipe between L.L.P

and distribution chamber.
Assume V=1.5 m/s.
Q = 1.4236 m3/S.
A= = 0. 95 m2

φ pipe =1.1 m

take φ pipe =1.143 m (45 inch)

V act = 1.387 m/ S (0.8 − 1.5) O.K

• check velocity at 2025

Q = 0.97222 m3/s.
Q 0.97222
V= = = 1.023 mls (0.8 − 1.5) O..K .
A 1 .143
π( )2

Design of pipes between distribution chamber

and filter and ground tank.
No. of pipes = 3.
Q pipe = 0.475 m3/sec.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Assnme V=1.5 m/s.

A= = 0.316 m2

φ pipe = 0.634 m.

take φ pipe = 0.635 m. ( 25 inch)

Vact = = 1.498 m / sec . (0.8 − 1.5) O.K
Check velocity at 2025
Q= 0.97222 m3 / sec.

Losses through flocculator

Assume flocculator is an open chaminel with length = 360m.

V = R2 / 3 S1 / 2

1 0 . 5 * 2 . 37
0 .4 = ( )2 / 3 S1 / 2
0 . 013 0 . 5 + ( 2 * 2 . 37 )

S = 0 . 0001962
losses = 360 * 0 . 0001962 = 0 . 07 m
≈ 10 cm

Assume. Losses due to the weirs = 10 cm.

Total losses through flocculator = 20 cm.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Losses through ground tank.

Assume G.T. is am open dchannel with.
Length = * (33 − 5)

= 280 m

Detention time = 5.5 hr.

∴velocity = = 0.014 m / s.
5.5 * 60 60

∴V R1 / 2 S 1 / 2

1  5 * 6 .5 
0.014 =   S 1/ 2
0.013  13 + 5 

S = 1.5335 * 10-8
Losses = 280 * 1.537 * 10-8 0.00043 cm
Take total losses through G.T = 20 cm.
Losses throgh filter.
Take losses through the filter equal its total depth.
Losses = 3m.
Losses through rapid mixing tank and distribution chamber.
Assume the losses due to weir in each are = 10 cm.

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


Losses all over pipes:-

1- pipe between L.L.P and Distribution chamber:
φ = 1.143 m (45 inch).
L = 338 m.
V=1.04 m/s
Losses due to friction:
HF =(FLV2) /(2gd)
=(0.032*338*(1.04)2) / (2*9.81*0.762)
Losses due to exit from pipe=1.4(V20-V21) / 2g
=1.4((1.04)2-(0.11)2) /(2*9.81) =0.07m
Total losses =0.95m
2-pipe between distribution chamber and rapid mixing tank.

φ = 0 . 634 m ( 25 inch )
L = 22 . 73 M .
1 / 2
V = R 2 / 3

1 0 . 634
1 . 498 = ( ) 2 / 3
S 1 / 2

0 . 013 4

S = 0 . 0044211
∴ losses = S * L .
= o .1 M

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


3-Pipe between Rapid mixing tank and flocculator

φ = 0 . 634 m ( 25 inch )
L = 18 . 95 m.
V = R 2 /3
S 1/ 2

2 /3
1  0 . 634 
1 . 498 =   S 1/2

0 . 013  4 

S = 0 . 0044211
∴ Losses = S * l
= 0 . 084 ≈ 0 .1 m
Q 1 . 424
Velocity in weir = = = 0 . 63 m / s
A 3 * 0 . 75 * 1

2 2

Losses due to enterence = 1 .4 v v


2 2

= 1 . 4 1 . 04 0 . 63
2 * 9 . 81
= 4 cm
Total losses = 15 cm
4-pipe between Flocculator and filters :

φ = 0.634
L = 33.82 m
S = 0.0044211
∴losses = S * L
= 0.149 ≈ 0.15 m

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).


5- pipe between filter and ground tank:

φ =0.634m
Take enterence losses=5cm
Total losses=0.35m
∴V = 2
= 1.023 m / sec
 0.635 
3*   *π
 2 

(0.8 − 1.5) O.K

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).



Stage No. of units Dimensions Detention time

of one unit
Rapid 3 – Mixers φ=3m 40 sec.
mixing d = 2.7 m
Flocculation 3– Flocculators L = 19.88 m 15 min.
B = 12 m
2.37 m
Filtration 3 direct Filters Use 3 filter house
Each house contain : ROF =
6 filters.
12 m3 /m2/ hr.
Filter = 5 × 7 m
House = 21 × 15 m
Ground 3 – G.T. L = 50 m 5.5 hr.
storage B = 33 m
D = 6.5 m
Elevated 4 E.T φo = 14 m
tank φ1= 1 m
d = 9.33 m

Civil Enginerring Department (5th Year).

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