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I, ______________________________ of legal age _____________________________________

______________________________ and a resident of ___________________________________
and with Tel. # _________________________ and TIN No. ________________________ after
having been duly sworn to in accordance to law do hereby depose and say:

1. That I am the biological mother/father and/or person exercising parental authority of minor
______________________________ born on _____________________ and residing in
_____________________________________________________________ minor
______________________________ born on _____________________ and residing in
_____________________________________________________________ minor
______________________________ born on _____________________ and residing in
2. That my child/children will travel to ________________________________________ for
3. That said child/children will be leaving on _______________________ and will stay in
__________________________________________________________ for a period of
_____________ and will be taken cared of by _________________________________
4. That I cannot personally travel with my child/children due to _____________________
5. That I am giving my full consent to the travel of the aforementioned child abroad and to be
accompanied by my spouse _____________________________________________
6. That this affidavit was executed for the purpose of attesting to the truth of the facts above
stated and for whatever legal purpose it may serve.

Affiant further sayeth naught.

Signature of Affiant
Over Printed Name

Subscribed and sworn to before me this _________________ in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi


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