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SESA – ESSA prevention service


We want to share the lesson of the day with everyone

Static electricity in Petrol Stations


As a continuation of the video about static electricity in which a girl had a

fire accident on getting out of her car and directly touching the nosepiece,
we come across a similar case:
如影片所撥放, 一位女士在加油時, 當加油槍的噴嘴碰到車子產生靜電,
而造成了一場火災. 我們也曾經碰到過這種意外.

With the generalisation of self-service facilities in petrol stations people

should be warned about the outbreak of fires resulting from static electricity
while they are pouring in petrol.
在加油站自助加油時, 當在正在加油時, 人們要特別注意由於靜電造成的火

150 cases of this type of fire have been investigated and the results were
very surprising.
我們調查研究了類似的 150 起這種火災, 結果令我們非常驚訝.
SESA – ESSA prevention service
1- Of the 150 cases, more happened to women than men, due to their
habit of getting in and out of the vehicle while the petrol is being
poured in.
從這 150 個案例發現女性比男性為多, 這是由於女性在加油時會進進

2- In the majority of cases the people had re-entered their cars when the
hose was still pouring petrol out (the danger of the triggers on the
nosepieces). When they finished refuelling and got out to remove the
hose pistol the fire began, as a result of the static electricity.
在大多數的案例中發現, 加油管仍在加油中(此時有觸發噴嘴的危險),
人們在此期間會進入車內, 當油加滿時, 人從車內出來要拔出加油
槍時, 最易因靜電造成火災.

3- The majority of those affected used rubber-soled footwear and

clothes of synthetic fibres.
大多數的例子中, 這些人都穿著膠底鞋和人造纖維的衣服.

4- Never use mobile phones when filling up with fuel.

當加油時, 請務必不要使用行動電話.

5- It is well known that it is the vapour that comes from the petrol that
burns and causes the fire when it makes contact with static charges.
眾所週知, 這是因為油氣與靜電接觸引發的火災.

6- In twenty-nine of the cases analysed, the people re-entered their

vehicles and later touched the pistols during the petrol fuelling
process. This happened in cars of different varieties of makes and
其中有 29 個案例, 是加油時人們進入車內, 再從車中出來拿油槍時
發生意外. 各種車型和廠牌的車都有.

7- Seventeen fires occurred before, during or immediately after the cap

of the petrol tank was removed and before starting to fill up with
另有 17 個案例, 火災是發生在加油前轉開油箱蓋的前後瞬間.

8- The static charge often results from when a passenger rubs their
clothes against the upholstery of the seats on getting in or out
of the vehicle. To avoid this, it is recommendable that NOBODY gets
in or out of the vehicle while the petrol is being poured in. Movement
SESA – ESSA prevention service
in or out should only be done BEFORE starting, or when the fuelling
is finished and the petrol cap placed.
靜電經常是當人們進出車時, 衣服和座椅摩擦所產生的, 因此我們適
當的建議, 在油管正加進行時請勿進出車子.

9- MAXIMISE THE PRECAUTIONS if the petrol has spilt or splashed

onto the ground. Highly inflammable vapours are immediately
produced which can be ignited by sparks of static electricity from the
turning on of electronic equipment (mobile phones, remote controls,
etc.) or by the ignition of the vehicle itself. BEFORE starting up the
engine again, the spilt petrol must be gathered or neutralised by
the petrol station staff.
當油濺到地上時, 更需要注意.開啟電器設備(行動電話, 遙控裝置
等) 或汽車本身造成的靜電都會造成油氣的點燃. 必須要等加油站工
作人員將濺出的油清理乾淨後, 才可以再發動汽車引擎.


IN YOUR VEHICLE: Stop, put the handbrake on and turn off the
engine, radio and lights
停車, 拉起手剎車,關掉引擎, 收音機和電燈.

NEVER: Never return to your vehicle while you are pouring in

在加油進行期間, 務必不要回到車上.

AS A PRECAUTION: Get used to closing the car door on getting out

or into the vehicle and in this way the static
electricity will be discharged on touching something
要養成上下車後立即關門的好習慣, 這樣靜電就會在

After closing the door TOUCH THE METAL PART

OF THE BODYWORK before touching the petrol
pump pistol. By doing this the static electricity in
your body will be discharged on the metal and not
on the pistol.
SESA – ESSA prevention service
下車關門後, 在拿加油槍前,請先觸碰汽車車身使我



As mentioned, we undertake this as a daily task, both inside and outside

the company. The following bulletin aims to raise public awareness of
this danger.
無論是否在公司都要奉行此規定, 此訊息的目的在提醒大家加油時要注
意, 以免造成危險.

I ask you to send this information to ALL your friends and family,
especially those carrying children in the cars when pouring in
petrol. Thank you for passing on this information.
請您將此訊息寄發給您的家人和所有您的朋友, 特別是那些會帶小孩在

Shell is Safety
PS. Jack 譯, 其中不妥之處, 請各位補充、更正.

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