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Food Web

Most energy comes from the sun.

Plants, also called producers, convert that energy into food
through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a
process which uses water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight
energy to make sugars.  Plants do this in special cells called
chloroplasts.  These are usually green because of a pigment
called chlorophyll.  Most photosynthesis happens in a plant's
leaves, which is why they are green.
When an animal eats a plant, some of the energy gets
passed from the plant to the animal.  A food web shows this
passage of energy, by showing what animals can eat what,
and who gets eaten by who!
These many different cycles are primarily carried out as one
organism consumes, or eats another in a complex chain known as
the food chain.

The most important part of any food chain are the plants that take
the energy from the Sun, and substances from the atmosphere and
soil to produce food.

As one organism eats another, it uses a portion of these substances

to sustain itself, and discards the rest in the form of waste.
What’s inside?

-Food Chain and Food web

-Plants and Matter
-My activities and exams

+Picture of my plant

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