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Telah dilakukan karakterisasi simplisia, isolasi minyak atsiri dengan

destilasi uap, dan identifikasi minyak atsiri dari rimpang serta daun tumbuhan

kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val).

Minyak atsiri dari rimpang dan daun kunyit dianalisis dengan GC-MS.

Komponen terbesar dari minyak yang diperoleh dari rimpang adalah Ar-tumeron

(43,06%). Minyak yang diperoleh dari daun didominasi oleh α-Fellandren

(39,04%) dan α-Terpinolen (34,23%).

Hasil karakterisasi simplisia rimpang kunyit di peroleh kadar abu total

6,46%; kadar abu yang tidak larut dalam asam 1,10%; kadar sari larut dalam air

17,82%, kadar sari larut dalam etanol 12,08%; dan kadar air 7,99%; kadar minyak

atsiri 4,83%. Hasil penetapan indeks bias 1,4670 dan berat jenis 0,9241. Hasil

karakterisasi dari simplisia daun kunyit diperoleh kadar abu total 9,41%; kadar

abu yang tidak larut dalam asam 1,15%; kadar sari larut dalam air 16,30%, kadar

sari larut dalam etanol 9,22%; dan kadar air 7,97%; kadar minyak atsiri 3,72%.

Hasil penetapan indeks bias 1,4670 dan berat jenis 0,9229.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


The characterization, isolation of volatile oil by steam distillation, and

identification of volatile oil from dried rhizomes and leaves of Curcuma

domestica Val. had been carried out.

The volatile oils of rhizomes and leaves of Curcuma domestica val.,

zingiberaceae were analysed by GC-MS. The major constituent of rhizome oil

was Ar-Tumeron (43,06%) while leaf oil was dominated by α-Fellandren

(39,04%) and α- Terpinolen (34,23 %).

On the examination of rhizomes simplicia characteristics were obtained the

total ash value 6,46%; acid insoluble ash value 1,10%; the water soluble extract

value 17,82%; the ethanol soluble extract value 12,08%; and the water value

7,99%. The volatile oil content was 4,83%v/b. The refractive index 1,4670 and

specific grafity 0,9241. The examination of leaves simplicia characteristics were

obtained the total ash value 9,41%; acid insoluble ash value 1,15%; the water

soluble extract value 16,30%; the ethanol soluble extract value 9,22%; and the

water value 7,97%. The volatile oil content was 3,72%v/b. The refractive index

1,4670 and specific grafity 0,9229.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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