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National Documentation Centre

Maternal and Child Health

UNICEF Welcomes Angolan Government Campaign To Reduce Maternal And Infant

Mortality (Medical News Today-27 August 2010)

According to the results of a Government survey released this month, Angola has made
significant strides towards reducing maternal and infant mortality since 2002, with the mortality
rate for children under five dropping from 250 to 195 per 1,000 live births. During the same
period, the maternal mortality ratio decreased from 1,400 to 660 per 100,000 live births.

Despite the report of significant improvement, UNICEF says the situation remains unacceptable,
as it puts Angola on par with the least developed countries, despite the fact that its GDP per
capita is that of a lower middle income country.

Nevertheless, cost effective solutions do exist, such as improving access to effective obstetric
interventions, promoting maternal practices that protect a child's health, and ensuring that clinics
have essential medicines and supplies.

"Nationwide access to skilled birth attendance is critical to reducing maternal and neonatal
mortality," said Dr. Koen Vanormelingen, UNICEF representative in Angola and UN Resident
Coordinator in charge. "Furthermore, disparities in healthcare access are putting poorer families
and those living in rural areas at risk."

The government of Angola has now launched a campaign to accelerate the reduction of maternal
and infant mortality (CARMMA). The campaign focuses on strengthening the health system at
the municipal level through the provision of improved maternal and child healthcare services and
education campaigns promoting healthy habits for mothers and children at home.

UNICEF recognizes the capacity of this campaign to make significant and sustainable progress
for the health of children and families in Angola. The UN system in Angola welcomes this
initiative, and encourages the Government to raise the proportion of the general government
budget devoted to health from 6.4 to 15 per cent to ensure better health for children and women
in Angola.

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