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Pittman 1

Linzie Pittman

College Comp. 1

Theme 2

The Perfect Swing

I am losing love-15. I’m not too worried though, considering I simply do not lose. My opponent

has the serve. She serves to the far right and I let it bounce once before I send it back into her deep left

corner. She really has to reach to save this one but, she does. She has sent the ball up nice and high so I

overhead smash the tennis ball back into her court. 15-15. I tighten my Wii strap and prepare for my


My sister is impatient and whines, “hurry ‘er up.”

I take my sweet time. Champions don’t rush the serve. Countless Wii tennis matches have

taught me the perfect serving technique. I raise my arm up and toss my digital ball waiting for just the

right moment to swing through. I always want to swing early, my arm just twitches with anticipation.

Champions don’t succumb to this itch. Champions reach their goals. The goal in Wii tennis is to have

your little “Mii” do a cute victory dance. This is fun to watch. The big-headed “Mii” dances around and

has a smile on her little avatar face. The screen then tells me what I already know, “Winner!” The loser,

who always is my opponent, gets to watch their “Mii” sulk.

A few intense volleys carry the score out to 40-30 in my favor. My opponent, who also happens

to be my sister, and I have been smashing balls so hard that if the safety straps were to fail on our Wii

controllers, well, there goes dad’s 52 inch. The TV wouldn’t stand a chance.
Pittman 2

As we swing the controllers around they make all kinds of noises. They make hitting noises,

whooshing air noises and occasionally they will vibrate. These special effects make it feel so much more

real. Kudos to Nintendo.

If I score on this serve, it will be game. Everyone in the room knows it. I throw up the ball and

then, I take out my secret weapon. Yes, I have a secret weapon, as do most champions. When you push

the back button on the Wii controller, it gives you a power boost. I save this for special moments. Like

now, just as I follow through on my serve I press the back button and the ball lands in her court. She

misinterprets the speed of the ball and swings too late. My opponent’s fate lies in the hands, well no,

they aren’t really hands more like floating balls in place of where the hands should be, of her “Mii”. The

“Mii” misses the ball. Sweet, sweet victory. I watch my winning serve replay and then ask, “ Who’s


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