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Lupus Foundation of America

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The Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) is the largest national non-profit volunta
ry health organization dedicated to finding the causes of and cure for lupus and
providing support, services and hope to all people affected by lupus.
The LFA was established in 1977 with the combination of several local lupus orga
nizations. Since then, the LFA has evolved into the largest non-profit lupus org
anization with nearly 300 chapters and support groups nationwide. The LFA suppor
ts lupus research, education, advocacy and support services on the federal, stat
e and local levels.
The Lupus Foundation of America focuses on five programs to achieve its objectiv
es: 1. Through its national research program, Bringing Down the Barriers, the LF
A is available to direct its financial aid to researchers 2. Rallies for support
and advocacy in the public and private sector for Lupus 3. Help make new inform
ation about Lupus understandable and available to those suffering with the disea
se 4. Increase public awareness 5. Support individuals with the disease, their f
amilies and caregivers
With nearly 300 integrated chapters and support groups in 32 different states in
the United States, the Lupus Foundation of America works on the national, state
, and local level. The organization also works with nearly 100 international lup
us organizations.

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