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Number Properties:
Rounding rules
Rounding is simplifying a number to a certain place value. To round the decimal drop the extra
decimal places, and if the first dropped digit is 5 or greater, round up the last digit that you
keep. If the first dropped digit is 4 or smaller, round down (keep the same) the last digit that
you keep.

5.3485 rounded to the nearest tenth = 5.3, since the dropped 4 is less than 5.
5.3485 rounded to the nearest hundredth = 5.35, since the dropped 8 is greater than 5.
5.3485 rounded to the nearest thousandth = 5.349, since the dropped 5 is equal to 5.


In the decimal, 2.4d7, d represents a digit from 0-9. If the value of the decimal rounded to the
nearest tenth is less than 2.5, what are the possible values of d?

So, in order 2.4d7 rounded to the nearest tenth to be less than 2.5, d must be less than 5: 0, 1, 2,
3, or 4. In this case 2.4d7 rounded to the nearest tenth will be 2.4 which is less than 2.5.

For more on number properties check: math-number-theory-88376.html

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