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Examples of Cells




Each cell contains thousands of ribosome's .
Make proteins.
Found on ribosomes & floating throughout the cell
!he nucleus, present in eukaryotic cells, is a discrete structure
containing chromosomes, which hold the genetic information for the
cell. Separated from the cytoplasm of the cell by a double-layered
membrane called the nuclear envelope, the nucleus contains a
cellular material called nucleusplasm .
Mitochondria, minute sausage-shaped structures found in the clear
cytoplasm of the cell, are responsible for energy production.
Mitochondria contain enzymes that help convert food material into
adenosine triphosphate (A! , which can be used directly by the cell
as an energy source.
!his photomicrograph shows a specialized type of giant chromosome
called polytene chromosomes. olytene chromosomes occur in many
species of two-winged flies. !hey are formed when the strands of
DNA within normal chromosomes undergo numerous rounds of
replication without separating from one another.
lant cells contain a variety of membrane-bound structures called
organelles. lant cells also contain chloroplasts that capture energy
from sunlight and a single fluid-filled vacuole that stores compounds
and helps in plant growth.
!he most important feature distinguishing the cells of plants from
those of animals is the cell wall. In plants this wall protects the
cellular contents and limits cell size.

ðacuoles are membrane-bound cavities filled with cell sap, which

is made up mostly of water containing various dissolved sugars,
salts, and other chemicals.
An animal cell typically contains several types of membrane-bound
organs, or organelles. !he nucleus directs activities of the cell and
carries genetic information from generation to generation. !he
mitochondria generate energy for the cell.

!his is a small region of cytoplasm near the nucleus of a cell.

In animal cells, it contains rod-shaped structures from which
the spindle fibers centrioles develop in cell division.

›ytoplasm is the complex of chemical compounds and structures

within a plant or animal cell excluding the nucleus. ›ytoplasm
contains the cytosol, organelles, vesicles, and cytoskeleton.

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