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Side Effects and Complications Treatment

1. Nausea and vomiting 1. Time and reassurance; have patient breathe
through mouth slowly and deeply; reaction
passes quickly

2. For those patients who have experienced

nausea and vomiting from previous
fluorescein injection, perform test in fasting
state and give 25 to 50 mg of Phenergan by
mouth 1 hour before angiography, if
possible. (Warning: Be careful about
“fasting” diabetics.)
2. Fainting and syncope (usually vasovagal; 1. Time and reassurance; further treatment is
occurs more frequently in diabetic patients) rarely necessary;

2. Monitor pulse and blood pressure

3. Smelling salts

4. Oxygen

5. If severe, supine position and life-support

3. Painful local extravasation 1. Ice pack to site of injection

2. Subcutaneous local anesthetic, rarely

4. Generalized skin eruption (urticaria, pruritis) 1. Intravenous administration of antihistamine
(Benadryl 25 to 50 mg)

5. Bronchospasm and anaphylaxis (acute 1. Provision of airway

medical emergency)
2. Oxygenation

3. Close monitoring of vital signs

4. Systemic medications as needed

a. Epinephrine
b. Steroids
c. Antihistamines
d. Pressor agents: levarterenol
(Levophed), metaraminol (Aramine),
e. Aminophylline

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