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Fundamental Operations with Integers  (A)

Principle of Signs:    (+3) = + + +     (–4) = – – – –    (+5) = + + + + +    (–2) = – –

Principle of Opposites:  (+3) + (–3) = 0     (–4) + (+4) = 0    (+5) + (–2) = +3    (+3) + (–7) = –4

Addition ( Combining of Signs )

Same Signs => Combine Values  with  Common Sign                        Different Signs =>
Apply Principle of Opposites

(+2)  +  (+9)  =  ______                                           (+3)  +  (–6)   =  ______

(–3)   +  (–8)   =  ______                                          (–2)  +  (+7)   =  ______

(+4)  +  (–7)   =  ______                                           (+5)  +  (+8)  =  ______

(–5)  +  (+6)   =  ______                                           (–4)  +   (–9)   =  ______

Subtraction  ( * Add the Opposite * )

Change Operation of Subtraction to Addition   then  Change Sign of Second Number to

Opposite Sign  then Combine!

(+2)  –  (+9)  =  ______                                           (+3)  –  (–6)   =  ______

(–3)   –  (–8)   =  ______                                          (–2)  –  (+7)    =  ______

(+4)  –  (–7)   =  ______                                           (+5)  –  (+8)   =  ______

(–5)  –  (+6)   =  ______                                           (–4)   –   (–9)   =  ______

Multiplication ( Same Signs & Different Signs )

If Signs are the Same then Multiply Values and  Result Sign  is ( + )                     If Signs are
the Same then Multiply Values and  Result Sign  is (– )

(+2)  *  (+9)  =  ______                                           (+3)  *  (–6)   =  ______

(–3)   *  (–8)   =  ______                                          (–2)  *  (+7)   =  ______

(+4)  *  (–7)   =  ______                                           (+5)  *  (+8)  =  ______

(–5)  *  (+6)   =  ______                                           (–4)   *  (–9)   =  ______

Division ( Same Signs & Different Signs )

If Signs are the Same then Divide Values and  Result Sign  is ( + )                        If Signs are
the Same then Divide Values and  Result Sign  is (– )

(+6)  /   (+2)    =  ______                                          (+28)  /   (–7)   =  ______

(–9)   /   (–3)     =  ______                                         (–12)  /   (+6)   =  ______

(+8)  /   (–4)     =  ______                                         (+27)  /   (+9)  =  ______

(–10)  /   (+5)   =  ______                                         (–16)  /    (–8)   =  ______


Fundamental Operations with Integers  (B)

Principle of Signs:    (+3) = + + +     (–4) = – – – –    (+5) = + + + + +    (–2) = – –

Principle of Opposites:  (+3) + (–3 = 0     (–4)  + (+4) = 0    (+5) + (–2) = +3    (+3) + (–7) = –4

Addition ( Combining of Signs )

Same Signs => Combine Values  with  Common Sign                        Different Signs =>
Apply Principle of Opposites

(+2)  +  (+6)  =  ______                                              (+3)  +  (–9)   =  ______

(–3)   +  (–7)   =  ______                                          (–2)  +  (+8)   =  ______

(+4)  +  (–8)   =  ______                                           (+5)  +  (+7)  =  ______

(–5)  +  (+9)   =  ______                                           (–4)  +   (–6)   =  ______

Subtraction  ( * Add the Opposite *  )

Change Operation of Subtraction to Addition   then  Change Sign of Second Number to

Opposite Sign  then Combine!

(+2)  –  (+6)  =  ______                                           (+3)  –  (–9)    =  ______

(–3)   –  (–7)   =  ______                                          (–2)  –  (+8)    =  ______

(+4)  –  (–8)   =  ______                                           (+5)  –  (+7)   =  ______

(–5)  –  (+9)   =  ______                                           (–4)   –   (–6)   =  ______

Multiplication ( Same Signs & Different Signs )

If Signs are the Same then Multiply Values and  Result Sign  is ( + )                     If Signs are
the Same then Multiply Values and  Result Sign  is (– )         
(+2)  *  (+6)  =  ______                                           (+3)  *  (–9)   =  ______

(–3)   *  (–7)   =  ______                                          (–2)  *  (+8)   =  ______

(+4)  *  (–8)   =  ______                                           (+5)  *  (+7)  =  ______

(–5)  *  (+9)   =  ______                                           (–4)   *  (–6)   =  ______

Division ( Same Signs & Different Signs )

If Signs are the Same then Divide Values and  Result Sign  is ( + )                        If Signs are
the Same then Divide Values and  Result Sign  is (– )

(+6)  /  (+3)    =  ______                                           (+21)  /  (–7)   =  ______

(–8)   /  (–2)     =  ______                                          (–18)  /  (+6)   =  ______

(+12)  /  (–4)   =  ______                                          (+45)  /  (+9)  =  ______

(–15)  /  (+5)   =  ______                                          (–24)  /   (–8)   =  ______


Tom Love                   Malone College                   Spring 20006

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