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What is it?
i | tralogy of Fallot is th r sult of un ual
division of th conus. Four alt rations
r sult:
 Narrow r right v ntricl outflow r gion
 D f ct in th int rv ntricular s tum
 An aorta that ov rrid s dir ctly abov th
s tal d f ct
 |h right v ntricular wall hy rtrohi s.
i |h fr u ncy of this disord r in humans
is aroximat ly 1 in 1000.
i |his robl m is not n c ssarily fatal.
i If not tr at d, th mortality rat is 95%
by ag 40.
i |r atm nt is tyically don at ag 6-12
i Ñyanosis (which is also charact ristic in a
blu baby or any  rson not g tting
suffici nt oxyg n) d v los in arly lif .
i Surg ry must b don to corr ct this. If
 Growth can b r tard d (b caus birth w ight
is alr ady low).
i Not cl ar at this tim , but it is b li v d to
b ablation of c lls at th n ural cr st.
i |h sam robl m can also l ad to
DiG org syndrom .
i Ñhildr n born to moth rs with PKU ar
highly susc tibl , as ar moth rs who
drink during birth.
i Scoliosis
i R tinal ngorg m nt
i Systolic murmur

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i Drugs that ar us d must b us d with

corr ctiv surg ry (m ntion d r viously)
i Morhin sulfat , usually administ r d IV
 P diatric dosag
 Ñan caus hy rs nsitivity, hyot nsion,
r siratory d r ssion, naus a, m sis,
constiation, urinary r t ntion.
 Do not us with d r ssants such as |ÑAs and
MAOIs, or in ati nts who hav x ri nc d
th abov wh n tr at d with morhin sulfat
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i Ph nyl hrin , administ r d by IV

i P diatric dosag shown h r
i IF NO| |REA|ED: th rognosis is oor.
Usually l thal.
¦ ¦ 
i M dicin | tralohy of Fallot. Articl by
Kurt Pfli g r, MD.
www. m dicin .com/ m rg/toic575.htm
i H artPoint: | ratology of Fallot.
www.h tralogy.html
i Sadl r, |. W.   

 . Philad lhia: Liincott
Williams and Wilkins, 2000.

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