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1) "We have one life; it soon will be past; what we do for God is all that will
last"- (Mohammed Ali - the boxing champion)

2)" Power in defense of freedom is greater that power in behalf of tyranny &
oppression" - Malcolm X (A great Black American Leader, a Muslim who
has so much influence that as many as 3 million, i.e. 30 lakhs, African
Americans converted to true Islam, I read this somewhere)

3)" Dogs bark, but caravan moves on" - An Arab proverb

4) "Age counsels, youth acts" German proverb

5) "If you adhere to the following three principles you have completed your
faith: Do justice even if it is against yourself, greet everybody with peace,
and be generous though having a little" Ammar Ibn Yasser (Sahabi)

6) "A man who stands for nothing will fall for nothing" Malcolm X

7) "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape hundred days
of sorrow" - Chines proverb.

8) "He who wants to retain his prestige and position through contentment
and honesty will fidn them lasting assets." Ali Ibn Abi Talib

9) "The media is the most powerful entity on the earth. They have the power
to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty into innocent, and that's
power. Because, they control the minds of the masses" Malcolm X

10) "A donkey with a load of sacred books is still a donkey" (Arab Proverb)

11) "I saw Islam as a correct way to live, and I chose to try to live that way"
Karrem Abdul Jabbar, the basket ball legend.

12) "If the thief is well aware, he will not get caught. If however he is stupid,
he will bring upon himself tribulations" Omar Abdul Haleem, a writer of
Juma Magazine.

13) "All are not cooks who walk with long knives" Chines proverb
14) "Well ad beauty are not indicators of good character" Russian proverb

15) " A Bird is known by its flight - men are judged by their action" Russian

16) "The rooster said, "I shall cry but whether the sun rises God knows."
R  this means do your part and leave the results to Allah.
Dependence on Allah

Narrated Muhammad ibn Abi Imran, "I heard a man asking 
  'On what have you based your dependence on Allah?' He said: 'On
four points: I knew that my sustenance cannot be eaten by someone else and
I am assured, I knew that my duty cannot be done by anyone else, so I kept
myself busy with that. I knew that death will come suddenly to me, so I
prepared myself for it. I knew that wherever I go I am under Allah's Eye, so
I am always shy of Him.'"

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