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Project Objectives, Scope and Requirements

• Are the objectives and scope of the project clear and stable (e.g. policy,
• Are the requirements adequately expressed in terms of outputs?

2. Options appraisal

• Does the document provide a clear basis for the selection of the preferred
• Is there a convincing value for money case?

3. Risk Identification and Allocation

• Which key risks do you think have not been identified?

• What do you think of the probability and impact of the risks?
• Do you think that the proposed allocation for each of the risks is sensible?

4. Commercial Interest and Bankability

• Is there strong evidence of contractor, lender and investor market interest?

5. Affordability

• Is the project affordable?

• Can the authority pay its contribution and what are the risks for the authority?

6. Project preparation team and requirements

• Is there evidence in the case study that a credible and well resourced team is in
place to manage the project?
• Are credible and experienced advisers available and appointed?

7. Commitment of Sponsors/Users

• Who are the key stakeholders?

• How effective is the stakeholder management process?

8. Statutory Processes

• Have all the important approvals been identified /obtained to deliver the
project as a PPP?

9. Procurement Process

• What is your view on the proposed tender phase time-table

• What needs to have been done and in place before the tendering phase?
• Will there be reasonable competition for this project?

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