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Protect Me

Full Moon-Energy



Correspondences Used:




To give me protection in my life.

Items Needed Purpose

Rose Protection
(4) Small Red Candles Protection
Fire Proof Dish
Matches or lighter

Preparation/set up:

Take and grind rose into a very fine powder using a mortar and pedestal. Light charcoal disc in fire proof


Place 1 candle in each of the 4 directions: East, South, West, and North. Sit in the middle and place fire
proof dish in front of you. Sprinkle rose incense onto charcoal disc and say:

“I sit here tonight and ask the Goddess to give me life long protection.”

Now light all 4 candles around you and say:

“As these candles burn brightly, so does the energy of protection. So Mote It Be!”
Now close your eyes and take in the energy coming from the candles and incense. Sit until candle’s burn
them selves out.

Additional Information:

Take wax and ashes and bury into the ground to get rid of all negativity.

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