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For testing the log-in page following are the possible scenarios:1.

The design of login page is as per the

2. When the login page is opened the cursor is on the user name text box
3. Validating the user name text box with the following conditions:
i. It accepts alphanumeric characters along with the special characters
ii. Checks whether only the special characters like _, space, - are
iii. It accepts when only alphabets are given
iv. It does not accepts the numeric values alone
v. It does not accepts the void or null values
vi. When tab is pressed it goes to the password text box
vii. Checks whether the user name entered is available in the data base after the tab key is pressed
viii. Error message thrown for the wrong entry of user name
ix. When OK button in the error message is clicked the cursor should be on the user name text box
4. Validating the password text box with the following conditions:
i. Should allow the entry of alphanumeric and special characters
ii. When the entry is made it should encrypt and display as "*" to the users
iii. When tab or entry key is pressed it should go to the next page of the browser
iv. When wrong password is entered and does not matches with the values in the database the error
message is thrown
v. When OK button in the error message is clicked the cursor should be on the user name text box
There may be more possible scenarios for testing this page....but these were the most common ones.

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