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‫كلية التربية‬

‫قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس‬

‫مادة طرق تدريس‬

‫عمل الطالبة‪/‬‬
‫ندا ممدوح محمود حسين‬
‫تحت أشراف‪ /‬د‪ .‬مصطفي جودت‬

‫حل المسألة‪-:‬‬
‫‪R1 = Ye – Gr – Bl – Sl‬‬
‫‪R1 = 4‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪%10‬‬
‫‪R1 = 45 ± 4.5‬‬
‫‪R1=49.5‬‬ ‫‪R1=40.5‬‬

‫‪R2 = Or – ye – Br – Gl‬‬
‫‪R2 = 3‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪0 %5‬‬
‫‪R2 = 340±17‬‬
‫‪R2=357‬‬ ‫‪R2=323‬‬

‫‪V=14‬‬ ‫‪I=2.4‬‬
‫‪Rt = V ÷ I = 14 ÷ 2.4 = 5.83‬‬

‫‪ R2 – R1‬موصلتان على التوازي و ‪ R3‬متوصلة معهم على التوالي‬ ‫•‬

‫‪Rt = (1/R1+ 1/R2) + R3‬‬

‫‪(Rt – R3 = (1/R1 + 1/R2‬‬
‫‪R3 = 1/49.5 + 1/357 – 5.83‬‬

‫‪R3 = 5.83‬‬

‫‪ R2 – R1‬موصلتان على التوازى و ‪ R3‬موصله معهم على التوالي‬ ‫•‬

‫‪Rt = (1/R1+ 1/R2) + R3‬‬

‫‪(Rt – R3 = (1/R1 + 1/R2‬‬
‫‪R3 = 1/40.5 + 1/323 – 5.83‬‬

‫‪R3 = 5.8‬‬

‫‪.‬أول‪ :‬فكرةعمل الجسر الرباعى الموحد‬

‫)قنطره الموحدات )الموحد الستاتيكي‬
‫دائره تضم مجموعه من الموحدات الموصله سويا والتي تعمل علي توحيد التيار المتردد‬

‫)قنطره الموحدات )الموحد الستاتيكي‬

‫هذه دائرة كهربائية يتم عادًة دراسة الدوائر الكهربائية في مساق دوائر كهربائية تناظرية‬
‫ضمن تخصص فيزياء‪ /‬فيزياء إلكترونية ‪ ،‬و تتكون الدائرة في شكلها البسيط من وصله‬
‫صمام الثنائي‬
‫‪ُ –،‬تسمى ‪-‬دايود ‪ -‬الوصله الثنائية ‪ /‬ال َ‬

‫طرة الدايود ـ‪ ،‬ويتم إضافة مكثف ليتم عملية‬‫وتترتب الدايوات في الدائرة مكونه ما ُيسمى بــ‪.‬قن َ‬
‫تنعيم ‪ ،‬التيار الكهربائي الذي تم تقويمه ‪ ،‬ونستخدم في الدائرة جهاز السيسيلسكوب الذي يرسم‬
‫شكل التيار الكهربائي ‪ ،‬نلحظ على يممين الصوره سيسيلسكوب يبين التيار المتردد وعلى‬
‫شمالها سيسيلسكوب ‪ ،‬يبين التيار بعد عملية التعديل والتنعيم ‪.‬‬

‫ويتميز الدايود بأنه يسمح للتيار الكهربائي الُمتردد ‪ AC-current‬الذي يتكون من عدد من ِقّمــة‬
‫وقاع فإن الدايود يسمح بمرور الجزء الموجب من التيار ) القمـة ( ولكن يمنع مرور الجزء‬
‫السالب من التيار )القاع( ــ‪ ،‬بهذه الخاصية يتم إعادة تقويم وتعديل التيار المتردد الى تيار مستمر‬
‫وثابت في الشدة ــ‪ ،‬والفائده العمليه من هذه الدائره ‪ ،‬أن محطات توليد التيار الكهربائي في انحاء‬
‫العالم تقوم بتوليد تيار متردد ‪ --‬لن التيار المتردد ل يفقد شدته عندما يسير في اسلك لمسافات‬
‫بعيده بينما التيار المستمر في الشده فانه ليتحمل المرور في اللسلك لكثر من بضع كيلومترات‬
‫قليله بعدها يضعف ويتلشىبالتالي لن يصل الى المنازل والمؤسسات لستخدامه في تشغيل ‪،‬‬
‫الجهزه ‪--‬وهو التيار الذي يسير في السلك متوجهًا الى المنازل والبيوت والمؤسسات ‪،‬‬
‫ل على تيار مستمر !‬ ‫وبالمقابل فان الجهزة الكهربية على اختلفها ل تعمل ول تستطيع تشغيلها إ ّ‬
‫بالتالى فان دائرة تقويم التيار الكهربائي تتواجد في جميع الجهزة المنزلية والمؤسساتيه وكل‬
‫الجهزة الكهربائيه ‪ ،‬حيث يتم اضافتها في دائرة مصدر الطاقة ‪Power Supply‬‬


‫ثانيا‪ :‬الفرق بين النحياز المامى والعكسى فى الموحد‬

‫‪ forward base‬النحياز المامي‬
‫حيث يتم توصيل أطراف الثنائي مع مصدر للطاقة الكهربائية‪ ,‬الطرف الموجب للثنائي مع الطرف الموجب‬
‫للبطارية و الطرف السالب مع الطرف السالب طبقا للشكل التالي‪ ,‬و في هذه الحالة يسمح الثنائي بمرور التيار‬
‫الكهربائي من خلله‬

‫النحياز المامي ‪forward base‬‬

‫النحياز العكسي‬ ‫‪reverse base‬‬

‫ويتم توصيل أطراف الثنائي بشكل عكسي‪ ,‬أي طرف الثنائي الموجب مع الطرف السالب للبطارية و طرف‬
‫الثنائي السالب مع الطرف الموجب للبطارية‪ ,‬و في هذه الحالة يبكون الثنائي ممانع للمرور التيار الكهربائي‪.‬‬

‫‪ reverse base‬النحياز العكسي‬


‫النحياز المامي ‪:‬‬

‫عند تسليط جهد موجب علي النود وجهد سالب علي‬

‫فاءنة يمر تيار كهربي بالدائرة ‪ ----‬يتصرف الثنائي كمقاومة صغيرة ‪.‬‬

‫النحياز العكسي ‪:‬‬

‫عند تسليط جهد سالب علي النود وجهد موجب علي الكاثود‬

‫ل يمر تيار كهربي بالدائرة ‪ ----‬يتصرف الثنائي كدائرة مفتوحة‬


‫‪ .‬ثالثا‪ :‬إستخدامات )فوائد( الموحد فى الدائرة الكهربية‬

‫وظيفة الدايود‪-:‬‬

‫هو تحويل التيار المتردد ) ‪ ( AC‬الى التيار المستمر ) ‪.( DC‬‬

‫ولهذا الستخدام فوائد كثيرة خاصة عند بناء الدوائر باستخدام ) ‪( tese boar‬‬
‫حيث أنه يسمح بمرور التيار في اتجاه واحد فقط‪.‬‬

‫اهم استخدامات الدايود‬

‫‪-1‬التقويم ‪rectifier‬‬
‫ومعناه ان نحول اشارة كهربائية من ‪ ac‬الى ‪ dc‬وايضا نستعمل معه المكثفات للحصول على اشارةا نقى‬
‫و من انواعه‬
‫‪ -1*-‬النصفي ‪half wave rectifier‬‬

‫‪ -2*-‬الكامل ‪full wave rectifier‬‬

‫‪regulation -2‬‬
zener diode ‫ويستخدم ديود زينر لهذه المهمة‬
‫ومعناها المحافظة على جهد فرع من الدائرة بحدود ثابتة‬
free weeling diode -3
inverters and controllers ‫وهو بشكل يستخدم في‬

‫ كيفية قياس سعة المكثف‬:‫رابعا‬

: ‫تعريف سعة المكثف‬

.‫سعة المواسع =الشحنة كولوم ÷ فرق الجهد بين طرفي المواسع فولت‬
: ‫أو بالنجليزية‬
C = Q/V
‫ الشحنة كولوم‬Q
.‫ فرق الجهد فولت‬V
‫يتضح من ذلك ان سعة المكثف تزيد بزيادة المساحة حيث أن الشحنة تزيد بزيادة مساحة سطح‬

Lcd projector
The LCD projector was invented by New York inventor Gene Dolg
off. He began working on it in college in 1968 as a way to produce
a video projector that would be brighter than the then-available
3-CRT projectors. The idea was to use an element referred to as
a "light valve" to regulate the amount of light that passes through
it. This would allow the use of a very powerful external light
source. After trying many different materials, he settled on liquid
crystals to modulate the light in 1971. It took him until 1984 to
get an addressable liquid crystal display (LCD), which is when he
built the world's first LCD projector. After building it, he saw
many problems that had to be corrected including major light
losses and very noticeable pixels. He then invented new optical
methods to create a high efficiency and high-brightness projector
and invented depixelization to eliminate the appearance of the
pixels. With patents all around the world, he started
Projectavision, Inc. in 1988, the world's first LCD projector
company, which he took public on Nasdaq in 1990. He licensed
the technology to other companies such as Panasonic and
Samsung. This technology and company started the digital
projection industry. In 1989 he was awarded the first Darpa
contract ($1 million) for proposing that the US HDTV standard
should use digital processing and projection. As a member of the
National Association of Photographic Manufacturers (NAPM)
Standards Subcommittee, IT7-3, he along with Leon Shapiro, co-
developed the worldwide ANSI standard for measurement of
brightness, contrast, and resolution of electronic projectors.

Currently the only remaining manufacturers of the LCDs for LCD

projectors are Japanese imaging companies Epson and Sony.
Epson owns the technology and has branded it as "3LCD". To
market 3LCD projector technology, Epson also set up a
consortium called the "3LCD Group" in 2005 with other projector
manufacturer licensees of 3LCD technology that use it in their
projector models.

Early LCD systems were used with existing overhead projectors.

The LCD system did not have a light source of its own: it was built
on a large "plate" that sat on top of the projector in place of the
transparencies. This provided a stop-gap solution in the era when
the computer was not yet the universal display medium, creating
a market for LCD projectors before their current main use
became popular.

This technology is employed in some sizes of rear

projection television consoles, as there are cost advantages when
employed in mid size sets (40 to 50 inch diagonal). This is not
expected to have much longevity in the "home theater"
marketplace due to expected improvements cost/performance of
competing technologies, particularly in direct-view LCD panels at
the lower range of sizes and DLP projection in the larger sizes.
[verification needed]
Another advantage of using this LCD projection
system in large television sets is to allow better image quality as
opposed to a single 60 inch television, although currently an
equal of an LCD projector is the LG 100 inch LCD TV, still in
prototype stages this TV is a huge advancement towards
projector sized televisions. A common rule of thumb is that an
LCD's image quality will decrease with a size increase.[citation
A workaround is to use a small LCD panel (or panels) and
project them through a lens onto a rear projection screen to give
a larger screen size with a decreased contrast ratio, but without
the quality loss.

In 2004 and 2005, LCD front projection has been enjoying a come-
back because of the addition of the dynamic iris which has
improved perceived contrast up to the levels of DLP.

The basic design of an LCD projector is frequently used by

hobbyists who build their own DIY projection systems. The basic
technique is to combine a high CRI HID lamp and ballast with a
condenser and collector fresnel, an LCD removed from a common
computer display and a triplet.

What is a DLP projector? Let’s start with DLP itself. It stands for Digital
Light Processor, and that’s the type of “chip” used in almost half of the
world’s projectors. DLP, as in DLP projectors is the marketing term. The
actual technical term for the “DLP” chips themselves is DMD, which
Texas Instruments (creator of the technology, and manufacturer of the
chips) called DMD, or digital micro device.
You’ve probably already heard about those million or so tiny mirrors.
Probably you heard about them on those DLP commercials TI likes to run
on major TV events. I’ve seen their ads on the Oscars, key sporting
events, and other programming. (You know, the cute little curly headed
girl the box, the elephant and the beam of light!)
DLP projectors have often been the ones pushing the industry forward.
Due to their design strengths, they led the charge to smaller, lighter
projectors. Even today, (let’s forget those tiny pico projectors for a
moment - which are mostly DLP), the smallest regular projectors are
definitely DLPs. Their single chip design makes it easier to build a
smaller, lighter projector than one using three chips, such as LCD
projectors, LCoS projectors, and even the big expensive 3 chip DLP
projectors (which are in a whole other world in terms of price).
DLP projectors were the first under 10 pound projectors, then later, the
first under 7, under 4, under 3 and under 2 pound projectors. Today, there
are many lightweight DLP projectors found under 4 pounds although they
are almost all at least 2.5 pounds. By comparison, there are few LCD
projectors under 4 pounds, and overall they get neither as small or light.
More recently, DLP projectors have been the first to hit the market 3D
ready. Oh, it’s early, the first models aren’t 3D compatible with, for
example, 3D Blu-ray players. The point though, is that the DLP folks are
pushing the technologies. DLP projectors were also the first fixed panel
projectors to sport really good black levels for home theater, although
other technologies and new enhancements like dynamic irises have
leveled that playing filed to a large degree.
Today, the bulk of the lowest cost entry-level home theater projectors, as
well as the most expensive ones, are DLP technology, with LCD and
LCoS projectors (ie. SXRD), starting for a few hundred more. On the
business side, DLP projectors start from less than $500.
For your consideration, some very popular business/education suitable
DLP projectors and some home theater DLP projectors. In both cases,
I’ve listed popular models that vary in price and performance to provide
some idea of the variety.

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