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Name: Chan Jia Wei

Class : 2 BELIAN
Title: Chapter 1 – Whole Number
Objective : To Learn what is Intergers

What is an integer?   { ... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }

Integers are the whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and zero. For example,
43434235, 28, 2, 0, -28, and -3030 are integers, but numbers like 1/2, 4.00032, 2.5, Pi, and
-9.90 are not. We can say that an integer is in the set: {...3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...} (the three dots
mean you keep going in both directions.)

It is often useful to think of the integers as points along a 'number line', like this:

Note that zero is neither positive n or negative. 

About integers

The terms even and odd only apply to integers; 2.5 is neither even nor odd. Zero, on the
other hand, is even since it is 2 times some integer: it's 2 times 0. To check whether a
number is odd, see whether it's one more than some even number: 7 is odd since it's one
more than 6, which is even.

Another way to say this is that zero is even since it can be written in the form 2*n, where n
is an integer. Odd numbers can be written in the form 2*n + 1. Again, this lets us talk
about whether negative numbers are even and odd: -9 is odd since it's one more than
-10, which is even.

Every positive integer can be factored into the product of prime numbers, and there's only
one way to do it for every number. For instance, 280 = 2x2x2x5x7, and there's only one way
tofactor 280 into prime numbers. This is an important theorem: the Fundamental Theorem
of Arithmetic. See Notes and Literature on Prime Numbers from Understanding
Mathematicsby Peter Alfeld, and the Largest Known Primes page.

Most mathematicians, at least when they're talking to each other, use Z to refer to the set of
integers. In German the word "zahlen" means "to count" and "Zahl" means "number."
Mathematicians also use the letter N to talk about the set of positive integers, in other
words the set {1,2,3,4,5,6, ...}.

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