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Dare Great And Mighty Things

In the batt{e '!f fife, it is not the critic who counts;

nor the one who YOints out how the strong yerson has stumb{ed, or where the doer 1 deed could have done better.

The credit be{ongs to the yerson who is actua{l!J in the arena; whose jace is marred by dust and sweat and brood,

who strives vafiantl!J; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is no iffort without error and shortcoming; who does actua{l!J strives to do deed's,

who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, 51end's oneseff in a worthy cause;

who at best knows in the end the triumyh 1 highest achievement, and who at worst, if he or she jairs,

at {east jairs whi{e daring greatl!J.

Far better it is to dare mighty things,

to win g{orious triumyhs even though cheq_uered byjai{ure,

than to rank with those timid 51rits who neither enjoy nor st1fer much because they five in the grey twighfight that knows,

neither victory nor difeat.

- Theodore Rooseveit-«

Our Depest Fear

Our deepest jear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest jear is that we are yowerjur beyond measure.

It is our fight not our darkness that mostjrightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brirfiant, gorgeous, talented and jaburous?

Actuar{y, who are you not to be?

You are a chird 1 God.

Your yraying smarr does not serve the world.

There's nothing en fighten ed about shrinking so that other yel!J1re won't jeer insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the grory 1 God that is within us.

It's not just in some tf us; it's in everyone.

And as we ret our own fight shine, we unconsciousiu give other yel!J1re yermission to do the same.

As we are fiberated jrom our own jear, Our yresence automaticallu fiberates others.

-Marianne Wirfiamson-

Tlie Va{ue l!f a Smile

It costs nothing, but creates much.

It enriches those who receive, without impoverishino those who give.

It hayyens in a jfash and

the memory 1 it sometimes fasts Jorever.

None are so rich they can get alono without it, and none are so yoor but are richer Jor its benifits.

It creates hayyiness in the home, Josters good wire in a business, and is the countersign 1 jriendshp.

It is rest to the weary, day fight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad,

and Nature's best antidoteJor troub{e.

It cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, Jor it is something that is no earthfy good to anybody tire it is given away.

And if yel!P{e are too tired to give you a smile, may you to {eave one 1 yours?

For nobody needs a smiie so much as those who have none rift to give!

-PranK Irving P{etcher-

When we Share

When we share (aughter, there's twice the Jun; When we share success, we suryass what we've done.

When we share yrob(ems, there's ha!f the yain; When we share tears, a rainbow Jo((ows rain.

When we share dreams, they become more real:

When we share secrets, it's our hearts we reveal.

if we share a smde, then our Iove shows; if we share a hug, then our Iove grows.

if we share with someone on whom we depend, That yerson becomes JamiIY or friend'.

And what draws us closer and makes us a(( care, Is not what we have, but the things that we share.



The Lord works from the inside out.

The world works from the outside in.

The worid would take yeoy{e out tf the sCums.

Christ takes the sCums out tf yeoy{e,

And then they take themse{ves out tf the sCums.

The world would mould men by changing their environment.

Christ changes men, who then change their environment.

The world would sh'91e human behaviour, but Christ can change human nature.

-Ezra Ttift Benson-

The Victor

if you think you are beaten, you are. !f you think you dare not, you don't !f you Cike to win but think you can't, It's almost a cinch you won't.

!f you think you ,{{ rose, you're Cost.

For out in the world we find Success begins with a Je((ow's wire It's a{{ in the state cf mind.

!f you think you are outclassed, you are.

You've got to think high to rise.

You've got to be sure cf yourseff bifore You can ever win the yrize.

Life's batties don't a{ways go To the stronger or Jaster man.

But sooner or rater, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can.

-c. W Longenecker-


Cfimhing higher mountains

I wire not descend downward Untie '!fter I have conquered thatJear C{aping stars within my hands They share not strayjrom my touch

I am a dreamer

My wings fie in my mind

Where they arrow me to divide the clouds As I ascend through their cotton-Iike ttifts One cannot yierce my heart with any arrow It is j{{ed with yure hfiss and comyassion No one wire ever he ah{e to seize thatJrom me A{though at times my eyes may rook wounded My strength has never J{ed

-Miclie{{e Keesfing -


, .

Fai{ure is ceasing to try I

"Tis accqJting difeat And to a{{ you may meet

Giving voice to a sigh; "Tis in thinking it vain To attempt jurthermore And in bowing to yain

When the muscles grow sore.

Paiiure is stqJying aside From the burnt tf the Jray In a weak-hearted way, Being content to abide In the shadows thatJa{(, And in being tifraid Out tf rye, '!iter a{(, Nothing's rift to be made.

Fai{ure is thinking despair, The Jorsaking tf hope, And rifusa{ to coye

With the day's round tf care,

It's in heedtng the cry,

''A{{ is {ostI" and to stay

With difeat and not try

For the htpyier day.

-Edgar Guest -

s hout Victory

,n Seems fiKe tfie more I cfimb, tfie fii{{ gets deeper and the more I rise, see I get de~er

its fiKe the more I give, see tfie more is taken and the more I'm roved, tfie more I'm fiated stier tfie more IJa{(, tfie more r{{ get 19' and Ke~ on driving when tfie road gets tougfi and I wont stay tire I get wfiats mine

but untie then ... f J

f ... I'm tearing down tfie wall«, and I'm moving tfie mountains I'm stirring 19' the sea, and befieving in a cfiange yutting out tfie fire, endure it to tfie end

tfiey wire come and I wire shout victory. J

Seems fiKe tfie more I win, tfie more I Ioose

the more my minds made 19', the more I'm co '!fused its fiKe tfie more that I search, tfie more I get Cost and ius: wfien I get on, seems fiKe I Ja{{ 1f

but tfie more it rains, tfie more I yray

cause I Know tomorrow wire bring a brigfiter day so I wont stay tire I get whats mine

but untie then ... f J

wfien the morning comes I wire rise, Tfiere a angefjor me in the sKy,

as {ong as heavens rigfit by my side ... f J

-R. Ke{Cy-

Tlie Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity

to accqJt the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

EJ90ying one moment at a time; AccqJting hardsh!fJs as the yathway to yeace; Taking, as He did, this sinju{ world

as it is, not as I wouid have it; Trusting that He wire make a{{ things right if I surrender to His Wier;

That I may be reasonablu hayyy in this rye and stpremefiJ hayyy with Him Forever in the next.


-ReinhoCtf Niebuhr -

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