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Joseph's Prayer Morning Prayer

Hear me O Lord,
O Lord hear my prayer.

Give me the strength to get through the day,

Each and everyday as if it were my last.
Give me the courage and strength to face my enemies,
Guide me through the day which I am about to face.
Give me the heart and mind to be merciful to my enemies,
Allow me to show kindness, not hatred.
Give me the heart to love my fellow neighbours,
As you have instructed me to.

Thank-you for the day that I will be facing,

For you have given me another chance to live.
Thank-you for the love you have shown me.
Through the love of others.
Thank-you for choosing me to be one of your sheep,
For you are my shepherd and I am eternally grateful for your guiance.
Thank-you for the chance to become your son,
I am grateful I can gather up my lost brethren.

O Lord Hear me,

My prayer hear my O Lord.

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