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*Rel & Culture*

THW ban massive religious events conducted by consuming public infrastructure

THBT azan broadcasting is overrated
Related to Cikeusik, THBT Indonesia needs more assimilation rather than multicul
*Indonesian's Gossips*
THW support the unsubsidized gasoline regulation
THW blatantly open the list of contaminated milk
THW encourage more leagues in Indonesia's soccer
*Parents, children, family*
THBT television gives more harm than good to children
Assuming its visibility, THW allow parents to put GPS implant in their children
THBT breastfeeding in public should be banned
TH supports ASEAN to host world cup 2030
THBT Libya government should follow Egypt's democratic process
THBT right to self-determination helps international stability
THBT facebook's NEWS FEED and FRIENDSHIP PAGE are overrated
THW justify parents' wish to design their babies
THBT internet access should be publicly-funded and free
*Human Rights*
THW give birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants
THW allow incest between step relatives
THBT detention on the ground of mental illness is justifiable for the sake of pu
blic safety
THW ban on mountaintop removal coal mining
THBT reforestation is the best answer to solve global warming
TH condemn celebrity who uses fur and skin
*Sex, pleasure, and addiction*
THBT dismissal of radical religious organization would make more people cry than
they who laugh
THW legalized sado-masochism to pursuit happiness
THW not allow any nude beach in Indonesia

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