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OTH 1 BREAKING WAVE LOADS ON IMMERSED MEMBERS OF OFFSHORE STRUCTURES OTH 89 311 BREAKING WAVE LOADS ON IMMERSED MEMBERS OF OFFSHORE STRUCTURES Author R.C.T, RAINEY W.S. Atkins Engineering Sciences Limited Woodcote Grove Ashley Road * Epsom Surrey KT18 5BW London: HMSO Department of Enérgy — Offshore Technology Report © Crown copyright 1991 First published 1991 ISBN 0 11 4133166 ‘This publication forms part of a series of reports to the Department of Eneray of work which has been wholly or in part supported by funds provided by the Department. Neither the Department nor the Contractors concerned assume any lability forthe reports nor do they necessarily reflect the views or policy of the Department Results, including detailed evaluation and, where relevant, recom: mendations stemming from these research projects, are published in the OTH series of reports, Background information and data arising from these research projects are published in the OTI series of reports. HMSO Standing order service Placing a standing order with HMSO BOOKS enables a customer to receive other ttle inthis series sutomatically as published. This saves the time, trouble and expense of placing individual orders and avoids the problem of knowing when to do so For details please write to HMSO BOOKS (PC 13/1). Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SWS SDT quoting reference 12.01.025 The standing order service also cnables customers to receive automatically as published all material of theit choice which ‘additionally saves ‘extensive catalogue research. ‘The scope and selectivity of the service has been extended by new techniques, and there ure more than 3,500 classifications to choose from. A special leaflet describing the service in detail may be obtained on request

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