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Different culinary culture between China and western Countries

Xiaolin Hu


Differences between Chinese and Western food culture is one phenomenon of many forms of cross-

cultural communication. Through the analysis, we can train people to accept Western food culture

actively and the ability of adapt. When people conducting the cross-cultural communication, people

should pay attention to western etiquette. Because people in the beginning of cross-cultural

communication, they often feel the power of cultural conflict. Through the analysis of dietary

differences, the two sides thoughts can make us avoid the misunderstandings which arising due to

cultural differences.

First, the performance differences between Chinese and Western food culture

1, food ideas, taste and nutrition.

2, the choice of cooking materials.

3, the dining style.

4, dining etiquette.

Three examples (1) dumplings ( 2) tea ceremony (3) Coffee

Second, the inherent causes of food cultural differences between Chinese and Western

1,Origin of Western food culture. Social development in the West, traditional and cultural ideology,

living customs and other differences, creating a difference between Chinese and Western food

culture. (1) Chinese traditional culture. (2) Western Culture.

2. Cultural differences affect dietetic culture.


1.rongguang zhao, Introduction to Chinese dietetic culture. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2003

2.qi yu, Chinese and Western dietetic culture. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006
3.yutang lin, the art of living. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1998

4.wenzhong hu, Introduction to Intercultural Communication. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching

and Research Press, 1999

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