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By Jezryl Lambino, Lia Martin, Raiah Mangangey, Hannah Sullins

The basic building blocks that play the role of words in algebra are: numbers - which are usually written in decimal notation. variables and constants such as x, y, area, height, z1, z2, c, , and so on. special symbols for operations and functions, such as +, *, -, sin, cos, , and so on.

Translating Words into Algebra Language Here are some statements in English. Just below each statement is its translation in algebra. the sum of three times a number and eight 3x + 8 The words "the sum of" tell us we need a plus sign because we're going to add three times a number to eight. The words "three times" tell us the first term is a number multiplied by three. In this expression, we don't need a multiplication sign or parenthesis. Phrases like "a number" or "the number" tell us our expression has an unknown quantity, called a variable. In algebra, we use letters to represent variables.

the product of a number and the same number less 3 x(x 3) The words "the product of" tell us we're going to multiply a number times the number less 3. In this case, we'll use parentheses to represent the multiplication. The words "less 3" tell us to subtract three from the unknown number. a number divided by the same number less five The words "divided by" tell us we're going to divide a number by the difference of the number and 5. In this case, we'll use a fraction to represent the division. The words "less 5" tell us we need a minus sign because we're going to subtract five.

The sum of a number and the same number less 3 x+(x-3) The words the sum of tell us were going to add a number by the difference of the number and 3. In this case, well use a plus sign to represent the addition and a minus sign to represent the subtraction. There is a parentheses because we need to subtract the number(x) from 3 first before we add it to the number(x).

Word expressions

three more than d d+3

four times o 4o

r divided by 4 r4

Algebraic expressions

Write a word expression for the algebraic expression

1) Y + 6 Y more than 6 2) H 7 H less than 7 3) 5 + G G more than 5 4)10 E E less than 10 5) R x 3 R times 3

Write an algebraic expression for the word expression 8 more than G 1) G+8 6 less than S 2) S-6 4 times F 3) 4xF 7 more than R 4) R+7 9 divided by H 5) H/9


The End

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