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The"how to " of forgiving -Not everyone knows the art of forgiving.

All books of Study after study has found that forgiving is good l. It can lower BP & heart rate and reduce levels of r. People who forgive generally have more and better feel happier & more hopeful and score higher on just chological well-being. wisdom want me to forgive. for de body as well as sou depression, anxiety & ange relationships with others, about every measure of psy

The trouble is, most of us dont know how to do it. Theres no guidebook, manual for forgiveness. On internet--- three steps in the process -- grieving, letting go and moving on. No matter watt the offense, the process of forgiveness is the same. Its concept s r simple. But its the EXECUTION thats hard. Forgiveness, I begin to see, is about letting Urself feel the full spectrum of e motions -- grief , anger & hurt, but also kindness & compassion. Even toward so meone whos hurt U deeply, I understand, now, that forgiveness requires a decisio n. U have to invite it. I'm a longway off from that kind of forgiveness, but I'm starting to get a sense of the possibilities. R U?

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