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Abu Towards Lumajang Bromo Permanent Status Watch

Surabaya - Mount Bromo activity continued to show a decline. It was apparent from the observation post to monitor Mount Bromo in Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari Village, District Sukapura, Probolinggo district.

In these observations, for six hours only happened once shallow volcanic earthquake with a maximum amplitude of 22 millimeters. In addition, the earthquake tremors are also still ongoing with amplitude 1.5 to 6 millimeters.

"Results were obtained from observations started at 00.00 until 06.00 am," said Agus Lukman, staff from the Legal PVMBG Bandung on Thursday (12/02/2010).

While the visual condition of Mount Bromo there are still gray-brown smoke as high as 300 meters. And ash from the eruption of Mount Bromo minor is still ongoing. For now, the ash is being blown by the wind to the east southeast or to Lumajang. In the region today is probably raining ash.

Therefore, he appealed to the public to wear masks. Because, Ash from Mount Bromo contain sulfur so it is not good for health.

Although the activity decreased, but the status tereksotik mountain in East Java remains Beware. And its recommendations still remain.

"The status has not changed still remain alert and residents remain prohibited approached with a radius of three kilometers from the crater," he explained. Including tourist sea of sand is also not yet opened to tourists.

Mount Bromo steadily declining activity. New alert status could be lowered to idle if Mount Bromo was no volcanic earthquakes and seismic tremor at most one millimeter. Other conditions that can support the decline in the status of Mount Bromo is a change in color to white smoke issued. The release of white smoke that indicates the pressure from the energy begins to diminish.

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