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Malnutrition can be caused by: A reduced intake of nutrients An inability to used absorbed nutrients The failure to meet required increase innutrient intake Nutrient losses There are three stages to provide energy in cases of malnutrition: The carbohydrate stores in the body are used up The fat reserves are oxidised Proteins are broken down

(a) (b) (c)


(a) (b) (c)

Excess intake of carbohydrate : (OBESITY ) Body weight is more than 20% 0f suitable body weight for a particular height.

Lack of protein : kwashiorkor Stomach bloated, growth of body and brain retarded, no appetite for food, weak body

Lack of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D: Osteoporosis There is low density of the bone mass and the bones become thin and brittle, and are easily broken

Excessive intake of food rich in saturated fats, cholesterol and calcium : Hugh Blood Pressure

Excessive intake in glucose in blood and its subsequent excretion in the urine Diabetes

Severe atherosclerosis of the aorta. Autopsyspecimen.



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