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Mathematics is a very interesting and enjoying field of learning.

. I have met numbers; learned how to count, add, subtract, multiply, divide; solve perimeters, areas, and volumes of polygons and solids; and encountered algebra, geometry, and trigonometry through the field of Mathematics. I have been doing all those things since kinder, elementary, high school and even today but I never have the ideas of when and where those things have started; until one guy, Marcus Du Sautoy, introduced it to me and told me that theres more to math than numbers in his journey of uncovering the untold stories of math through his film The Story of Maths The Language of the Universe. Through his journey and exploration in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece; I have known the origin, wonders and the importance of mathematics in our lives. The beauty of Egyptians using of decimal system based on ten fingers of the hand; their unusual method of multiplication and division; and their understanding of binary numbers, fractions, and solids such as the pyramid are simply amazing. The way we tell the time today has something to do with the Babylonians. Because of the Babylonian Base 60 number system, we have 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute. And the reason why an idea of using quadratic equations to measure lands exists is because of the Babylonians. Knowing some of the very important persons as whom they called The Giants of mathematics like Plato, Archimedes, Pythagoras and Euclid and their contributions which led to the beginning of the transformation of mathematics from a simple device for counting into the analytical subject we know today; is also one of the very important things I had learned through the journey with Marcus Du Sautoy. With that journey through time and space; I have known the origin of math and its importance to our lives; have been amazed by its wonders; and have seen that theres really more to math than simply just numbers. Mathematics is indeed lovely, wonderful and amazing. Excellent film! ^^

Sean Chamber B. Tomarong

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