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LESSON 5 (Fifth Lesson} TEACHER: I am the teacher. I am Mr. (Miss, Mrs.) — What are you? Crass: We are students. Teracuer: Are you a student, Mr. A.? Mr. A.: Yes, I am a student. "TEACHER: Are you a student, Miss B.? Miss B.: Yes, I am. Tracer: Are you in the classroom, Mr. C.? Mr. C.: Yes, I am in the classroom. TEACHER: Are you a man, a woman, a boy, or a girl? SrupenT: I am a —. TEACHER: What are you, a man, a woman, a boy, or a girl? Srupent: I am a —. TeacuER: Who are you? Srupent: lam Mr. D. TracuErR: How are you, Mr. D.? Mr. D.: I am very well; thank you. _ TEacHER: Who are you? StupenT: I am Miss E.- TrACHER: How are you, ‘Miss E.? Miss E.: I am very well,:thank you. TEACHER: What are you.g? Crass: We are all stud Teacuer: Are you all Srupents: Yes, we aré, }- No, we are not.* Some of the students are men, some are women Some of the studénts are men, others are women. 38 ESSENTIAL ENGLISH TEACHER: I count the students: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. There are fifteen students in the class. Mr. F., count the students, please. Mr. F.: I count the students: one, two, three, etc. how many, right, wrong TEACHER: How many students are there in the class, Mr. F.? Mk. F.: There are fifteen. ‘TeacHeR: That is right; thank you, Mr. F. Tracuer: What are two and two? OrubENT: Four, sir. Teacuer: That is right. What are seven and three? Stupent: Ten, sir. ‘TEACHER: That’s right. What is four from nine? STUDENT: Five, sir. Tracuer: That is right, too. What is five from twelve? STUDENT: Six, sir. TEACHER: No, that is wrong; that is not right. The answer is seven, not six. here there TEACHER Mr. K., come here, please, and bring the oot here. Uhank you, bee Ja You are here and thie bovk is here. Now take the book there, to the door, please. You are there and the book is there. Where are you, Mr K? LESSON FIVE 39 Mr. K.: I am here, near the door. Teacuer: That is right; and where am I? Mr. K.: You are there, near the window. TeracuHER: That is right. et €¢ COME HERE GO THERE another, others ‘Tgacuer: Mr. F. is one student, Mr. G. is another, Miss H. is another, Mr. K. is another, and there are eleven others; fifteen students altogether. Here is one shilling; here is another, number two; here is another, number three; and here are two others; five shillings altogether. There are a lot of books in this @ picture. Ps There are not many in this picture; there are only two. “WE There are a great many people i in 1. London There are not many in this room. re only n. There are fifteen students ia the classrcom; there is only one teacher.

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