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Theme: Las murallas del Palacio Nacional por Diego Rivera Communication Context of Lesson: Aztecs painting NCSCOS

Standards Addressed: Social Studies: Utilization of land, Technology used to create paint Fine Arts: Elements of the mural, Mural vs. Canvas Science: Plant uses in daily life Language Arts: What do you see in this picture? Verbally describing the scene. 21st Century Skills Addressed: Globally competitive students- Appreciation of the arts 21st Century systems- Smartboard and projection Student Objective: Students should be able to produce the phrase Qu ves? And the answer Yo veo Students should be able to describe elements of the mural scene. Focus and Review: Students will review who the Aztecs were by answering the question Quin fueron las Aztecas? And by answering Las Aztecas fueron unos indios Vivan en Tenchtitlan. Teacher input: Teacher will facilitate students identification of elements of the mural. Teacher will explain how the Aztecs produced paint and dye. Guided practice: Students will identify dyeing practices, Aztec artistry, and literacy of the Indians. Independent practice: Students will write three sentences using the form Yo veoen la muralla and illustrate them. Closure:

Colorn, colorado, esta leccin est acabado. Materials: Mural image of the Aztecs painting.

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