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SAMBONG 1. Name - Sambong Common Names Ilokano - Subsob Bisaya - Lalakdan English - Elumea , Ngaicamphor 2.

Scientific Name - Blumea balsafamira

3. 4. Nature Uses : Hyper tension : Sambong is a plant used as an alternative medicine to help alleviate hypertension and in dissolving kidney stones. 5. Procedure -Sambong works as a diuretic, which means that it removes excess fluid and sodium from the body through urine. Because excess sodium in the system is known to contribute to high blood pressure, diuretics are used alleviate the condition. 6. Preparation -You can boil Sambong leaves and drink it as tea. To use as a diuretic, boil 2 Tbsp. of chopped leaves and steep in 2 cups of boiled water for 15 minutes. Half this amount as you take it with meals through the day (use 3 1/2 Tbsp. per day).

SAGING 1. Name- Saging Common Names Ilokano - Saba English - Banana 2. Scientific Name - Musa Paradisiaca

3. 4. Nature Uses Warts - Loads of potassium in the banana peel. 5. Procedure -Loads of potassium in the banana peel. 6.Preparation- Rub the inside of a little piece of a banana peel on a wart every night. You should see results within one to two weeks.

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