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ANSWER KEY UNITED STATES HISTORY Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination (Revised Edition) AMSCO SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS, INC. Ss 315 Hudson Street/New York, N.Y. 10013 785 PK 'No part of this book may be reproduced in any form ‘without written permission from the publisher. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 345678910 0908 07 06 1/ EXPLORATION, DISCOVERY, AND SETTLEMENT, 1492-1700 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS, pages 14-15 -LC 2A 3B 4D SE 6C 2C &E %C 108 ESSAY QUESTIONS, page 18 1. The unique combi to spread Christ routes to Asia by ‘ments of the René tion of factors should be examined, including: (a) the desire ty; (b) competition for foreign trade and the closing of land Ottoman Turks; (c) specifies on the technological develop- sance (printing press, compass, gunpowder, ete.) 2. The English colonies were allowed greater self-ule, ignored the native culture, and were often populated by persecuted religious groups and families seeking to establish permanent communities. Both the Spanish and French colonies were ruled closely by their kings, had varied relationships with the native peoples, and primarily sought wealth, not settlements. 3. Democratic characteristics are evident in the Mayflower Compact in Plymouth, the free men voting in Massachusetts, and the House of Burgesses in Virgina, At the same time, restrictions were placed on women, those without property, and indentured servants, while slavery grew and Native Americans were badly treated. 4, After a limited period of coexistence, the economic, political, an cultural mis- ‘treatment of Native Americans became the norm. The only notable exceptions to a legacy of subjugation can be found in the actions of some religious groups (Quakers) and the French, ‘The English had little or no respect for Native Americans and litle desire to ‘make religious converts. The French had a small colonial population and a strong desire to make religious converts. They became allied with many tribes and ex- panded the trade in furs. 5, ANALYZING THE DOCUMENTS, page 22 1. ‘Stannard is contradicted by the words of Columbus, who speaks of showing love to the natives and ordering his men “to take nothing from the people.” 2. The words of Spanish missionary Bartolomé de Las Casas clearly show the ‘consistent mistreatment of Native Americans by both Spanish landowners and officals. 3. Like Columbus’ diary, the passage from Coronado contradicts Stannard’s the: Coronado states that he treated the natives fairly even when they tried to deceive ‘him and harm his men,

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