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Job description Astronomy is the study of objects outside of the earths atmosphere.

Astronomy is also concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology and the motion of celestial objects. (Celestial objects being stars, planets, comets, nebulae, star clusters and galaxies).


Requirements to become an astronomer: To become an astronomer you usually have to study science at university with a major in astronomy, astrophysics or physics, preferably at honours level, followed by a masters and/or doctorate in astronomy or astrophysics. To get these degrees you usually need to graduate from year 12 and have knowledge in English, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Length of study A list of the University of Sydney showing the degree and how long they take is shown below: University of Sydney - Camperdown/Darlington Campus: Bachelor of Science, majoring in physics, 3 years full time or equivalent Bachelor of Science (Advanced), majoring in physics, 3 years full time or equivalent How is astronomy related to science? Astronomy is one of the most ancient branches of science. It links to other branches of science such as physics. Knowledge gained from astronomy has helped in the study of things like gravity and relativity. Employment prospects Most astronomy jobs are at universities teaching however getting a job in this field is difficult because there are only 10 permanent positions. Most people also tend to stay in this spot for a long time. So vacancies are rare. Famous Australian astronomer John Tebbutt (1834-1916) John Tebbutt was born in Windsor NSW and was introduced to astronomy by his father. He began recording the stars positions when he was 19. Because he passed down his knowledge he helped build up astronomy. Tebbutt discovered 2 comets and wrote over 350 articles about astronomy in science magazines. His face is on the $100 bill and an observatory near Sydney is named after him. Bibliography

By Nathan More

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