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In English Language, grammaticality of a sentence is not only focus on the structure of the sentences, but it is also determine by the meaning of the sentences. This is because, there are 3 types of grammaticality in English languages, which are meaningful but ungrammatical, meaningless but grammatical and also meaningless and ungrammatical. For example, in the context of a sentence that is meaningful but ungrammatical, we can see the differences in the sentence: Sisters siblings of their brothers they are This is comprehensible or meaningful as a sort of "Yoda English", but, among other problems with the sentence, there is no way that the grammar would allow two NP's to come next to each other, such as sisters and siblings of their brothers. Besides that, the second type of the sentence grammaticality is meaningless but grammatical, where we can see it in the sentence: Sisters are brothers of their siblings This sentence switches places of the nouns "siblings" and "brothers" from the original sentence, but otherwise it has the same structure as the original. Since the original is grammatical by our definition, this sentence must also be grammatical. However, it is meaningless since "sisters" are female siblings and "brothers" are male siblings, making it impossible that "sisters" could also be "brothers". The third type is meaningless and grammatical in the sentence: Sisters brothers of their siblings they are. This is the "Yoda English" version of the sentence in meaningless but grammatical. As pointed about for meaningful but ungrammatical, "Yoda English" is ungrammatical by the rules of the grammar that we are referring to, and as pointed out for meaningless but grammatical

sentence, it is meaningless to say that "a sister is a brother". Hence, the sentence is both meaningless and ungrammatical. Besides that, grammaticality also is determined by the existence of subject and direct object. In other words, these two components provide the information that permits the hearer to know who is doing what to whom. This information is crucial in order for us to understand the meaning of every sentence. For example, let us compare these three sentences and we can find which one is grammatical and ungrammatical. i. ii. iii. The boy found quickly The boy found in the house The boy found the ball

As being stated above, grammatical sentence consists of subject and direct object. Therefore, we can say that the third sentence is grammatical because it has the subject (the boy) and the direct object (the ball) where as the first and second sentences are ungrammatical as they do not have the two components to complete the sentences. Besides that, the syntax rules specify that a verb like found must be followed by something, and that something cannot be an expression like quickly or in the house but must be like the ball. The differences between grammatical and ungrammatical structure of English language also can be seen in poetic sentences, such as: Colorless green ideas sleep furiously A verb crumpled the milk Actually, this sentence is grammatical where people are able to understand, produce and make judgments about an infinite range of sentence that we have never heard before and rarely being pronounced as people can understand these sentences compare to the sentence: Furiously sleep ideas green colorless Milk the crumpled verb a

This is because, these two sentences do not convey any meaning and people could not understand it. Besides the sentences above, the other examples of the sentences that are grammatical are the lines taken from the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll: Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; Even though these sentences are difficult to interpret because of the usage of nonsense words or known as words with no agreed-on meaning, but, it is still considered as grammatical as they obey the word order and other constraints of English. Last but not least, ungrammatical can be seen in the sentence: Boy the motorcycle a driveway the into drove. It is ungrammatical because this sentence has the verb at its end, but verbs in English follow the subject noun phrase and the articles the and a follow the nouns they modify, but in English articles precede nouns (the boy, the driveway, and a motorcycle). Other than that, the preposition into follows the noun phrase it governs, but in English, prepositions precede noun phrases (into the driveway).

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