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Internship Proposal Template Internship Proposal Template

Sabrina Salmon This proposal is designed to help you maximize what you learn from your internship. Your first step is to review Section 1. Once you have reviewed this section, communicate with your site supervisor about what type of tasks will be completed to address the specialization outcomes and sub-competencies. Then, complete Sections 2 and 3 of the proposal. You will submit a draft of your proposal in Unit 2 and receive feedback from the internship instructor. You will submit your final proposal in Unit 3.

Complete Section 4 when you have completed your 320 hours of administrative experience. In this section, you will assess the degree of proficiency you have attained for each competency.

Section 1 Specialization Outcomes and Sub-Competencies This section contains the specialization outcomes and sub-competencies for this course. The specialization outcomes are indicated with numbers and bold type. The corresponding subcompetencies are listed under each specialization outcome. You are expected to demonstrate competency of all specialization outcomes, as well as all sub-competencies by the conclusion of this internship experience. To successfully complete this course, you will be expected to: 1. Facilitate the development of a shared vision of learning.

1.1 Analyze current theories, models, and principles of leadership, organizational development and management, in educational settings. Activities: 1) Meet with administrators, lead teachers, and Marzano to discuss school transformation plans. 2) Review research on school improvement strategies and leadership styles. Artifacts: Meeting agendas, research references, and school improvement activity descriptions Approximate Time: 15 hours 1.2 Evaluate the role of the educational leader.

Activities: 1) Monitor and shadow daily roles and responsibilities of the principal and assistant principals. 2) Conduct interviews to discuss administrators experiences and concerns. Artifacts: Daily log and interview notes

Internship Proposal Template

Approximate Time: 10 hours 1.3 Lead as P-12 principal.

Activities: 1) Meet with students and/or parents to discuss behavior or academic strengths and weaknesses. 2) Collaborate with teachers to determine strategies that improve teaching and learning. Artifacts: Student/parent contact log, list of learning activities, summary of learning outcomes Approximate Time: 10 hours 2. Promote the success of all persons.

2.1 Identify children with potential disabilities and illustrate how to create individualized education programs to meet disability law requirements. Activities: 1) Meet with the special education department chair. 2) Attend special education department and IEP meetings. Artifacts: Meeting agendas and journal summaries Approximate Time: 10 hours 2.2 Assess the administrator's role in ensuring that special education, related services, and early intervention are integrated and operationalized throughout the general education school program. Activities: 1) Attend staff meetings and conduct an informal interview to determine staff needs regarding students with disabilities. 2) Interview special education staff members and related service providers. Artifacts: Meeting agendas and notes Approximate Time: 10 hours 2.3 Appraise the quality of a special education program and formulate recommendations for program improvement. Activities: 1) Research the policies and procedures of the districts special education program. 2) Indicate strengths and recommend program improvements. Artifacts: Research references and written recommendations Approximate Time: 10 hours 2.4 Lead as P-12 principal.

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Activities: 1) Discuss differences and similarities in the decision making progress for students who have disabilities. 2) Attend IEP meetings and consider issues from the position of an administrative representative. Artifacts: Journal notes and meeting summaries Approximate Time: 10 hours 2.5 Plan and assess curriculum and instruction for the success of all learners.

Activities: 1) Consult with teachers to personalize instruction for learners with exceptionalities. 2) Track and monitor student progress. Artifacts: Lesson plans, assessments, and grades Approximate Time: 10 hours 3. 3.1 Lead the development of a culture of learning. Use best practices when supervising instruction.

Activities: 1) Conduct research on teacher evaluation theories, models, and procedures. 2) Observe, evaluate, and provide recommendations for improving teaching and learning. Artifacts: Research materials and evaluation logs Approximate Time: 10 hours 3.2 Promote and support best practices in professional development.

Activities: 1) Provide references and resource materials to school staff. 2) Read and apply best practice practices in staff development meetings and during interactions with teachers and support staff. Artifacts: References and meeting agendas Approximate Time: 10 hours 3.3 Evaluate teacher performance.

Activities: 1) Schedule a pre-conference, observation, and post-conference to conduct teacher evaluations. 2) Reflect on techniques to improve the evaluation process. Artifacts: Evaluation notes and recommendations for improvement Approximate Time: 10 hours 3.4 Lead as P-12 principal.

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Activities: 1) Meet with teachers to discuss areas in which they would like additional assistance. 2) Listen to concerns and collaborate to determine possible solutions. Apply solutions and document results. Artifacts: Dialogue journal, suggestions, and results Approximate Time: 20 hours 3.5 Plan and assess curriculum and instruction for the success of all learners.

Activities: 1) Consult with teachers to design instruction that meets the needs of all learners. Consider a variety of learning modalities. 2) Track and monitor student progress. Artifacts: Lesson plans, assessments, and grades Approximate Time: 10 hours 4. 4.1 Manage effective learning environments. Manage educational organizations for the 21st century.

Activities: 1) Conduct research on best practices for creating and maintaining effective learning environments. 2) Collaborate with administrators to determine any gaps in research and the field. 3) Apply appropriate best practice strategies. Artifacts: Research references, collaborative journal notes, and notes on application results Approximate Time: 10 hours 4.2 Identify and evaluate best practices in obtaining education funding resources and apply them to a school or school district's vision, mission, and goals. Activities: 1) Review state and district funding practices. 2) Determine nontraditional funding resources. 3) Evaluate the connection between funding sources and the schools vision, mission, and goals. Artifacts: Funding charts, vision and mission statements, and evaluation notes Approximate Time: 10 hours 4.3 Assess how state legislation and the role of the courts affect education funding.

Activities: 1) Research how Congress adopts educational policies. 2) Determine the influence that courts have on school funding practices in the state. 3) Evaluate funding policies and procedures. Artifacts: Legislature procedures, state funding guidelines, and evaluation report

Internship Proposal Template

Approximate Time: 10 hours 4.4 Evaluate a school or district's plan for assuring that public resources and funds are used appropriately and wisely. Activity: 1) Research the districts budgeting process. 2) Compare the districts process to best practices research. 3) Determine if the districts process provides a means of checks and balances for spending revenue. Artifacts: Interview on the budget process, audit procedures, evaluation report Approximate time: 5 hours 4.5 Compare current best practices in securing and allocating resources for the development and management of school district budgets. Activities: 1) Conduct research on school budgeting best practices. 2) Interview an administrator to discuss developing and managing the districts budget. Artifacts: Research data and interview summary Approximate Time: 5 hours 4.6 Evaluate how innovative partnerships with area businesses, institutions of higher education, or community groups might enhance a district's financial stability and improve the quality of education. Activities: 1) Determine the community and business partnerships that the district has. 2) Evaluate the programs and resources that come from partnerships. 3) Assess how the programs and resources influence the quality of education. Artifacts: Summary of partners and contributions and summary of the impact on education Approximate time: 5 hours 4.7 Examine the per-pupil expenditures, state of facilities, and financial health of a local district. Activities: 1) Conduct research on school funding practices at the state and district levels. 2) Compare funding practices to other districts and states. Artifacts: Funding charts and comparison summary Approximate time: 5 hours 4.8 Interpret how the law affects P-12 operations.

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Activities: 1) Conduct research on P-12 educational law practices and court decisions. 2) Review school board policies and procedures. 3) Evaluate the influence on school laws and school level policy and procedures. Artifacts: Legislative practices, court decisions, school board manual, school handbook Approximate time: 5 hours 4.9 Identify legal issues in P-12 education and resolve potential or actual disputes.

Activities: 1) Review court cases on legal issues in P-12 educational institutions. 2) Determine how the legislation relates to school issues. 3) Determine a resolution to a dispute. Artifacts: Court cases and legal decisions, discipline log, summary of resolution Approximate time: 5 hours 4.10 Use supervisory, evaluation and discipline techniques appropriate to a P-12 education setting. Activities: 1) Assist an assistant principal with a discipline referral. 2) Collaborate to determine appropriate consequences for the actions. 3) Communicate with students and/or parents to implement the consequences. Artifacts: Discipline log, collaboration notes, discipline decisions. Approximate time: 10 hours 4.11 Interpret and reconcile the differences among the historic, legal, and social factors that influence and regulate P-12 education. Activities: 1) Conduct research on historic, legal, and social factors that influence P-12 education. 2) Collaborate with administrators to determine the conflict of outside influences on school regulations. Artifacts: Research references and collaboration notes Approximate time: 4.12 Manage a P-12 school effectively for the 21st century.

Approximate time: 5 hours Activities: 1) Complete the duties that the site supervisor assigns. 2) Collaborate with administrators to determine any gaps in research and the field. 3) Apply appropriate best practice strategies.

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Artifacts: Research references, collaborative journal notes, and notes on application results Approximate Time: 10 hours 5. 5.1 Effectively collaborate with multiple stakeholders. Facilitate group processes.

Activities: 1) Plan and organize team build exercises. 2) Attend and participate in subject area meetings. Artifacts: Team building activities and meeting summaries Approximate Time: 5 hours 5.2 Utilize communication skills effectively in appropriate settings for specific purposes.

Activities: 1) Communicate with administrators, staff members, students, and parents. 2) Adjust vocabulary to meet the needs of the audience. Artifacts: Communication notes and written correspondence Approximate Time: 5 hours 5.3 Collaborate with the greater community for the benefit of P-12 students.

Activities: 1) Attend community events to discuss the needs of students in P-12 settings. 2) Develop relationships with community resources and provide referrals to students and their families. Artifacts: Meeting agendas, certificates, and activity log Approximate Time: 10 hours 6. 6.1 Lead the field of education in an ethical manner. Reflect on values and improve personal practices.

Activities: 1) Reflect on daily activities and interactions. 2) Adjust schedule and time management strategies as needed. Artifacts: Activity log and journal summaries Approximate time: 10 hours 6.2 Act ethically and legally.

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Activities: 1) Research and review the ethical practices in education. 2) Perform duties based on ethical guidelines and principles. Artifacts: Research references and evaluation from site supervisor Approximate time: 10 hours


Lead as P-12 principal.

Activities: 1) Follow ethical guidelines when meeting with staff, parents, and students. 2) Listen to concerns and collaborate to determine possible solutions. Apply solutions and document results. Artifacts: Dialogue journal, suggestions, and results Approximate Time: 20 hours 7. 7.1 Advance the field of education through influence. Review educational policies from the federal, state, and local levels.

Activities: 1) Locate federal, state, and local educational policies. 2) Compare the influence of funding sources on educational policies and procedures. Artifacts: Report on educational policies and summary of findings Approximate time: 5 hours 7.2 Compare how various educational policies influence educational leaders.

Activities: 1) Conduct research on leadership skills, review educational policies, and leadership styles and decisions. 2) Analyze and evaluate policies, procedures, and the influence on the decision-making process of school leaders. Artifacts: Research resources and research papers Approximate time: 2 hours 7.3 Examine how all educational policies are value-laden.

Activities: 1) Review the policies and procedures for staff and students. 2) Analyze the values that educational policies imply. Artifacts: School handbook, school board policy manual, and summary report Approximate time: 5 hours

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7.4 Discuss the educational-policy process.

Activities: 1) Determine how legislators and school boards make educational policies. 2) Discuss with administrators to determine how school leaders enforce policies. Artifacts: School handbook, school board policy manual, and discuss longs Approximate time: 5 hours 7.5 Examine the historical context of school reform and policy making.

Activities: 1) Review education timelines. 2) Read and determine the influence on historical school reform and policy-making processes. Artifacts: Timelines and policy-making assignment Approximate time: 5 hours 7.6 Collaborate with the greater community for the benefit of P-12 students.

Activities: 1) Visit local businesses and meet with members of community organizations. 2) Invite community members to school related events. Artifacts: Summary of meetings and event programs Approximate time: 8 hours 7.7 Lead as P-12 principal.

Activities: 1) Meet with community members and local business to build and maintain partnerships. 2) Listen to various stakeholders and determine common interests. Apply solutions and document results. Artifacts: Dialogue journal, suggestions, and results Approximate time: 10 hours Section 4 Evaluation of Fieldwork Tasks Fieldwork tasks provided an opportunity to apply theory and knowledge from course room activities. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) established a process to distribute funds from the federal government to states and districts. Schools are accountable for ensuring that all students receive an appropriate education. This law expects all students to perform at or above grade level. If a school does not make adequate yearly progress (AYP), the institution could lose some funding (Brimley & Garfield, 2008). If a school does not make AYP for two consecutive years,

Internship Proposal Template

parents have the option to transfer their children to another school. The district will receive less revenue when the student population decreases. After three years of not making AYP, the district must hire outside tutors and provide supplementary services. Tutors and additional services will cost the district more money. Some administrators might stress teaching to the test instead of expressing the goal of providing all students with an appropriate education to prepare them to be productive citizens. Most of the fieldwork activities focused on learning and applying strategies that will assist with improving student achievement. During the internship experience, there were several opportunities to assist with facilitating the development of a shared vision of learning and to help with promoting a positive school culture. Students, parents, and other stakeholders appreciate seeing school leaders involved in community activities. Collaboration with various groups on improvement strategies promoted the success of all learners. Most activities provided a chance to develop and improve skills that school leaders need to manage a learning community in an ethical manner. Each decision that an administrator makes provides an opportunity to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and genuine concern for improving teaching and learning. Collaborating with other stakeholders established an appreciation for the influence that education has on the larger context. Relationship to Improvement in Student Achievement Oklahoma requires all students to pass four out of seven End-of-Instruction (EOI) exams to graduate from high school. Institutions are developing strategies to improve student performance. A Marzano school reform practice is one strategy that districts are implementing to enhance academic skills (Byrnes, 2009). This technique provides teacher training on best practice strategies to improve student achievement. School leaders in Oklahoma must develop a strategy to prepare students to meet graduation requirements. Research on school improvement strategies indicates that school leaders should use research-based techniques that align with their school vision and student needs. Dissertation research will continue to examine the effectiveness of the school improvement program that the internship site is using. Researchers need more information to determine the effectiveness of a school reform program as indicated by student achievement. School leaders want to know what he or she must do to meet or exceed national, state, and local expectations. Districts have time restraints to meet accountability standards. Administrators are responsible for being a steward of the vision and advancing toward the mission. A proposed causal-comparative quantitative study will include data collection from two schools with similar demographics. Participation in the school improvement program is the independent variable. First, the researcher will obtain permission to analyze the data for research purposes. The principal indicated that a Marzano representative will be available in a few weeks and would have more information on the procedure to use the data for conducting research. The researcher does not need consent forms to proceed with the proposed study. Then, students will be in one of the two categories. The groups have participated in a school reform program or standards based instruction. One group will have participated in a specialized program and the other group will have had traditional instruction

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based on state standards. Data analysis begin to provide empirical data on the effectiveness of Marzano school reform. References Brimley, V. & Garfield, R. (2008). Financing education: In a climate of change. Boston, MA: Pearson. Byrnes, M.(2009). Taking sides: Clashing views in special education (4th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

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